Comments for “Countywide Local Roadway Safety Plan”
Almost been run over trying to cross eastbound on the north side of the El Camino San Carlos ave intersection. Southbound El Camino cars have right turn on red, so they often blow through the pedestrian cycle and nearly run us over. Pedestrians don't get signal priority here, and only one side is triggered at a time. Would prefer all red cycle where north and south pedestrian can cross at once. Right turns on red should be illegal here. And either trigger pedestrian cycle each round or give pedestrian priority when a button is pressed. Crossing at night is also dangerous, can't be seen.
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The Holly EL Camino intersection is super hostile to pedestrians. The timing to cross Holly on the northbound side is too short to safely cross. Northbound el Camino has double turn lanes to Holly, so going north as a pedestrian the first lane usually stops, but the second usually blows past and almost runs you over. Also, northbound el Camino has right turns on red, and cars stack up in the intersection, blocking the east West crosswalk on the south side of the intersection. Cars get priority at the intersection, and the walk signs only light up if the pedestrian hits the button. Would be much better if it was an 8 way crossing with diagonal crossing and an all red cycle. Safer for everyone. Crossing at night is super dangerous, pitch black. Almost been run over multiple times at night. No infrastructure for bikes at all, they usually end up using the pedestrian infrastructure. Please help us.
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This should be a 3 way intersection with stop sign at Buckland and Lyndhurst. There is bottle necking here due to parked cars on side of road, and a blind hill. So, cars driving in center of road without visibility of oncoming cars at the 3/way perpendicular intersection. 1 major car collision in past 18 months and several near misses. Dangerous for pedestrians as there is no sidewalk to jump out of the way when cars are speeding through intersection and have to swerve to avoid collision with other vehicles. Needs to be a full-stop intersection.
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Alpine Inn accommodates more patrons than they have parking space for, so dozens of cars are illegally parked on Arastradero Rd. Alpine Inn needs to reduce its operations or have its permit pulled. Speeding rideshare drivers on Arastradero and the parked cars making the road narrow make it dangerous to bike on Arastradero.
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The Hwy 1 bridge crossing Tunitas Creek is dangerous for cyclists because the shoulder suddenly ends and drivers do not pay attention to bikes in the traffic lane. The bridge needs to be widened to accommodate shoulders. In the interim it would help to post a reduced speed limit of 30 mph extending 1/4 mile each way beyond the narrow section.
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This intersection needs priority timing for cyclists and pedestrians headed towards the Caltrain station. Eliminate both left turns off of El Camino onto Broadway so that the additional time can be used for more frequent green phases to cross El Camino. Install sensors that distinguish between bikes and cars. Bikes and pedestrians should never have to wait more than 30 seconds at this intersection.
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Several Redwood City Police officers need to be reminded that the vehicle code applies to them when they drive their personal vehicles (muscle cars). They often speed over the Maple Street bridge and put cyclists at risk. These individuals should be removed from their duty if they don't stop their reckless behavior.
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It would be great to have a bike bridge here, crossing 101 to connect 2nd Ave with E Bayshore Rd. Bridge should be a straight line or an "S", not a "U", with the ramp on Bayshore pointing to the east and the ramp on Rolison pointing the the west, or that ramp landing on 2nd Ave. This would greatly improve bike connections between Redwood City and Bay Trail to the south.
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This intersection needs a bike/ped over- or underpass to connect Bay Trail on the north side of Hwy 84 with the access to Dumbarton Bridge on the south side of 84, and with the bike trail on the east side of University Ave. The long wait times at the existing crossing are unacceptable.
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