Comments for “Mesa Transportation Master Plan”
Not comfortable crossing the street as a pedestrian.
Need a signal for pedestrian crossing at minimum. Very difficult to cross here.
Need separated / dedicated bike lanes safe from speeding traffic
Need bike lanes
Need bike lanes
Need bike lanes
Need bike lanes
Consider a traffic light here for the residents and users of McLellan to safely enter the flow of traffic onto Ellsworth in both directions and to reduce the speed on this road.
Consider a traffic light here for the residents of Canyon Preserve to safely enter Ellsworth.
light rail expansion would be good to power
Please consider reducing the speed limit on Ellsworth and McKellips from 45 to 35 mph.
This has become a mainly residential area over the last 10 years.
If your home happens to be adjacent to either road, the road noise, excessive speeding that occurs as residents and visitors with non-mufflered vehicles which go north/south to/from the Salt River Canyon area and increased use by semi trucks has become a severe safety and noise nuisance. -
Seems like this would be a promising area to build a bike path that was off of Ellsworth which congested and dangerous to bike/walk. A bike path in this area would be great to connect Mesa to QC.
Brookview Apartments needs to be cleaned up and secure more with police or security guards.
The left turn arrow from southbound Alma School to eastbound 202 is timed badly. It is too short to allow all the traffic under the bridge to make the turn. Then when the light before the bridge turns green, there is limited space under the bridge for the next left turn arrow. This backs up traffic on Alma School.
This is exasperated by McKellips being close due to river flow but is always an issue during busy evening rush hour.
This applies to this intersection but would be a good idea for all intersections with blinking left turn arrows.
Currently the solid yellow arrow goes out, the light switches to red, then switches to blinking yellow when the through traffic signals change to green. This is very confusing if just about to turn left but too close to stop before the intersection and the signal switches to red light.
My recommendation is to go from solid yellow arrow to blinking yellow arrow with the same delay that was used for red before through traffic gets the green light.
Basically this eliminates the short red light between the solid yellow arrow and the blinking yellow arrow by starting the blinking yellow arrow earlier.
The switch from yellow arrow to red light causes confusion and many drivers will suddenly brake, potentially causing a rear end collision from a car behind.
Allow left turn with blinking yellow from westbound McDowell onto southbound 202 while eastbound McDowell has green light.
Currently the left turn traffic often has to wait on red even though there is no oncoming traffic. Visibility for oncoming traffic is unobstructed allowing safe left hand turns with caution.
The large bumps at the pavement transitions on the ramp are so large that they are dangerous. There are several of these bumps on the ramp from 202 Loop N to 60 W.
The large bumps at the pavement transitions on the ramp are so large that they are dangerous. There are several of these bumps on the ramp from 202 Loop N to 60 W.
The large bumps at the pavement transitions on the ramp are so large that they are dangerous. There are several of these bumps on the ramp from 202 Loop N to 60 W.
Connect access at Meridian to SR24 and widen/connect Meridian to US60
Widen US 60 East bound at Crismon
Perhaps a study to see if any of the side streets off Main St. could be pedestrianized permanently like we do during the Christmas market.
A pedestrian light to make crossing at this location safer.
Extend the Rio Salado path along the 202 and connect with north/south canals
Long roads between destinations. No public transportation and wouldn’t feel safe. Everything is on Mckellips Southern or baseline nothing on north south streets. Boring grocery stores everywhere