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  1. August 09 2023

    Adding a bollard-protected easement from the Saratoga sidewalk to the Bermuda cul-de-sac at this location would dramatically improve pedestrian and cyclist connectivity in this whole area, opening up the YMCA/Crossroads area to Bay Meadows and Park Place workers and residents, and allowing Fiesta Gardens residents to access the new shops, restaurants, parks, and services at Bay Meadows and Park Place.

  2. August 09 2023

    Vehicles making right turns onto or off of Fashion Island Blvd to exit or enter Southbound 101 tend to whip around the corner at 30 mph without noticing pedestrians in the crosswalks or the lit Walk signal that invited them there. I've had to jump out of the way several times, and I've been saved at least once by someone slamming on their brakes at the last second.

  3. August 09 2023

    To facilitate foot traffic between YMCA/Crossroads and the shopping center, the middle of this long block of Grant St could really use a bulbed-out crosswalk with warning lights, like the one nearby on Concar Dr.

  4. August 09 2023

    Vehicles making right turns onto or off of Fashion Island Blvd to exit or enter Southbound 101 tend to whip around the corner at 30 mph without noticing pedestrians in the crosswalks or the lit Walk signal that invited them there. I've had to jump out of the way several times, and I've been saved at least once by someone slamming on their brakes at the last second.

  5. August 08 2023

    At the crosswalks of these on-ramps, vehicles rampantly violate pedestrian right-of-way. Sometimes I have to wait standing in the crosswalk while 10-15 vehicles speed past before one vehicle decides to stop.

  6. August 08 2023

    Wish this intersection were a 4-way stop - frequent near-misses happen for cars turning off Cypress onto Humboldt in either direction, and there are lots of pedestrians - kids live on this block and are often coming/going from the church down the block.

  7. August 08 2023

    Cars speed through this residential area as they leave the downtown area. Speed bumps would be a good opportunity to add here.

  8. August 08 2023

    The parking garage here does not have any gates or speed bumps at the exits. Although this building is currently uninhabited, I foresee this garage exit becoming an issue in the future as tenants move in.

  9. August 08 2023

    The parking garage here does not have any gates or speed bumps at the exits. Drivers regularly do not stop at the sidewalk to look for pedestrians before moving on, and instead roll right onto the sidewalk, often at unsafe speeds.

  10. August 08 2023

    The parking garages here do not have any gates or speed bumps at the exits. Drivers regularly ignore the stop sign and roll right onto the side walk at unsafe speeds. I regularly see pedestrians have to dodge out of the way of exiting vehicles.

  11. August 08 2023

    The new stop sign location is obscured by a tree. This has resulted in the stop sign being obeyed a lower percentage of the time than its previous location at Folkstone and Sunnybrae,

  12. August 07 2023

    West hillsdale needs speed bumps. Lots of pedestrians and families in the area and cars going way too fast

  13. August 06 2023

    The parking structure here does not have adequate visibility as cars are exiting. I have almost been hit by cars several times. There should be mirrors and warnings about pedestrians and people walking with dogs or strollers

  14. August 06 2023

    People often dump large objects here which is a hazard for pedestrians and for people with mobility issues or using strollers

  15. August 06 2023

    I would like a traffic light here. Cars routinely do not stop for the stop sign and there have been serious accidents as a result.

  16. August 06 2023

    Cars speed through this section as the street is very wide. There are many children who play in the street and there are regular children educational programs held at the Buddhist Temple. We would like some kind of traffic slowing measure such as a speed hump.

  17. August 05 2023

    Left turn signals needed here! Many left turners. Do not wait for oncoming traffic before turning. Left onto El Camino Real.

  18. August 05 2023

    Left turn lights and signal needed here! Many left turners do not wait foe traffic heading straignt before turning on to El Camino Real.

  19. August 05 2023

    This is a very scary intersection to cross as a pedestrian. I’ve had multiple cars almost hit me while turning right. There needs to be a safer way for pedestrians to cross El Camino.

  20. August 05 2023

    the corridor from the Event center across to Fashion island is just sketchy. I can do it because I am comfortable sprinting and holding a lane. A kid or inexperienced rider would just forget it - there's no safe way to get to foster city. install protected bike lanes maybe? The bay trai lis great if you can get to it

  21. August 05 2023

    it's unclear how to cross in order to get to the bike path to the station.Diagonally?

  22. August 05 2023

    need lights here -- it's wide and unclear who should go at the 4 way.

  23. August 05 2023

    The stopsign while traveling north on Grant here is hard to see with the tree. I just watched a car run the stop at full speed.

  24. August 04 2023

    The shadow through here is horrible. There is so much right-of-way here, we need better bike infrastructure on this stretch to connect the cavities to the north and south.

  25. August 04 2023

    This section of road/sidewalk is very unsafe for bikes/pedestrians. The exit of the ARCO and off ramp from 92 make it hectic and unsafe yet it is one of the best ways to get to Fiesta Gardens International School.