Comments for “Portsmouth Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan”

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  1. August 05 2024

    No sidewalk

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  2. August 05 2024

    No sidewalk on this portion of Spinney Road

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  3. August 03 2024

    The traffic light sensor doesn't see me waiting on my bike when commuting to downtown on state street at the Maplewood Ave intersection

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    October 01 2024

    That is my experience as well and I often turn right and then left on Court Street or go when the pedestrian walk signal is illuminated. But it’s impossible to trigger the green with a bike.

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  4. August 03 2024

    It's challenging to cross the street here to get into the neighborhood from the bike path without any kind of help. Cars move very fast on this road but it's a perfect side road to connect to to get onto the rail trail and into downtown

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    August 05 2024

    I agree. During certain times of the day it can be very challenging to cross here. It is few and far between that a car will stop for you because they are going so fast. Many people from our neighborhood walk or bike on the bike trail across the street.

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    August 09 2024

    This is PDA territory. Don't expect much cooperation. They answer to no one.

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    August 23 2024

    Absolutely, it is crazy to have a bus stop on both sides, a path on the north side, and a neighborhood on the south side but no crosswalk. An island in the center and flashing lights would be great but just painting a crosswalk today should also be possible, at least that gives pedestrians a chance to wait for a car to stop.

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  5. July 31 2024

    "Share road" traffic sign doesn't give enough protection to the bikers. When you share, larger and faster becomes priority which means bikers are at risk. "Yield to bikes" would be more appropriate. I would not let my young sons bike on this bike lane at the current state.

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    August 09 2024

    The location of this complaint is in Kittery Maine

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  6. July 30 2024

    This is my second comment. Walford lane has 22 homes, 6 with children, a special needs person and several senior citizen homes. The sidewalk on upper Banfield Rd provides safe access to fewer homes than those on Walford Lane. With a bike trail or sidewalk we could walk or bike to the drug store, grocery store, YMCA, playground, ball fields and St Patrick’s School. It is impossible to safely bike or walk on Banfield with the same measure of safety afforded to those residents residing on upper Banfield. I ask that our 22 homes be provide with a sidewalk from Heritage to Peverly Rd.

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  7. July 30 2024

    We use Lincoln frequently. Great width for biking but again don't feel like cars are yielding to us. Also we are able to bike on some parts and other have parked cars on both sides. Add designated bike lanes on the side, and in areas where there are cars on both sides does bike lanes go through the middle? Not sure, but we would love to be able to bike without interruptions. Especially our 4 year old :)

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    August 12 2024

    There should be a 4 way stop on Lincoln and miller. Cars and trucks speed up Miller in both directions making crossings unsafe.

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  8. July 30 2024

    This white line here is a perfect example where the street edge looks like a bike lane and we are not sure if we can use it for biking or not. Which creates confusion and risks if not meant for biking.

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  9. July 30 2024

    Yield to bikers traffic sign would be helpful

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  10. July 30 2024

    Our young family usually uses Junkins Ave, park path, Hancock street and then the parking lot at Strawberry Banke to get to the city events. None of the routes feel safe including South Street as an alternate route and we so we are not sure what should be our main bike path. Hancock doesn't have a designated bike line and sidewalks get busy with walkers. Knowing what is a dedicated bike path from Little Harbour to get to strawberry banke for family events would be wonderful.

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  11. July 30 2024

    For families with younger children that wish to do a short activity/adventure from little harbour to Creek Farm, Wentworrth Coolidge mansion, or a forest play this road feels unsafe. For this reason we avoid it and go through the cemetery. Same as in the previous comment, visible traffic signs asking cars to yield to the bikes, bike lane markings in different color than white, and occasional physical barrier would help. These paths are also frequently used by runners and active bikers, and so more warning signs asking drivers to slow down and be cautious would be appreciated.

