Comments for “FMATS Non-Motorized Transportation Plan”

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  1. May 14 2011

    separate bike paths are far more dangerous than widened maintained shoulders. Especially given the number of driveways and side roads off of Yankovitch, with visibility complicated by steep hill, a widened shoulder would be a great improvement to Yankovitch Road.

  2. May 14 2011

    We need wide shoulders along all of College Ave. This is a heavily used bicycle and pedestrian corridor. Because of the high number of side roads, the bike lane should not be on the sidewalk. Drivers do not look for bicycles when crossing sidewalks to enter the main road.

  3. May 14 2011

    We desperately need wider shoulders on University Ave between College Rd and Airport Way. Generally telling cyclists to use the sidewalk is not a safe option. Sidewalks are for pedestrians. These sidewalks, in particular, are narrow with steep curbs and close traffic, not to mention lots of driveways and side roads cutting across them. This section of road is used heavily by pedestrians and cyclists. It should be a high priority for improvements, which should be in the form of wide shoulders.

  4. May 14 2011

    A separate bike path on Gold Hill Road would be far more dangerous than a widened shoulder, because of all of the side streets and driveways. Drivers do NOT stop at bike paths to check for oncoming cyclists. Please do not construct a separate path here. Also, it's really only needed for the first mile from the east. The population density drops off dramatically west of there.

  5. May 14 2011

    Ballaine has no shoulder and the bike trail is sideways in places.

  6. May 14 2011

    Yankovich really needs a separate path

  7. May 14 2011

    The Aurora Drive bridge is narrow, with very narrow sidewalks, and limited sight distance.

  8. May 14 2011

    This road needs a path for bikes, runners and walkers!!

  9. May 12 2011

    It would be lovely if there were a paved path along Chena Hot Springs. Or if the trail were better maintained for bikers. I don't quite feel comfortable biking on the shoulder when I'm pulling my son in a trailer.

  10. May 12 2011

    The Old Steese definitely needs a bike path or at the least, a shoulder! I live on Chena Hot Springs Rd. and would love to bike into town, pulling my son in a trailer, but do not feel comfortable biking along this road (nor the Steese for that matter).

  11. May 11 2011

    Cycling from CHSR to downtown includes a quick jump across four lanes of traffic on Farmers Loop when traveling direcly from Old Steese to the bike path along Farmers Loop Road Exit. Signs expressing caution or a bike signal to cross would be much appreciated during busy traffic.

  12. May 11 2011

    A bike lane alongside College Road would be amazing- I hate riding on sidewalks because I feel cars aren't watching for me as I come into intersections, and pedestrians aren't comfortable being passed by a fast cyclist. It's such a popular road to bike on and a major thoroughfare that a bike lane would get plenty of use.

  13. May 11 2011

    I often walk from downtown to Well Street on First Fridays, and this section of road is very difficult to cross as a pedestrian during rush hour. There are no sidewalks and the winter snow makes it hard to avoid walking directly on the road. It's also a high traffic area which adds to the issue.

  14. May 11 2011

    Cars turning left onto Hurst from Mission often swing too wide because the road and the bike trail don't have enough visual difference. I mayself have done it while driving. Can a short length of fence OR some Huge yellow stripes be added to visually seperate the two?

  15. May 11 2011

    Travelling north, after crossing the westbound on ramp there is a sigh that one must dodge to avoid getting smacked in the face, if there is bike traffic coming the other way it is easy to miss and get hurt on.

  16. May 11 2011

    University Avenue from Farmers Loop to Airport Way is ok for walking, but treacherous for biking. A lot of improvement is needed.

  17. May 07 2011

    It would be great to see a bike lane along W Tanana Dr since so many University students and employees commute into work this way. At this place in the road there is not much of a shoulder for bikers to safely get over when traveling north.

  18. May 06 2011

    For bikers that want to remain north of the Chena River while traveling east (after Peger Road), there is no bike path available. Bikers typically ride Phillips Field Rd, but there are sections of that road that are too narrow to accomodate a biker and both lanes of traffic. The most dangerous portion of the road to bikers is a blind curve for bikers traveling east where there is no shoulder for a biker to get over (due to the train tracks and river being so close to that section of the road).

  19. May 06 2011

    There is a multipurpose trail from Sheep Creek extension out toward Goldstream Rd. but it ends at the railroad tracks. It would be great if it continued to Ballaine Road.

  20. May 06 2011

    A wider shoulder would be really nice on Yankovich

  21. May 06 2011

    This intersection is one of the scariest. Too many people not expecting bikers. There is a lot of turning traffic to watch for and I feel very exposed crossing the many lanes.

  22. May 06 2011

    This is a tough little spot for bikes. The sidewalks are interrupted with many deep driveway drops, the road is very tight, especially with on-street parking and in the spring the whole thing doesn't drain well so I usually take a muddy shower through this section.

  23. May 06 2011

    The Chena Pump bike trail is in deplorable condition, although I noticed work had been done to improve it last summer.

  24. May 06 2011

    It would be nice to get a wider shoulder here. It's more pleasant to ride Old Steese than the Steese. The Steese has those fences that reflect the deafening noise of the busy traffic. It's not fun riding the Steese even though there is a wide shoulder.

  25. May 06 2011

    There are lots of really large and deep cracks in the bike path along Johansen