Comments for “Portsmouth Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan”

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  1. July 09 2024

    Safe bicycling towards Pease tradeport/C&J bus stop from Rte 33

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    July 23 2024

    Sherburne Road should be actively promoted as a bike route to Pease.

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    July 30 2024

    While vehicle traffic is limited on this road, speeds are too high and road is too narrow for many people to feel safe without dedicated infrastructure. Would love to see a two-way bike path here. Would go nicely along the southern side of the road with the northern side already having a sidewalk! Seems like more than enough room is already available in front the of the few buildings that line this road.

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  2. July 09 2024

    Safe bike route alternative to avoid the not-safe-for-bike downtown

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  3. July 09 2024

    It would be great if in the future there would be a pedestrian/bicycle railroad crossing here. (The train goes so infrequently, and the bartlett st bridge is really only safe for cars)

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  4. July 09 2024

    Safe bike route alternative to avoid the not-safe-for-bike downtown

    (This is the road I meant, not State St!)

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  5. July 09 2024

    Relatively safe for biking. Wide road allows for safe space for cyclists (especially downhill)

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    August 26 2024

    Or, overly wide road and painted centerline encourages drivers to speed. Is there some traffic calming / speed bumps that could slow cars and make Miller feel safer to bike?

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  6. July 09 2024

    bike to west end shops & restaurants in a safe environment (while avoiding the hill on Aldrich)

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  7. July 09 2024


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  8. July 09 2024

    Do not bike here. Too many lanes and distracted drivers.

    (Fixing the color or this earlier comment)

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  9. July 09 2024

    Safe bike route alternative to avoid the not-safe-for-bike downtown

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    July 09 2024

    I would like to delete this comment. I marked the wrong street. Too many lanes / impatient drivers. When bridge is backed up its a nightmare.

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  10. July 09 2024

    Not safe for bikes. Drivers are confused by multiple lanes and pedestrians.

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  11. July 09 2024

    The "sharrows" are ineffective. Cars are confused when cyclists pour onto the road from the bike lane. Complicated traffic patterns around intersections with State and Congress leave drivers distracted and creating hazards for cyclists.

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  12. July 09 2024

    Note safe for bikes: Cars go too fast, too many distractions, complicated traffic patterns, (in some segments: too many lanes)

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  13. July 09 2024

    bikeable route towards the water. (Despite rough pavement between Brackett / NewCastle Ave)

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  14. July 09 2024

    Despite the 20mph speed limit, there is no shoulder and cars are very impatient (even when biking downhill). --- I would never bike this street uphill, its uncomfortably steep and there is no way to avoid cars.

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  15. July 09 2024

    Safe bikeable route, despite the frequent stop signs

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  16. July 09 2024

    Not bikeable.

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  17. July 09 2024

    While it looks like a bikeable alternative to Route 1, you are taking your life into your hands if you take this road: Lack of shoulder, many curves/hills, cars going too fast on this road.

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    July 17 2024

    Peverly Hill Road: The shoulder is narrow and in poor condition. It is unsafe and unpleasant for biking. Also the left turn from Middle Road SB onto Peverly is difficult to execute on a bike.

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    July 31 2024

    People drive outrageously fast on this road and there are often huge trucks (just encountered an oversized load truck this morning). Can we restrict this road from being used by a truck that big? Like others said, this is a very unsafe road for pedestrians and bicyclists in its current state. Please do radar/enhance safety. Add a sidewalk from the new development to route 1.

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    August 01 2024

    It would be nice if Peverly Hill Road was made more bike friendly, either with the addition of a bike lane or a better overall paved road with a generous shoulder for bikers.

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  18. July 09 2024

    Safe bicycling towards Pease tradeport/C&J bus stop from Rte 33.

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    July 09 2024

    sorry wrong color. Please delete.

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  19. July 09 2024

    Relatively safe road to bike (especially uphill).

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  20. July 09 2024

    We use the bike path a lot. Its just unfortunate when its full of debris and the uneven manhole covers can unseat a cyclist.

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  21. July 09 2024

    When on a bike, I use Lincoln St as much as I can, because its flat and a calmer street. But the stop signs at every intersection make it inefficient for cycling.

    It would become more valuable to make this a "4-way Stop" for cars, and a "4-way yield for bicycles" road. (Especially since its labeled as a cycle street).

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    September 16 2024

    When I learned how to bike on roads from Europeans, they would always say, "4-way stop - the cyclist's friend." So the 4-way stops make Lincoln safer for riders.
    What is difficult is that cars park on both sides of Lincoln making it much more difficult as it becomes only 1 lane and even challenging for a bike and a car in opposite directions. Can Lincoln parking be on one side only?

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  22. July 09 2024

    I walk with a baby stroller now and the sidewalks along this stretch are in awful condition for anyone that uses wheels for transportation

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  23. July 09 2024

    State Street, is calmer, but the hill is uncomfortably steep for biking, and between stop signs and cars that pop out of side streets the experience is unpleasant.

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  24. July 09 2024

    The "sharrows" are ineffective. I get regularly insulted by drivers, sometimes spit at when I try to bike here. I would love to avoid this patch, but there are no reasonable alternatives for biking from the end of Middle St towards Court St / downtown.

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    September 09 2024

    This stretch of road needs a well defined bike lane and not simply "sharrows" painted on the road. I too, bike this stretch of road because there is no other reasonable alternative to reach downtown. However, it is dangerous and I feel as if I need to be on high alert at all times. Clearly defined bike lanes go a long way. In my experience biking and traveling in other cities in the US and in Europe in cities with excellent bicycle infrastructure, bicycle lanes are clearly outlined in contrasting colors to the rest of the road. The most effective lanes I have seen, are in Germany/Denmark/Netherlands, and are painted in red, to clearly separate the bicycle lane from the vehicle lane. Often, they are also raised from the road, and pedestrian lanes/sidewalks are raised further.

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    September 25 2024

    Stop comparing US transportation infrastructure to Europe's. USA state and federal taxes on gasoline = 50 cents per gallon. EU gasoline taxes = $ 5 per gallon. Nuf sed.

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  25. July 09 2024

    Despite the 20mph speed limit, there is no shoulder and cars are very impatient (even when biking downhill). --- I would never bike this street uphill, its uncomfortably steep and there is no way to avoid cars.

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    July 23 2024

    Signs should reroute cyclists to Lincoln Avenue.

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    September 23 2024

    It is rare for any car to drive at 20mph and it makes running or riding on the street very difficult. This is busy walk, run and bike loop, and it means that most people have no choice but to use the north side sidewalk that is not suitable for both bikes and walkers.

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