Comments for “Mesa Transportation Master Plan”

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  1. September 13 2024

    NEED a pedestrian crosswalk

  2. June 05 2024

    Dobson through Dobson Ranch has huge boulevards. A protected bike lane would be a nice addition to Dobson since the space is there.

  3. June 05 2024

    I've been rear-ended twice at the right hand turn lane from Baseline to Price north. The traffic light in the island makes it difficult to see on-coming northbound traffic from Price. People also assume the right hand turn lane is added to Price Rd north when it's actually a merge and I think that false assumption is why rear-end collisions occur because people are not expecting to possibly stop.

  4. April 07 2024

    Add speed humps to reduce speeding. PLEASE LOWER RESIDENTIAL speed limits to 15 mph. 25 mph is too fast for children at play

  5. February 01 2024

    Urban camping or trash and debris under bridge

  6. February 01 2024

    Broadway East of elsworth NB and SB & Broadway west of Signal Butte Needs sidewalks and/or bike lanes, it's a very dangerous stretch of roadway

  7. February 01 2024

    Need sidewalks and bike lanes, very dangerous

  8. February 01 2024

    Please add an arrow at this light

  9. February 01 2024

    Would be nice to have a traffic light installed

  10. February 01 2024


  11. February 01 2024

    Lower the speed limit or provide traffic control and a bike lane

  12. February 01 2024

    Speed Control. Please consider Speed bumps and lower the speed limit within residential communities. 25 mph is too fast

  13. February 01 2024

    Please lower the speed limit or provide traffic control. 25 MPH is too fast for neighborhoods

  14. February 01 2024

    Speed Control. Please consider Speed bumps and lower the speed limit withing residential comminuties. 25 mph is too fast

  15. January 15 2024

    Main St., the 3 lane roads East and West conditions from Power Rd to Apache Junction are horrible! Been here 20 years and the roads have gotten worse. The lanes are so bumpy and ruin your alignment on your vehicle.

  16. January 09 2024

    School zone speed limit notification lights (Blinking signal light informing drivers of school zone) There needs to be additional blinking notice lights added both NB and SB as too many people speed through the school zone.

  17. January 09 2024

    Speeding is commonplace for this stretch of road.

  18. January 09 2024

    Speeding is commonplace for this area.

  19. January 09 2024

    Speed humps through here, as families cut through here to get back onto Guadalupe after pulling out of Legacy school. Families are not able to turn left onto Signal Butte.

  20. January 09 2024

    Speed humps through here, as families cut through here to get back onto Guadalupe after pulling out of Legacy school. Families are not able to turn left onto Signal Butte.

  21. January 09 2024

    Speed bumps through here. Not sure if this is a City of Mesa thing, but with the building of the apartments, hotels, restaurant, people already drive through here too fast, and the addition of the aforementioned buildings will cause an even bigger issue with speed. This building is full of Infants-13year old's and speeding through here is too dangerous.

  22. January 09 2024

    The layout of this parking lot entrance is wonky. If there are 2-3 cars attempting to leave this parking lot and waiting at the light to turn left, no vehicles are able to pull up to the right side and pull out heading North on Crismon as those in the left turn lane are blocking those trying to turn right. Then if 3-4 people are waiting to pull out at this light, no one can pull into the lot due to those cars sitting and waiting to leave. The wonky angle at which this parking lot entrance was designed causes these issues.

  23. January 09 2024

    Very difficult to view on coming traffic with the way the entrance is set up coming into Legacy. When cars line up to pull into the parking lot, those vehicles trying to leave after having picked up their students have a very limited view due to the line of cars trying to get in. Makes it very hard to see around the vehicles and pull out safely.

  24. January 09 2024

    Place two turn lanes on East Guadalupe to North Signal Butte and place a turn arrow for this.

  25. January 09 2024

    Stop light here.