Comments for “Portsmouth Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan”

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  1. July 09 2024

    This bike lane is some sort of super rough pavement that is very tough to ride on...

    The size of the shoulder is nice and works well.

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    July 22 2024

    I agree, the pavement is older or different material and makes me want to ride in the road. I would say the shoulder could be a bit wider.

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    July 30 2024

    The bike lane offers very little here tbh. Extremely narrow w/grates very close to or in the middle. And then ending randomly putting you straight into a turning only lane???? Would be nice if this was protected, wider, and carried through the intersection in a safe way!

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  2. July 09 2024

    This is a major crossing point that does have a yellow light and a blinking light crosswalk, but cars still go too fast and it's challenging particularly when biking up from Richards. This was made the official school route but still isn't great. What can be done with the design of the street to improve it?

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    July 17 2024

    How about bump outs and a 4 way stop/ raised intersection?
    More needs to be done to truly make Lincoln a "bike boulevard". More than a couple signs and sharrows.

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    August 12 2024

    This is an unsafe crossing and should be a 4-way stop. Care regularly speed 10-20 MPH over the speed limit down Miller in both directions and it’s a major walking and biking crossing for young students

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    August 12 2024

    This is an unsafe crossing and should be a 4-way stop. Care regularly speed 10-20 MPH over the speed limit down Miller in both directions and it’s a major walking and biking crossing for young students

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  3. July 09 2024

    The stretch of Court Street between Pleasant and Rodgers is very challenging to bike. Cars are very aggressive and try to pass to on the left, annoyed with bikes that have moved to the left to try to turn down Rodgers. I have almost been hit here on at least two occasions. Bike signage on the road would help so cars realize that bikes are permitted to share the lane.

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  4. July 09 2024

    Obviously, as a 4 lane divided roadway with variable speed limits and a 1.5 mile stretch with no traffic lights, this is a VERY dangerous place to bike or walk.

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  5. July 09 2024

    The new multi-use path along Borthwick connecting to the existing sidewalk is exremely useful and a greatroute for heading West and creating circuts in the West end.E

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  6. July 09 2024

    Would be AWESOME to connect Juniper Commons to the trail, without having to bike/walk on Rt. 1 and Ocean Rd.

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  7. July 09 2024

    Would love to see more sidewalk OR at least pedestrian friendly walking space on the side of Lafayette Rd. so that we can get safely to Ocean Rd. and take Ocean to the trail. Even better would be a connector through the woods from Juniper Commons to the trail!

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    July 29 2024

    Yes! A safer crossing from east to west, and a connector to the rail trail (perhaps through Maple Haven neighborhood + park)

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  8. July 09 2024

    I use the Richards & Middle blinky light with my kids to get to the fields/library or commute to school on bike. There isn't enough room on the sidewalk near Austin & Middle to press the blinky light, it's very awkward and tight standing with the bike. If that sidewalk could be enlarged or if there were speed bumps like those on Maplewood that would slow traffic more it would be much safer.
    Cars blow through the blinky light even when flashing.

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  9. July 09 2024

    Osprey Landing/Spinnaker Point is a circular walk with low sloping rises on two of three circular walking routes. A walker can use one of four roads in the circular route to lengthen a walk. There is no through traffic. There are sidewalks on all roads except a section of Portsmouth Blvd which is closed so walking on the street pavement is available.

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    September 29 2024

    I used this area to rehab after surgery when I was using a cane. I could park at Spinnaker and walk after riding recumbent bike.

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  10. July 09 2024

    Serious consideration should be taken to begin transitioning the heart of Market Square to a pedestrian zone. This would be a long process and begin with small changes such as removing on-street parking in this area to make it harder and less attractive to drive.

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    July 09 2024

    On a bike and with a car, I will do everything to avoid this intersection. It is ambiguous when entering from Daniel Street, and drivers are generally distracted and won't have the bandwidth to pay attention to cyclists.

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  11. July 09 2024

    Cater Park is popular to access on foot or by bike

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  12. July 09 2024

    The city did a lot of work to make this intersection as safe as possible, and I understand that there are a lot of constrains in the area - the railroad bridge probably being the biggest - but this intersection is terrifying. Anyone driver not familiar with it has no idea what's going on, and they blow through the yellow pedestrian lights. Pedestrians CANNOT see cars coming from Islington Street when starting a cross from east to west.

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    July 11 2024

    You think the intersection is bad now, wait until the 154 apartments at 105 Bartlett St are constructed. Yeeeeeeessh

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    July 13 2024

    all the changes here make it more confusing and dangerous.

    A traffic circle here would be easier to reason about and slow it down for everyone's safety.

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    July 13 2024

    As far as building a traffic circle at Cate & Bartlett, get out your design templates. You need a 110 ft diameter circle, minimum. It's not there. Plus, sight lines through RR overpass are horrendous. It won't happen. Ever.

