Comments for “Countywide Local Roadway Safety Plan”
This is a terrible intersection. Poorly lit, zero visibility due to the fog, high-speed and high-volume traffic, and steep grades. One can feel how many collisions there just by looking at the amount of pole takedowns and replacements Caltrans had to make. Better lighting, better visibility crosswalks at the least are needed.
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Westlake to Lake Merced/SFSU is a popular route and destination generator. SFMTA is already constructing improved bike facilities on Lake Merced Boulevard. Daly City should continue the improvements from the border to John Daly Boulevard at minimum, which would include protected bike lanes and a road diet to slow down vehicles that speed through the area.
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There's essentially no reliably safe way to get from Westlake to Daly City BART, two popular destinations, without a car or bus. This corridor needs to be redesign to accommodate for improved pedestrian facilities (wider and more pleasant sidewalks, especially crossings at JS/John Daly intersection) and bike facilities (bike paths along the existing landscaped median and separated signals).
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Because Mission and John Daly are high-volume and steep streets with sub-standard bike facilities, there needs to be a path to go south-north. Sharrows (and intersection improvements near BART) should be the minimum for facilitating bike traffic south from Daly City BART.
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The recent streetscape project was a wasted opportunity to bring protected bike facilities (Class I or IV at the least) and improve intersections for people walking and biking heading east from Daly City BART. For the next round of improvements, please consider opening up crosswalks, installing protected corners, and separating bike movements from vehicle movements.
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This portion of King was recently restriped for parking, bike lane, and one vehicle lane, which is awesome, but a lot of drivers think the bike lane striping is a second vehicle lane, creating an unsafe condition for bicyclists, parked cars and drivers. This could be helped with painting the bike and parking lanes different colors and/or labeling the bike lane more consistently along its length.
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This stop-sign controlled four-way intersection is high risk for pedestrians. Cars often are competing with each other to go first and due to the width of the intersection it's hard for cars to track pedestrians and the other cars they are competing with. Safer pedestrian crossings could be aided by flashing or blinking lights or more signage reminding drivers to look for pedestrians.
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Curb radii should be sharper to prevent rolling stops and high-speed turns. Particularly for the EBRT movement from King to Gellert.
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We need traffic law enforcement (we have almost none), and each neighborhood needs a signal light to enter and exit their neighborhood safely. Safety and sanity is much more important than travel speeds on hi 1.
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HMB has plans to widen HWY from Terrace Ave north to Sea Haven but “lo siento no dinero” (They are broke)
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If they would contract for better traffic enforcement then the citizens could safely get out of their neighborhoods.
Or, better yet, create roundabouts! -
Highway 1 (Westport Drive to Southern Limits) is on the City of Pacifica's High Injury Network. Westport in as unsignalized intersection connecting to Highway 1.
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Often this area is bumper-to-bumper due to end Freeway speed reduction and
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signals at Vallemar, and Fassler and back- ups from thru- traffic to the MidCoast. -
Sharp Park Road is on the City of Pacifica's High Injury Network.
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One can see the damaged trees on Sharp Park Road westbound after Gypsy Hill Road.
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A barrier needs to exist to keep cars on the roadway and save those trees from more accidents.
Also the K-rail actually has Eucalyptus trees sprouts due so little maintenance along the center-divide.Sharp Park is great access road for coastsiders to the other side, but it is windy and cars often drive too fast, making it dangerous. Determine how to slow speeds and improve safety.
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Hwy 1 and Hwy 84 are absolute raceways any day of the week. We need more patrol on both of these Hwy's. I drive these roads daily and I can't tell you how many near misses I have had with oncoming traffic in my lane on blind turns and people doing speeds of 100+ mph..
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This pedestrian tunnel exit is unsafe for pedestrians. The pedestrian emerges onto a high-speed road, and drivers cannot see the pedestrian until the pedestrian is in the road. Please place a raised crosswalk and a stop sign here. Belmont has stop signs every hundred yards or so on Old County Road. San Carlos should do the same.
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Cars turning right on red from Old County southbound onto Holly westbound cannot see pedestrians until it's too late. There is a large concrete retaining wall that holds up the train tracks and surrounding landscaping. This wall blocks the driver's view. I'd recommend we square off this corner's curb so that cars must drive further forward (to a point where they can see pedestrians) before they initiate their right turn. Also, please post as "No turn on red."
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