Comments for “Countywide Local Roadway Safety Plan”

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  1. September 15 2023

    Green lanes recently painted over on Main St in Half Moon Bay have little to no visibility at night. Were these not painted with retro-reflective paint? Also, they already look pretty beat up.

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  2. September 15 2023

    Pedestrians should be able to cross on both sides of the street here. Other safety measures should be put in place to protect pedestrians. The street design here is such that the City of San Mateo’s new rules for reduced speeds near schools won’t apply because the road is designed for higher vehicle speeds. Changes should be made so that in both design and in law, there can be reduced vehicle speeds here.

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  3. September 15 2023

    There’s no convenient or reliable bus route to get to Coyote Point or the Bay Trail.

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  4. September 15 2023

    There’s no convenient or reliable bus route to get to this park.

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  5. September 15 2023

    There’s no reliable bus route to get to the park or senior center here.

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  6. September 15 2023

    Along ECR in downtown San Mateo from Tilton Ave to 9th Ave:
    1. Automatic ped (bike) crosswalk recall
    2. Minimize ped/bike conflict with turning (L & R) vehicles thru separate signals
    3. Longer leading pedestrian intervals
    4. Longer pedestrian cycle lengths since near schools, senior facilities, medical facilities, library and park.
    5. Road Diet to address high vehicle speeds and volumes on the corridor
    6. Lane-width reduction
    7. Expanded sidewalks
    8. Curb extensions
    9. Parking-buffered bike lane on each side of the road
    10. Bicycle facilities
    11. Landscaping additions
    12. Stormwater treatments
    13. Wider tree-lined median
    14. Pedestrian refuge islands
    15. Pedestrian-scale street lighting
    16. Yellow high-visibility continental crosswalks at schools, senior facilities, medical facilities, library and park.
    17. Consolidated transit boarding islands and where cycle tracks exist, new cycle track curb cuts would be installed, with the cycle tracks running behind the transit boarding islands. This provides a safe and separated operation between transit vehicle loading, bicycles, and pedestrians at the transit stop.
    18. Bus Rapid Transit corridor
    19. Signal timing changes (transit signal prioritization to minimize red-light stoppage time, possible queue-jump lane at 2nd Avenue)

    -2015 San Mateo Sustainable Streets Plan
    -2022 San Mateo Transit Oriented Development Ped Access Plan
    -2012 San Mateo Pedestrian Master Plan
    -2020 San Mateo Bicycle Plan
    -2030 and 2040 General Plans
    -2022 SamTrans Bus Speed and Reliability Study
    -2022 Caltrans District 4 Pedestrian Plan

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  7. September 15 2023

    The current Peninsula Ave overpass of Hwy 101 is dangerous and uncomfortable for walking or biking, so I must drive my family the one mile to Coyote Point and the regional amenities that are walled off from active transportation. The City should do a quick-build fix since it'll be years before the US 101/Peninsula Avenue Interchange Project is complete. A fix can be adding wood planks or other material to widen the sidewalk to create a 10' Class IV bikeway with protective barriers.

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  8. September 15 2023

    84 needs safe pedestrian crossing from Cypress to Middlefield and Middlefield to Hess - cyclists and pedestrians, including school children, use this overpass and it's not safe.

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  9. September 15 2023

    Large trucks cannot make the turn without going into oncoming traffic which is concerning given the limited visibility in the turn.

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  10. September 13 2023

    Side Walk is missing on Beverly Dr between Club Dr & Bay View Drive. It's risky to walk on the street especially if it's dark. Also, to make a left on Beverly Dr. from Bay View Dr. is tricky.

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  11. September 13 2023

    curb cutouts insufficient for wheelchair or other mobility challenges. witnessed a wheelchair user tip over at the SE corner (Starbucks). Needs improvement.

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  12. September 13 2023

    Bicyclist safety is impaired crossing hwy 101 on Holly St. Cars entering and exiting the hwy put cyclists in danger.

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  13. September 13 2023

    There should be a dedicated bike lane on the west side of highway 1 from the ritz to downtown half moon bay. There’s a bike path that ends near Cameron’s at wave crest Blvd. it needs to be extended for safety so the southern part of the community can get downtown safely by bicycle.

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    September 26 2023

    essential maybe but bicyclists need to adhere to the rules.Too many breeze through red light, utilize sidewalks and quite often are rude when anything is pointed out to them

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  14. September 12 2023

    With the recent addition of the #15 bus, I've seen cars drive around the bus while it is stopped at poplar and 3rd. Need better stop signage, intersection more clearly marked, and sidewalk access heading west on poplar
    (and east towards downtown as well!)

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  15. September 12 2023

    It is extremely dangerous to cross at this intersection at Terrace Ave and Hwy 1 in HMB. There is no light, and traffic is moving at high speed at all times. There is no sidewalk or other way to get into Half Moon Bay without endangering your life if on bike or foot.

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    September 29 2023

    Plus, that is where the northbound traffic on Hwy One narrows from two lanes down to one.
    I have heard of plans for yet another traffic signal but this will simply cause more bunching
    of traffic which is why l already refuse to drive to shop in HMB. It’s easier to get to the
    Linda Mar Shopping Center from the MidCoast because of all the traffic lights in the city limits.

