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  1. August 17 2023

    Visibility to turn from 2nd Ave. onto Fremont St. is terrible with all the parked cars blocking the view. Cars frequently just enter the intersection without much care about oncoming traffic along Fremont St.

  2. August 17 2023

    Frequent jaywalking here by pedestrians - especially during beginning/end of workday by employees from Verkada. Add crosswalk?

  3. August 17 2023

    it is hard to see around the parked cars along 2nd Ave. to make a right/left turn off of S Eldorado St. Frequent near misses or cars pulled way out into the 2nd Ave. before driver can see if it is all clear to turn.

  4. August 17 2023

    Drivers frequently use this street to bypass traffic and SPEED through here, turning quickly at both corners and accelerating quickly along this stretch.

  5. August 17 2023

    Cars frequently block this intersection and cars are unable to use S Eldorado St. to cross 3rd Ave. We need a KEEP CLEAR added on 3rd Ave.

  6. August 17 2023

    This is a high incident area. Not sure why but there are frequently high speed collisions in this area. Maybe protected turn signals and turn lanes may help.

  7. August 17 2023

    There should be a crosswalk to cross 3rd Ave here.

  8. August 17 2023

    There needs to be a commercial loading zone next to Hassett. Frequently, there is a semi truck double parked along Delaware at the corner than requires busy morning traffic headed south on Delaware to have to pass a long semi going head on to oncoming traffic.

  9. August 17 2023

    The new ADA ramp at the corner of Meet Fresh is different from other corners. Here there are raised walls to the ramp which present a tripping hazard. The other ramps don't have this wall.

  10. August 17 2023

    Frequent double parking and driveway blockages due to customers of Little Caesars.

  11. August 17 2023

    This area is now a food truck hangout with double parked cars lined up at night. This requires drivers to head into oncoming traffic to get around those double parked cars. There's also an increase in jaywalking to the food truck which is extra dangerous for cars turning off of 3rd ave at night.

  12. August 16 2023

    We live on the 400 block of State Street in San Mateo, CA. Cars often drive by fast in front of our home, on the (short) stretch of State Street between N. Delaware Street and Woodside Way. Often this poses a danger to pedestrians - especially the elderly and kids - as well as to cyclists.

    Please find some way to limit the speeding of cars on the stretch of State Street in San Mateo, between N. Delaware Street and Woodside Way.

    One suggestion is to install a pair of STOP SIGNS at the intersection of State Street and N. Claremont Street, making that intersection a 4-WAY STOP.

    Currently, the intersection of State Street and N. Claremont Street is a 2-WAY STOP causing cars going along N. Claremont Street only to stop.

    Adding two STOP SIGNS at that intersection, causing cars going along State Street to stop would go a long way in ensuring the safety of pedestrians and cyclists on this stretch of State Street. It would also reduce accidents caused by drivers who do not realize the intersection is NOT a 4-way STOP.

    Thank you for your attention to this important matter and for caring about the safety of residents in San Mateo, CA.

  13. August 16 2023

    We live on the 400 block of State Street in San Mateo, CA. Cars often drive by fast in front of our home, on the (short) stretch of State Street between N. Delaware Street and Woodside Way. Often this poses a danger to pedestrians - especially the elderly and kids - as well as to cyclists.

    Please find some way to limit the speeding of cars on the stretch of State Street in San Mateo, between N. Delaware Street and Woodside Way.

    One suggestion is to install a pair of STOP SIGNS at the intersection of State Street and N. Claremont Street, making that intersection a 4-WAY STOP.

    Currently, the intersection of State Street and N. Claremont Street is a 2-WAY STOP causing cars going along N. Claremont Street only to stop.

    Adding two STOP SIGNS at that intersection, causing cars going along State Street to stop would go a long way in ensuring the safety of pedestrians and cyclists on this stretch of State Street. It would also reduce accidents caused by drivers who do not realize the intersection is NOT a 4-way STOP.

    Thank you for your attention to this important matter and for caring about the safety of residents in San Mateo, CA.

  14. August 16 2023

    It's not clear if the lights can sense a bike in order to change. At times, I've dismounted or asked a pedestrian to press the button so I can take a left.

  15. August 15 2023

    The volume and speed of the traffic on Bermuda Drive is a safety risk for pedestrians. Drivers routinely treat these three blocks as extended freeway entrance and exit ramps. Horns honk if anyone has to slow down or tap their breaks. In addition, drivers seldom stop at the stop sign at Grant when turning on to Bermuda Dr.

    There appears to be no enforcement of speed limits and drivers respond accordingly.

    Thank you for the new signage regarding School Speed limits attempting to address this problem further down Bermuda by Fiesta Gardens School. However, the sign on east bound Bermuda just past Texas Way is a bit confusing. It states “School Speed Limit 25 when children are present.” This clearly implies the speed limit is higher when children are not present, but I assume this is not the case!

  16. August 15 2023

    This stretch of the street has constant, every evening through the late night, food trucks and street vendors. It causes a lot of car traffic and makes it hard to navigate through this section. There's a lot of pedestrians as well, making it more dangerous to drive down this stretch. Please limit where the food trucks can park and sell their goods, or have them move to a parking area, let them use the king center parking lot at night.

  17. August 15 2023

    This area, under the railroad tracks, is an illegal dumping site. There is constantly large items like mattresses, furniture and other garbage left on the sidewalks.

  18. August 15 2023

    This area, under the railroad tracks, is an illegal dumping site. There is constantly large items like mattresses, furniture and other garbage left on the sidewalks.

  19. August 15 2023

    To exit the school parking lot, there is a supposedly right turn only when exiting on N Deleware, and there is so much traffic on the other side of the school trying to exit on Poplar, especially when drivers are trying to get to the S bound 101 entrance on Poplar. All this traffic is causing safety hazards for pedestrians and drivers. There needs to be some sort of traffic control at drop off and pick up hours. Lots of traffic equals upset drivers and commuters. More stop signs on N Delaware would be great to slow down drivers and let the pedestrians in the area (students mostly) get around safely. It would also help the locals who walk to shopping. There's no safe place to cross N Delaware from Poplar to Peninsula.

  20. August 15 2023

    At what point will San Mateo get serious about creating an integrated cycling network in the city. The current system is wildly insufficient and even the improvements currently proposed in accordance with the 2020 Bike Plan will leave a fragmented, dangerous system. Cycling to San Mateo Station should be a real option for commuters without risking their lives.

  21. August 15 2023

    Dangerous stretch for bikers, as existing bike lane terminates at Catalpa dropping bikers into high-speed traffic lane.

  22. August 15 2023

    Baldwin needs traffic calming to improve the safety of Episcopal Day kids and a bike lane. There is currently no safe way to bike to this school.

  23. August 15 2023

    Road diet desperately needed. This is a 6-lane highway running through the center of city, cutting off access to the park and downtown. Cars travel routinely well in excess of the posted speed limit.

  24. August 15 2023

    Separated bike lane is needed, highly dangerous corridor in which cars travel at high speeds.

  25. August 15 2023

    we need a four way stop at this corner..speeding on Humboldt makes this an unsafe place to go west on E Santa Inez