Comments for “Portsmouth Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan”
Cars looping under the bridge from southbound memorial bridge create a massive hazard to bikers headed down Daniel St or Bow St. Right of way is incredible unclear.
Is the new sidewalk on the west side of the road intended to be widened? Will there be a bike/multi-use lane on the east side?
Sidewalk is broken and narrow in spots. Would be nice to have sidewalk or bike path on the other side of the street
Austin St is a good alternative to State St for biking although cars park on both sides so it is quite narrow
Need a bike lane along Elwyn Rd
Better bike lane along the 1A Ocean Rd is needed
This is a very popular running and biking route along 1B back from New Castle
Need crosswalk for rail trail access.
Needs a crosswalk with flashing light, since cars drive very fast over the hill and this is a school bus stop.
Needs a crosswalk with a flashing light for access to rail trail
shoulder here is very tight, and cars drive fast over the blind hill.
This rail trail crossing needs a Rapid Flashing Beacon ASAP like the ones at Ocean Road and Breakfast Hill Road
This intersection is a pedestrian nightmare. It handles a huge volume of pedestrians, including most all tourists parked at Foundry Place and the Bridge Street lot that are walking to Market Square. The signal operations need to return to the way they were prior to July, 2020 when all lights in all directions turned red at the same time. This allowed pedestrians to safely walk perpendicular or diagonally across the intersection within the painted "X". Current signal operations clearly favor speed and mobility of vehicles rather than the safely and comfort of pedestrians.
It feels very dangerous to ride your bike on Bow St. Cars coming from all directions and backing up onto the roadway.
We often ride our bikes on the sidewalk as it feels too dangerous to ride them on the road.
This has heavy pedetrian usage to cross Islington near the Kitchen and Mobile. They are working on this section now, I really hope the sidewalk will be enlarged. Consider a blinky light here to help crossing pedetrians, or raised speed beds to slow traffic.
I've tried biking this way to cross Middle (to avoid Richards which feels unsafe crossing Middle), and it would be helpful if the sidewalks here were also enlarged and the cross button easier to access. Now the button is down from the corner and narrow.
Bike racks would be a welcome addition to Plaza 800!
1B to Sagamore, no sidewalk, narrow shoulder, very fast traffic. Desperately need a crosswalk at the corner of 1B and 1A.
Teens/ older kids need to be able to get to the athletic fields at Community Campus, but currently West Street to Campus Drive is not pedestrial or bike friendly. While there is a shoulder, there is no designated bike lane, speed is usually 30 - 40 and no sidewalk.
Corner of Jones and Sagamore is difficult to safely navigate or walk... blocked visibility, no sidewalk on Jones and swift moving traffic turning from Sagamore.
South Street between Middle and Sagamore, tough to bike or walk, with limited road shoulders, narrow sidewalks, and sometimes fast moving vehicles.
Jones Ave walk
Sidewalks near Dondero
I bike from our place at 445 Ocean Rd to Rye Beach. The Portsmouth roads don't sidewalks for good buffers from cars. (The Rye roads have wider roads for biking.) There's a lot of knotweed and other things growing along Ocean road that make biking challenging. I'm looking forward to riding on the bike path but even just getting there is dangerous.