Comments for “Portsmouth Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan”
Build off road path to Heritage Ave
Woodbury/Market intersection - too difficult to bike through from Woodbury - seek alternative route around Osprey Landing
Wide shoulder northbound and fewer intersections. Southbound - ramps and minimal shoulder, catchbasins. Also headed downhill with uneven pavement.
St Pat's easement connection to Bansfield
Challenge riding on South St - narrow
Franklin School parking lot cut through is a good alt route. Option to formalize? Hours of operation?
Access Market Basket from back via Osprey Landing
Alternate route to Gosling Rd from points south is Durgin Ln (avoids most of Woodbury Ave)
Need parking for Rail Trail
Bike on Islington to get to HBT
Use Lincoln Ave to bike to downtown Hannaford
1A - challenge (south of South St) -- traffic calming
Banfield Rd - narrow and wetlands constrained
Hard / avoid walking and biking on Middle Rd and Greenland Rd
Left turns onto Middle St and Islington St from Cass St challenging. Cass is a good neighborhood connection to Borthwick and hospital.
Left turns onto Middle St and Islington St from Cass St challenging. Cass is a good neighborhood connection to Borthwick and hospital.
Kids biking in middle of street because of parking on both sides. Alternate parking?
Add sidewalks on Heritage Ave
On rail trail, add benches, rest areas, parking, amenities
Biking from West End around Papa Wheelies into town is challenging, especially with kids
Left onto Middle St is difficult
Cate St Connector - make Bike/Ped friendly, dedicated path or improvements
Summer bike traffic from South Rt 1 to downtown (commuter) for seasonal employees
This is such a weird road for such a lovely town - it's hideous, completely hostile to pedestrians and bikes (even though there is a bike route at the bridge and on market st.) and full of sex shops and gas stations. It's so close to town it seems crazy we don't make it a more welcoming corridor.
There are between 4 and 8 car lanes through here and no space for bikes. There is also no continuation of the sidewalk from Gosling Meadows to the West to Pease, even if using the crosswalk.