Comments for “Mesa Transportation Master Plan”

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  1. April 14 2023

    There is no public transportation over here but we need it. So many car trips could be stopped if we were not forced to use a car just to get somewhere to eat or to get to the superstition springs mall.

  2. April 14 2023

    Transit-oriented development on all of the parking lots.

  3. April 13 2023

    No sidewalk and no lights

  4. April 13 2023

    Turn more of the canals into biking super highways like they have in London.

    All of the North-South Canal bike lanes will connect with the protected bike lanes down the main street.

  5. April 13 2023

    Eliminate parking requirements for new housing in Mesa and especially along the light rail.

    When the city of Buffalo eliminated parling requirements 80% of the new developments had parking and 50% of the developments used less than what, was previously required. Less asphalt more housing

    i would love to have a Cul de Sac development in Mesa.

  6. April 13 2023

    A Bus Rapid Transit line to Downtown Gilbert and ASU Poly and the Airport. From the end of the light rail

  7. April 13 2023

    Enclosed bike lockers at all light rail stops.

    if people know that their bikes will not be stolen or damaged then they are more likely to use their bikes when they commute to work or leave their bikes their long periods of time. Its too easy to puncture a bike tire and bike locks can be picked too easily.

  8. April 13 2023

    Build protected bike lanes down main street.

    There are a lot of people that already ride bikes down main and a lot of elderly that use their mobility scooters.

  9. April 13 2023

    WB on NE corner. Bike lane suddenly just disappears where the sidewalk curves causing the need to merge suddenly with traffic that is changing lanes and very close to the intersection

  10. April 13 2023

    Deep ruts through out the bike lane from where previous stripes were removed…in 2001 and never fixed

  11. April 13 2023

    Wide cracks throughout the intersection. They are wide enough to grab a bike tire and throw the rider.

  12. April 12 2023

    Bike lane is in bad shape and often has pot holes, debris and gravel

  13. April 11 2023

    It would be nice to access this rapidly developing location via Bus. Either extending the existing Baseline route or adding additional North/South routes would suffice.

  14. April 10 2023

    No shoulder or bike lane. Cyclist forced to ride in lane.

  15. April 10 2023

    Please include bike land when finishing this road. No shoulder and cyclist forced to ride in lane.

  16. April 10 2023

    Very dangerous intersection for cyclists, pedestrians to go from the multi use path at Elliott and the 202. You have to go from the North East side of the intersection to the South West side with no way to safely connect the path. No clear path, markings or signs. Very dangerous.

  17. April 10 2023

    No bike lane, no sholder for cyclists along Crismon (both north and south for 1/2 mile) from Main St. going both directions. Choke point for cyclists and no room for cars.

  18. April 07 2023

    Green light to cross Brown Road at Sterling entrance to Red Mountain Park does not stay green long enough for older pedestrian to cross without attempting to run.

  19. April 07 2023

    Sidewalks needed

  20. April 07 2023

    No lights on north side of University! Also very narrow bike lane makes for a dangerous bicycle commute

  21. April 07 2023

    This is unusable to commute west by bicycle, there are no lights on the north side of baseline!

  22. April 07 2023

    Is this multi use paths EVER going to safely connect to anything?

  23. April 07 2023

    The bike lane here is ignored by drivers since the connection to the 24 opened

  24. April 07 2023

    The bike lane here is narrow and dangerous

  25. April 07 2023

    How am I supposed get here safely by bicycle from East Mark?