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  16. September 12 2023

    Road is collapsing here. Temporary road closure signs for months. If the road looks this bad I can help but wonder what the sewage and gas lines conditions are under here. Seems like a neigborhood disaster waiting to happen

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    September 29 2023

    Since the SMC DPW closed the road with some ugly sawhorses there has been Absolutely NO COMMUNICATION
    with neighbors as to the proposed repaired or fix. The County Planning Department keeps issuing building permits, but won’t spend a dime
    To repair or maintain the roads. Go figure!

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  17. September 12 2023

    Enforcement of traffic violations inside the tunnel needs to be done. People often use the shoulder lane or the approach shoulder to pass inside the tunnel at unsafe speeds.

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    September 29 2023

    Agree! The tunnel is a blessing, but there are often out-of-the-area, impatient drivers in a hurry to get somewhere while they endanger others. The non-driving lane needs yellow striping to denote that it is NOT a passing lane!

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  18. September 12 2023

    There needs to be a better parking solution for Montara state beach. The parking lot was paved and striped to hold less cars than when it was dirt. This lot needs to be bigger and parking on HWY 1 needs to be restricted and enforced. Busy weekends here cause unnecessary traffic back ups with peds crossing HWY 1 and cars backing out of spots on the dirt shoulder

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  19. September 12 2023

    Airport street needs a protected bike path. Many people (mostly service workers and residents who live in the trailer park) commute via bicycle on this road often at night with no lights to their jobs in Moss Beach. There are no street lights and this roasd can be very dangerous for cyclists during the day and evening hours

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    September 29 2023

    Airport Street in Moss Beach needs Street Lighting. (Big Wave LLC should pay for it as it will benefit their trips generated by the Office Park that is now going in. There have been several fatalities on this roadway since the Mid-1980’s to present.

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  20. September 12 2023

    No bike lane on Hwy 1 connecting Montara to HMB coastal bike route starting in El Grenada.

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    September 29 2023

    Many years back the SM County “studied” completing the CA Coastal Trail,
    But put the plan away in a drawer and never funded it. Now, they want to
    shoe-horn in a 71 Unit Cypress Point affordable housing project in Moss Beach,
    but the safety improvements on HWY One have never been funded,
    despite the decades long “Connect the Coastside” Comprehensive Traffic Management Plan
    that was completed during COVID.

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    September 30 2023

    The HWY1 corridor between El Granada and Moss Beach is dangerous for bicyclists and pedestrians. Providing a direct and safe path for bike and foot traffic between El Granada would allow everyone without a car to move between these communities (children, carless adults, e-bikes). This would reduce traffic, reduce risk, allow locals to connect even during high-traffic weekends & events, and connect our communities.

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  21. September 12 2023

    No paved or protected safe bike passage from Montara to Moss Beach. This is a dangerous corridor where cars speed well over posted limits at all hours of the day while local traffic attempts to make left turns across HWY 1. Very narrow shoulder where much debris from winter storm landslides is still blocking access to shoulder.

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    September 29 2023

    Since CalTrans closed their Coastside Corporation Yard (HMB) the January 2023 Storm debris has still never been cleared from the Gwy One Shoulders and there not even any place to pull over along Devil’s Slide because of fallen branches, bark strips, rocks and mudslide debris, even tree trunks. SHEEZE,

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  22. September 11 2023

    Lots of potholes on OP Blvd and the switch of the bike lane into traffic, crossing the right-turn-only lane at this specific crossroad is very dangerous! Cars (and buses!!!) speed on this stretch of road and don't slow down to turn right.

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  23. September 11 2023

    On Highway 1 heading south, between Linda Mar Blvd and the Tom Lantos Tunnel, there is almost no shoulder space for bicyclists and the road is winding. Many weekend tourists drive this stretch of HWY 1 and are not expecting to find bicyclists in the vehicle lane as they navigate the curves of the road. This feels very unsafe.

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    September 29 2023

    The Highway One roadway will be a choke-point between Linda Mar and the tunnel in an Emergency Evacuation like we have seen in Paradise Ca and Lahaina, on Maui. Residents fleeing the MidCoast will be trapped with no breakdown lanes, or even a sufficient bike lane.
    I support creating dedicated bike lanes from Linda Mar in Pacifica to El Granada on the MidCoast along Hwy One.

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  24. September 11 2023

    Moonridge Apartment residents do not have a safe route into town or to schools. We need a separated bike/ped pathway on the east side of Hwy 1. It would be ideal to connect the trail to Cunha Intermediate School. Also need a bike/ped pathway along Miramontes Point Rd. back to Moonridge Apartments.

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    September 29 2023

    MidPen Housing should contribute to bike pathways, since the City of HMB is “broke”, and the County ignores the needs of the unincorporated residents.

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  25. September 11 2023

    There are currently no sidewalks between 92 and Kelly Ave. along Highway 1. Many people, including many schoolchildren, are forced to walk on the side of Highway 1. It is not safe. We need a sidewalk on the west side, and a separated multi-use pathway on the east side.

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