Comments for “Mesa Transportation Master Plan”

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  1. January 09 2024

    Do not connect Crismon. The traffic corridor is Elliot and this is where semi traffic is suppose to route through. There are too many schools in this location to have to deal with that.

  2. January 05 2024

    More police patrolling this area- people use Mesa dr as a race track day and night

  3. January 05 2024

    Canal should be lit up like downtown Scottsdale

  4. January 03 2024

    This intersection needs leveling due to re-paving because the rain gutters crossing the street are so much lower. There are already speed-bumps on this road, so this cannot be a speed issue. Can grates be installed over these divots? They would still allow rain water to flow, while leveling the road for a car / bike / scooter.

  5. January 03 2024

    This span of Longmore -- from University to Main -- has a number of "rain gutters" which cross intersections. These have not been raised as the road has been re-paved and the difference in road height has people traveling <5mph down a road with speed bumps advising 20mph as a top limit. People have started swinging their car to the parking edge to avoid the big divots, creating some confusion as to what the driver is doing. (Obviously this behavior is not correct, but the problem causing it needs addressing.)

  6. January 03 2024

    There is a school light just after Alma School (going east) on University which is being hidden by tree growth. This is just one of many signs in Mesa I've seen that could cause accidents because signs have become obscured by tree/plant growth.

  7. January 02 2024

    Please connect Crismon to provide easier access from the South to the North

  8. November 19 2023

    Please consider working with ADOT to bring back transit signal priority along the Country Club Bus Route (112). I know this used to be a LINK BRT-esque line that had it.

  9. November 19 2023

    I agree with the other two commentary observing the large, dangerous bumps on these flyover ramps. Please consider smoothing them out.

  10. November 17 2023

    Needs a sign indicating horse trailer entry and parking.

  11. November 17 2023

    reduce asphalt shoulder

  12. November 17 2023

    Narrowing of asphalt should is needed as it is more conducive to horse transit with quarter minus DG. Narrower shoulders assist with speed reduction.

  13. November 17 2023

    Chestnut Circle ends at this cul-de-sac beyond it is a private drive.

  14. November 17 2023

    Acacia circle should end here, there are no more public streets beyond this point to the south.

  15. November 17 2023

    Acacia is not a road in this area it ends at the cul-de-sac north of here

  16. November 17 2023

    Light needed for pedestrian, Bike and Horse crossing.

  17. November 17 2023

    Access for horses is currently limited.

  18. November 17 2023

    Access needs to be wider for horses to transit (ie livestock gate)

  19. November 17 2023

    Make street light timing in downtown mesa pedestrian friendly. The wait is too long in the summer for the lights to turn.

  20. November 17 2023

    Would like to see bus service on Val Vista so I can go shopping at Dana Park.

  21. November 17 2023

    Please make this sidewalk/intersection ADA compliant and add bike push buttons on the legs of Horne (so you don't have to get off your bike to push the crosswalk button).

  22. November 17 2023

    Let's plan for light rail to connect to the future Gateway terminal on the east side of the freeway

  23. October 26 2023

    Eastbound lane at 80th street needs to be marked as right turn only.

  24. October 16 2023

    For over a mile, the manhole covers in the Westbound middle lane of E McKellips Rd are as deep as potholes, only more regular. These need to be brought level with the asphalt.

  25. October 16 2023

    A shaded seating area for the Northbound bus would be appreciated.