Comments for “Yuma Transportation Survey”
The existing bike path along W 32nd is incomplete in areas and ends before entering the major business area, making it relatively ineffective to safely ride a bike to most destinations. The bike path should be complete and extend for as long as possible along W 32nd and S 4th
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The bike path running north to south alone 3E is in poor condition
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Connect 8th Street with Gila Street to Giss Parkway via RR alignment Spur. 8th Street AKA Arizona is underutilized.
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Make ped/bike trail bridge over EMC.
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Make official canal path and lighted crossing for west valley. Make path connections to YVP.
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South loop should be placed along County 14th alignment. Connect Somerton/Yuma/Foothills south of the airport so no break in the alignment.
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Connect 40th Street along is alignment as the next East/West city connection.
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Add dual NBRT to help relieve congestion along NB Ave 3E.
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Add additional lane to store move vehicles. Perhaps a triple NBLT at signal. Remove stop signs all together.
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Add new TI at I-8. Maybe Ave 5E or nearby for trucks going to coolers or the new Pilot Fuel Station. Can be industrial use only or the region may prefer to knock out south over the B Canal and tie into 32nd Street.
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Curve road along the 99% travelled direction or build large roundabout. (south and west legs)
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Buy this house and knock it down. Build EBRTL. CLose Donna Ave and knock out secondary access to Pacific Ave mid block south near 2487 S Donna.
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Curve roadway as 99% traffic turns here. Make in a large radius curve.
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Connect to 1st Street as second bridge into town from California.
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Extend Ave B north over Colorado River and tie into Winterhaven Drive. Relieve congestion along 4th Avenue by creating a new route to I-8 California.
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Widen HWY95 to 5 lanes with continuous TWLTL.
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Add 3rd lane along interstate 8. All within the urban area of Yuma/Foothills.
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NWC add WB to NB right turn lane. Long lines headed to PAAC (why didn't they build it then?) and to Palms/Harkins.
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Construct bridge over 195 to relieve congestion from 32nd Street.
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Build out sidewalks and bike paths through intersection.
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New leg here should be roundabout to flow with others constructed by ADOT.
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Connect 24th Street from Ave 9E to Fortuna Road to relieve congestion along NFR.
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Build grade separated RR interchange. Road to go under RR. RR to contribute 5% of total costs.
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Convert to Roundabout
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New TI for new housing developments coming in. Plan for the ultimate Loop Highway at this location as well.
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