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  12. July 30 2024

    Our family of 4 uses this route often to get to the events at Strawberry Banke. We use the sidewalk because the road feels unsafe for our 4 year old with many cars passing by frequently and at higher speeds. But many walkers use the sidewalk and so we feel like we are in their way. Having a dedicated bikeline with traffic signs asking cars to yield to the bikers would be wonderful. The bike lines should ideally be marked in color that is different than white, because often times there are regular white lines to mark road edges. And so when we follow them we are never sure whether they will turn out to be bike lines or road edges - which depends on whether we eventually run into a small bike icon on the road or not.

    We are passionate and experienced bikers and have lived in Amsterdam for many years. We love biking but in Portsmouth we don't feel safe. We would love to see the following:
    - traffic signs across Portsmouth reminding drivers to yield to bikers
    - different color markings/lines for biking, so we are certain they are bike lanes when we enter them
    - barriers to separate bikers from cars when in high traffic areas

    Also this path would be much more pleasant if it had some trees and shade. Thank you

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    August 26 2024

    Agree that the width of Junkins encourages drivers to speed, and should instead be used to create bike lanes or ideally a Multi-Use Path.

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  13. July 29 2024

    The traffic light never registers me here when I am biking. I end up waiting for the pedestrian cross signal.

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  14. July 29 2024

    This is a dangerous place for pedestrians to cross since State St. is a double lane road, and people are often driving fast. Despite the fact that there's a cross walk, even if one lane of traffic stops the other might not see you or stop. Recently we were crossing here and the car in the lane closest to us stopped, so we began walking. But a car approaching in the second lane didn't stop because they didn't see us, and my daughter was inches from being hit in the crosswalk. It was terrifying. This intersection really needs a flashing light option so both lanes of oncoming traffic can see when there's a pedestrian in the crosswalk.

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  15. July 28 2024

    No sidewalks or shoulder. No speed limit signs and lots of fast driving cars using as a cut through.

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  16. July 27 2024

    Very dangerous to bike along these roads, especially coming from north end and turning left to go into downtown. Feels like cars are going very fast and not looking for bikers

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  17. July 27 2024

    Feels very unsafe to bike here (and all along Middle/Lafayette). There were bike lanes going in at one point, but then they disappeared? Bring back the protected bike lanes!

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  18. July 27 2024

    Roads wide, encourage high speeds, add sidewalks and narrow roads for more family friendly walkability

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    September 13 2024

    Waiting on the sidewalks and hoping the traffic calming piece is also included in this project in the next year!

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    October 14 2024

    Adding a sidewalk down McKinley Road towards Dondero Elementary School would provide a safer, dedicated path for kids walking to and from school, reducing their exposure to traffic and encouraging a healthier, more active commute.

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  19. July 26 2024

    I walk but would like to bike. A bike lane or a combination of walk/bike lane would be very useful.

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  20. July 23 2024

    These trails are lovely and poorly managed and signed. Why not create a handful of downtown walking loops that are away from traffic, offer views of river, and are easily followed on Strava and other apps

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  21. July 23 2024

    Crosswalk should run diagonally across Mechanic from the opposite side from the graveyard to the start of the iron fence. Currently, it’s difficult for cars to see when a pedestrian is standing on the graveyard side

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  22. July 23 2024

    The crosswalk should run from sidewalk to sidewalk, which is diagonally across the road. Currently, cars cannot see pedestrians on the lower gates st corner due to the large (and beautiful) bush

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  23. July 23 2024

    NO SIDEWALK! For some odd reason, a sidewalk runs to the along Islington to the bottom of Spinney, then no sidewalk up Spinney to Sewell Road where the sidewalk picks up again. VERY dangerous on the no sidewalk area as MANY use the dirt path that scuttles along the side of the road, on the bend! PLEASE FIX!

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  24. July 18 2024

    Progressing through Maplewood with turning lanes is challenging as well as turning off to get to downtown. Dearst and Hanover - wide and hard to take the lane with vehicle speeds. Turning on to Dennis

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    September 30 2024

    My husband and I ride into and out of Portsmouth often on Maplewood. This section is tricky and feels very unsafe. Should have clearer bicycle markings.

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  25. July 18 2024

    Rail trail connection to Harvard St via city-owned water property

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