Comments for “Portsmouth Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan”
Connect this part of the sidewalk (without having to cross the street)
This part of a sidewalk was just removed. It's the safest way in the winter to connect to the sidewalk along 33. Any time there is snow the sidewalk at the corner is not usable pushing you into the street.
This is a great way to access Pease and Greenland, but could benefit from some signage.
The Sage Rd neighborhood has a nice, safe connection to the rail trail. It allows people on Peverly Hill Rd to avoid the Greenland Rd Middle Rd area which feels less safe on a bike. Is it open to the public? If not, can it be made to be?
i wish to bike or walk to the common man and taco bell from Elwyn Park safely
Need newly painted road markings, sharrows, etc. on State, MIddle, Miller, etc.
Bartlett, Cate, Hodgdon, [illegible] - this is extremely dangerous for pedestrians & cyclists
Hampton Branch Trail and trail bordering Pease Tradeport need to be connected
Connectivity through Pease to Newington and over Rt 16 bridge
Coonect greenway over Borthwick to Pease
across the bridge - where Ann wants to ride
Sagamore big hill
Maintenance of Ashland Rd is crucial for my bike commute from DT Portsmouth to Pease
Place a warming sign at the trail crossing by the NH Port Authority - the Westbound lane had a lot of [illegible] that could catch a tire and cause a fall
Bike lane or at least a shoulder here. right now there's barely a shoulder so cars have to pass really close. this road gives access to rye roads that are frequently used by riders already.
accelerate trail extension south to MA and newburyport
connecting to east coast greenway to Maine
sagamore ave bridge not quire wide enough, high speed how to get kids to school north?
need APS and ped signal across maplewood @ maplewood and woodbury
residential woodbury ave, vehicle speeding is a big issue
I live on Islington St. I walk past Jumpin Jays and the Goat everyday. This is a highly pedestrianized area and the sidewalk should be widened. people are often walking on the street to make room
Elwyn Rd to beaches would benefit from bike lanes
Need sidewalk on Cafe Street to walk safely to the senior center
middle rd bike path pavement quality is alreadty sadly in bad shape, interactions with drivers get increasingly stressful as one gets nearer to Portsmouth