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    October 01 2024

    The slip lane should be closed off and drivers from Islington should have to make a hard right onto Bartlett. That would solve the lack of visibility for Pedestrians and slow cars entering the residential Creek neighborhood.

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    October 04 2024

    I posted a simple suggestion to fix this intersection here hopefully it can be incorporated!

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    October 05 2024

    To maximize safety, the City removed the slip lane at Middle St and Middle Road the same year they built a pedestrian / cyclist death trap slip lane at Cate and Bartlett. Utter madness.

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  13. July 09 2024

    This is very hidden but should be promoted with more wayfinding -- this also needs to be repaved as there are big cracks over this bridge.

    This is a great gem to bike without cars. Where else can this be done, are there more bridges or paved bike paths that can be placed through public properties to make connectors.

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    July 27 2024

    I wanted to second this comment. I absolutely rely on this bridge to get to work. The path and bridge are stress free but the bridge asphalt is crumbling which makes for a very bumpy ride.

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    July 30 2024

    Very hard to find!!!! Please repave and paint with bike lines.

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  14. July 09 2024

    Rock Street Park is popular to access on foot or bike by

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  15. July 09 2024

    We ride our bikes along this unsanctioned trail because there is no safe bike lane to ride downtown from the West End. Islington is very busy and dangerous, and crossing all the way over top Middle Street is just as bad.

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    August 26 2024

    Looking forward to the new trail in conjunction with 105 bartlett development, probably in the next 2 years.

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  16. July 09 2024

    Traffic speed can make this space unsafe for cyclists.

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    July 15 2024

    The crosswalk at this location often has poor visibility due to parked cars. A flashing caution light for pedestrians would be helpful.

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  17. July 09 2024

    Need crosswalk on same side as sidewalk from Chev Ave onto Cass St.

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  18. July 09 2024

    The crosswalk on the same side as the sidewalk would be ideal. It's the worst corner! Cars go way too fast around that corner and and down Chevrolet Ave. Should also have speed bumps or at least a speed limit/sign.

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  19. July 09 2024

    All Portsmouth needs to do a much better job of clearing the sidewalks in the winter. If we want to be a walkable city, and a winter city, we need to commit to it year-round.

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  20. July 09 2024

    Absolutely need a sidewalk here. In the winter it is very dangerous for pedestrians and serves a neighborhood that needs it.

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    July 09 2024

    and, a crosswalk needed to reach the bus stop accross Gosling Road.

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    August 24 2024

    There is a short "multi-use path" here which doesn't connect to anything on either side. What is a bike rider to do without a safe way through the busy intersection?

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  21. July 09 2024

    Need to create a connector here so cyclists can bypass the worst parts of rt 33 when heading to CJ, Pease trade port or Greenland. Once through here, it's not a bad route via Harvard, Sherburn, Country Club rd, the 33 bike path and Portsmouth Ave.

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  22. July 09 2024

    I ride the rail trail 3-4 time a week to work in Norh Hampton. This is a great addition.

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    July 23 2024

    This is a great resource for commuters and recreational cyclists.

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    July 29 2024

    Great addition but just needs more connectors to adjacent neighborhoods and parks.

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    August 15 2024

    Why do rail trail crossings at Ocean Road and Breakfast Hill Road have flashing crossing beacons and Banfield does not ?????

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  23. July 09 2024

    The construction zone from the Foundry Garage to Maplewood is dangerous to pedestrians and bicycles. On street parking should be removed to make way for people walking to their jobs.

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  24. July 09 2024

    The sidewalk along Spinney to Islington ends at Sewall Rd. Could the sidewalk be extended the rest of the way to Islington? It's a very dangerous section with cars turning into Spinney from Islington and come down around a curve on Spinney

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    July 21 2024

    The sidewalk on Spinney between Sewall and Middle Road is only 4 or 5 years old. The City needs to explain why this sidewalk project was not completed to its obvious end point on Islington St. Utterly ridiculous.

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    August 13 2024

    I agree that the lack of sidewalk on Spinney Road from Sewall to Islington is actually quite dangerous. Not enough room to walk especially with a dog and cars coming up from Islington come up a bit of a hill so it's hard to know if you're really seen as a pedestrian. Is there a good reason why the sidewalk was never completed?

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  25. July 08 2024

    I'm very confused why there is a 100 foot bike lane here - that doesn't seem to go anywhere - and it's not connected to anything. It's a nice bike lane - and separated from traffic - but it's not connected to anything

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    July 17 2024

    We need complete sidewalks and bike ways down Lafayette at least as far as Heritage with a bike way to the USPS. All busstops should have at least a sidewalk, not just a sign.

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    July 18 2024

    US-1 in Portsmouth from Ocean Road to Market Basket is scheduled to be reconstructed in 2028.

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