Comments for “Portsmouth Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan”
Great new path!
Missed opportunity when Market St "Gateway" was rebuilt. Instead of a connected multi-use path throughout there is a wide concrete sidewalk where bikes are allowed on just a short stretch (at Bohenko park), and in-road bike lanes next to fast moving multi-late care traffic for the rest.
At least some better curb cuts would allow bike riders to leave the lane and join the MUP where it does exist. And in the future please pave all MUPs with asphalt, not as wide concrete sidewalks. -
It would be great to connect the rail trail to either Walford Lane, the girl scouts property, or the next driveway south. This would allow access to St Pats and everything at Community Campus, and ultimately a route from Elwyn Park to the Greenway.
It seems a connection here could avoid wetlands further N and S. -
There should be an easy way to walk or bike from Jones Ave to the High School.
Path needed along the pond for walkers and bikers to the MS and Library
This new connection from the Parson Woods development to the rail trail is indirect, hilly, and loose woodchips. This public connection was a condition of the development, but seems designed to be hostile to bikes.
It should be easier to get onto the MUP from 33 at Grafton-- currently you have to go up Grafton, make a U-turn, cross an island, and cross some grass to join it.
It would be great to see sidewalks on Pease widened to accommodate bikes as there is space for it and many need re-paving.
Crosswalk (with stop light) needed at Hoover or Campus to cross route 1 and access Community Campus fields etc. It is a long distance to crosswalks N and S.
This bridge is very challenging for bike riders as the narrow shoulder and islands in the middle prevent cars being able to move over to provide the 3-5 ft necessitated by their speeds.
Remove the islands and provide a MUP on the North side. -
State st is preferable as a bike route to Islington, but despite recent pavement and sidewalk improvements has not been made a "bike boulevard" as described in the last bike/ped plan. A bike boulevard would have signage and calming/detours to reduce car traffic. At the least there should be sharrows to keep riders out of the door zone.
At the Middle St intersection there should be a way for bike riders outbound on Court to safely get to State to continue SW. -
Curb cut needed to allow bike riders using path from Cutts to join the Market St lanes, and vice versa.
Please return the speed cushions/ traffic calming for the safety of all on this residential road.
Signage needed for bike route to C&J transportation center (at both ends)
Harvard Ave/Greenland rd footbridge should also provide easy bike access through to Pease and C&J, but the sidewalk and new curb on Borthwick made it harder to ride through. There should be a curb cut for bikes, and if needed a sign to "walk bikes on bridge" or "yield to pedestrians". It's crazy to expect bike riders to use 33 near hear where there is no shoulder and very fast traffic.
A northern connection to pease would be appreciated.
Although in Newington, we need to find a way to better connect the LBB/GSB to Portsmouth via Shattuck way. Increasing this regional connection should be a priority at the RPC/SRPC level and Portsmouth/Dover could/should push the needle on this issue. Portsmouth could specifically mention desired connections in their bike ped plan update.
I don't understand why there's no sidewalk on half of Parrott Ave? There's a path along the park that's been created by pedestrians needing to walk on the grass so they're off the street. If there's snow, the safest option is to walk on the street.
This is a core street that connects schools, parks, the library, and downtown. We should make it a safer space!
This is the route that many peds (especially kids) use to access library, school, and parks. Need to cross 3 danerous intersectios:
- Brewster & Islington Streets
- Summer and Austin Streets
- Austin, Middle and Richards Streets -
This stretch of Islington St. – especially from Summer St to Brewster St – is very dangerous. Cars don't have any stop signs or traffic signals between Cabot St. and Maplewood Ave., and are prone to speeding up.
Given how popular this area is for pedestrians (it's essentially an extension of the downtown area at this point) it'd be nice to add some traffic calming measures.
Ideally, this would be in the form of a three-way stop, either at Brewster St or Summer St.
If that's not feasible, speed bumps/humps would be great, and provide a much safer structure to cross on.
At the very least, and even in addition to either of those ideas above, can we please install a blinking ped-crossing light here? I'm not sure why most Middle St. crossings have them, but on Islington St (where traffice can move just as fast) there are none.
This is a dangerous intersection for cyclists and pedestrians. Cars coming down Summer St. toward Middle St. are heading down a steep incline around a curve, and tend to go quite fast, leaving themselves little time to react to pedestrian/cyclist crossing.
This essentially requires pedestrians and cyclists to "go for it" by crossing when it's clear and hurrying before any approaching cars come around the corner and down the hill.
It'd be nice if there was a blinking light put here to provide more visibility, and potentially an earlier indication to approaching vehicles.
(It'd be really nice if this was a four-way stop!)
Taking a left for Ocean Drive onto Banfield Road feels unsafe by bicycle. You slow down on the uphill and are also looking for a break in oncoming traffic where you can make a turn. This seems to encourage cars behind you to close pass right when you'd be moving over to the turn lane.
This pedestrian refuge acts more like a slip lane for southbound traffic turning onto State St.
Deer and Russell St. are both too wide for the desired speeds. They should be narrowed up. New plans for Deer Street development should use perpendicular parking to narrow the road further and prevent bicycles from getting doored.
Would be nice if this could be made a two-way street for bicycle traffic (or car-free if State St ever goes back to two-way traffic for all)