Comments for “GoShasta and City of Redding Active Transportation Plan”

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  1. January 24 2017

    I was really surprised to see Court Street listed as a bike route because it is one of the worst experiences this side of the river: intermittent bicycle lanes, high traffic speeds, inattentive drivers. I am confident but avoid riding it.

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  2. January 23 2017

    There is a two mile stretch from Buenaventura to South Street along Railroad Avenue with no east/west connectivity. Imagine a pedestrian wanting to travel from 3443 South Market Street to 3520 Railroad Avenue. The shortest route is to walk all the way down to Buenaventura and back up Railroad, a trip of 1.4 miles. As the crow flies, the distance between the two locations is only .1 miles. I imagine people would cross the tracks to avoid such a long walk, putting their lives at risk. More east-west connections for active transportation users (and vehicles, for that matter) between Railroad Avenue and SR 273 are needed. It would benefit all user groups and would probably significantly reduce VMT too.

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  3. January 23 2017

    No sidewalk along west side of Market Street between downtown and library/mission area

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  4. January 23 2017

    Please ask JC Penney to replace the bike rack on the north side of the store with one that is actually functional

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  5. January 23 2017

    My comment applies to multiple locations along the south side of the River Trail between the Ribbon Bridge and the Diestlehorst: Great path overall, but there are places where tree roots are pushing up the pavement, making for a bumpy (and potentially unsafe) ride.

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  6. January 23 2017

    Pedestrians shouldn't have to cross three legs of an intersection to get from Starbuck's to the northeast corner of Market and Eureka Way. And, many don't use the intersection the way it's intended anyway.

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  7. January 23 2017

    Southbound on Market from Riverside to Trinity is a challenge. There is no shoulder/bike lane, vehicles are transitioning from 45 mph+ to 30 mph and it's uphill (slow for bikes). A brave cyclist might "take" the right hand lane, but for those who are not strong & fearless, it is very scary. Riding as far to the right along this block is even worse because drivers pass way too closely.

    Liked 3 times
  8. January 20 2017

    Would be great to have a way to walk/bike between Churn Creek and Victor somewhere near Enterprise park. Then more kids could get to the park who live west of it. And tons of people live to the east of the park but have to go to busy arterials north/south because they cannot simply go west to better bicycle routes.

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  9. January 20 2017

    There needs to be a paved trail from Bonneyview (maybe boat ramp area or by the RSD office) to Riverside Drive (or other link to all the housing off Star/Sacramento/Girvan. There is a ton of housing but the only way to get to it is on Eastside Road (fast, lots of traffic, no shoulder, scary bridge/curve). Need to connect all these houses to everything to the north.

    Liked 2 times
  10. January 20 2017

    It is great there is a little trail here between Buenaventura and Lear except the fencing makes it impossible to use. I've tried to walk there with a jogger/stroller but it won't fit through the zig zag fence trail (Lear side)...have had to take my children off their bikes or out of their stroller so we can pick up the stroller or bike and lift it up and over the fence. Near a school and trail. It's crazy!

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  11. January 20 2017

    Maybe there wouldn't be so much school traffic if it was safer for students to walk/bike to UPrep and Shasta? Some really nice crosswalks (visible, narrower, maybe ped islands) across Eureka could help, maybe at Magnolia and also Pioneer - so people could drop kids off on south side of Eureka (currently parents drive in loops.....example: come from west, then go east to drop student off, then west again toward work = lots of traffic driving around) - I think more parents would just drop kids off on a side street south of Eureka if they felt it was safe for their kids to walk across Eureka....and/or walk and bike from home. Check it out during morning school commute time. Crossings are not very visible and super wide and the cars are crazy (logging trucks, people running the light, u-turns, cars passing in ongoing lanes to get around people stuck at the light waiting to drive to the north side of Eureka to drop someone off ....). Also a lack of sidewalks on Magnolia near UPrep school. What if there was a school dropoff spot on the south side of Eureka near a really nice safe crosswalk?

    Liked 3 times
  12. January 20 2017

    This intersection if very hard to walk/bike - better / safer access to the River Trail and Dana to Downtown Trail are needed. Coming west on Dana to Downtown, there is only small space to wait for signal then it's a huge crossing and often cars turn right on reds coming off the freeway and almost hit people walking off the trail with a walk signal. Needs to be quicker and smoother to get from here to Park Marina.

    Liked 7 times
  13. January 20 2017

    Needs to be easier to turn north onto Sundial Bridge Drive when bicycling east on Butte/Park Marina. Need safer way to walk and bicycle to/from Sequoia School and Garden Tract neighborhood (and other places in Redding south of here) and connect to the River Trail system. This would draw many families if it were safer. This spot plus the intersections with Highway 44 at Sundial Bridge Drive.

    Liked 8 times
  14. January 20 2017

    Tunnel under RR tracks often has people walking/biking who, I assume, don't have vehicles. Often in dark clothing. Narrow space, dangerous situation.

    Liked 4 times
  15. January 20 2017

    Many people walk/bike this but it is narrow, curvy, dark. Great place for buffered bike lanes or multiuse path (although space may be limited). Bike/ped improvements and better lighting here (Railroad from Buenaventura to Schley) would also make it better for the many people who drive this part. Would also provide good connection between downtown and housing in this part of town...ideally connected to Blue Gravel Trail. Also can be alternative for going north-south to avoid RR tunnel on 273.

    Liked 3 times
  16. January 20 2017

    It is difficult to cross Hwy 273 at Breslauer - walking or biking. Very wide, no space to wait for signal, bike detection sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, difficult to reach ped call button due to curb/gravel/traffic; needs more visible crosswalk across 273 but also on Eastside, Westside and Breslauer; dark at night...many issues but one of only places to cross 273 and RR tracks

    Liked 2 times
  17. January 19 2017

    Need connector from Turtle Bay/River Trail to the library. It is difficult to get to the library on a bike without braving the traffic on Cypress or Market. Kids and parents should be able to bike to the library easily.

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  18. January 19 2017

    This bridge is not safe for bicycles. It cuts off the apartments on Hilltop from the shopping areas south of the bridge. It gets narrow very quickly, with no room for cars to pass.

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  19. January 19 2017

    Need bike racks in the Trader Joe's area.

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  20. January 19 2017

    There are no park and ride areas for people who work in Trinity County to meet up with carpools. There are also no parking areas for people who come into town and want to take the bus or bike.

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  21. January 19 2017

    Need bike lanes and wider shoulders along 299. Highway 299 is not safe for bicycles past Old Shasta, but it is an incredible route that would get a lot of bike traffic if it was safe. My ultimate dream road would be a bike lane all the way to the coast.

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  22. January 19 2017

    I love this unrealized alley. The pavement has circular and straight brick design features. In all my time using it, I have only seen a car in it once and they looked lost. The entire block to the west is under-utilized, a parking lot which is never even 25% full and an empty lot.

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  23. January 19 2017

    Anderson's River Pointe Trail (not mispelled) is an existing Shared-Use Path that is missing from this data.

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  24. January 19 2017

    User created walking path along Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation Ditch is a great connection between Turtle Bay/Civic Center and Cypress Avenue.

    Liked 6 times
  25. January 18 2017

    Add Sharows to Coram Rd

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