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  1. August 04 2023

    Palm Ave has a speed limit of 25 mph but has 12ft wide lanes that invite cars to drive too fast. Traffic calming and a better design are needed.

  2. August 04 2023

    This stretch of 5th Ave needs traffic calming of some type. Crossing here is scary at times as a pedestrian. Drivers drive too fast and there is nothing to stop them from doing so.

  3. August 04 2023

    A lead pedestrian interval here would be welcome. The crossing is scary as a pedestrian. There should also be no right on red from Barneson as drivers are so focused on looking for how to accelerate into the flow of traffic that they miss pedestrians.

  4. August 04 2023

    The lead pedestrian interval here is helpful but is very short. I think this one is ~3 seconds while the rest of downtown is ~5 seconds. This LPI should be longer since the crossing here is much longer.

  5. August 04 2023

    The right turn from Northbound Palm to Eastbound 9th has a wide sweeping slip-lane-like design which encourages drivers to run the stop sign and makes the pedestrian crossing much longer.

  6. August 04 2023

    Massive intersection that makes walking feel unsafe. Making this intersection smaller or turning it into a roundabout would be great!

  7. August 04 2023

    When driving Eastbound on 4th in the left lane, if stopped at a red light at Delaware, it looks like you're supposed to go straight, into the right lane after the intersection. However, due to the street becoming a 1-way street, you're supposed to go into the left lane after the intersection.

    I walk by this intersection a lot, and I see many drivers confused by this. A white dotted line may help.

  8. August 04 2023

    Please either add stop signs on N Delaware Street at the intersection section with E Bellevue Avenue or add Pedestrian Walking Flashing Lights to warn drivers who constantly speed in this area. Adding roadway speed bumps throughout N Delaware Street between Peninsula Ave. and Poplar Ave. would be great as well to slow down speeders.

  9. August 04 2023

    Please either add stop signs on N Delaware Street at the intersection section with State Street or add Pedestrian Walking Flashing Lights to warn drivers who constantly speed in this area. Adding roadway speed bumps throughout N Delaware Street between Peninsula Ave. and Poplar Ave. would be great as well to slow down speeders.

  10. August 04 2023

    My wife and I live on North Delaware Street between Peninsula Avenue and Poplar Avenue. This stretch of road has seen its increase in unsafe drivers speeding down this corridor after San Mateo HS school hours are over. A suggestion for solution would be to create roadway speed bumps spread across the Peninsula Avenue/Poplar Avenue corridor especially high enough to reduce vehicle speeds within 15mph. Recommend 2 roadway speed bumps between Peninsula Avenue and State Street. 4 roadway speed bumps between San Mateo Union HS District Building to Poplar Avenue.

  11. August 04 2023

    This is a blind spot for cars where they can't see pedestrians or cyclists crossing the intersection. Same on the other side of the street.

  12. August 04 2023

    Have seen multiple close-calls between pedestrians and vehicles here due to there being no obvious crosswalk or signal to enter the pedestrian bridge. There's also no stop sign on Amphlett, so I've noticed cars speeding through right turns onto Monte Diablo making it dangerous for pedestrians crossing the street into the bridge.

  13. August 04 2023

    The addition of the bike lane has caused parking problems. People are often parked in spots not big enough for their car and end up blocking driveways. Could parking on both sides be allowed at certain hours to avoid this?

  14. August 04 2023

    Please include signs on all 4 way interactions when it’s a 4 way stop. A lot of the 4 way stops don’t indicate that the other directions have stop signs. It can be hard to differentiate between 4 way stops and 2 way stops.

  15. August 03 2023

    The speed bumps on 28th and 31st are horrible and unlike other bumps in other cities. These look temporary. Need a smooth bump/hump like the two on 28th closer to Flores St.

  16. August 03 2023

    Nobody stops at this stop sign.

  17. August 03 2023

    Cars speed through this neighborhood and children are present at all times of the day. Speed bumps would be helpful to deter speeding and or a sign indicating to drivers how fast they are driving through a pedestrian neighborhood.

  18. August 03 2023

    As a pedestrian crossing 2nd Ave at San Mateo Drive can be scary, especially at night. Becauseof the weird shape of the intersection, drivers turning right/east from San Mateo Dr onto 2nd Ave cannot see pedestrians in the cross walk until they have completed the turn. The building and parked cars create visual barriers. There is not any signage or lights or mirrors to help drivers watch out for pedestrians. I have nearly been struck and have seen other close encounters at this crosswalk.

  19. August 03 2023

    I live next to 1st and S Ellsworth and regularly see drivers confused by KEEP CLEAR zone at this intersection. Drivers often mistake the Keep Clear boundary line as a stop line and will pull all the way into the intersection to get to the line. This is both counterproductive and unsafe for pedestrians crossing Ellsworth an other drivers turning onto Ellsworth from 1st. In other cities (SF) the keep clear zones are painted red to make these visually obvious and as a driver and pedestrian that is very much appreciated.

  20. August 01 2023

    Please consider a 4 way stop at this intersection. Currently there are only stop signs on Flores. Cars are flying through the intersection driving on 29th ave. The stopped cars on Flores also has a hard time seeing the cars driving fast on 29th because of all the parked cars around this intersection. The stopped cars need to inch forward on Flores to see past parked cars and there are many close collisions because of the fast driving 29th cars.

  21. July 31 2023

    For a pedestrian crossing 4th & El Camino, the experience can be frightening. Cars turning south onto El Camino frequently ignore or discover at a very late time pedestrians crossing El Camino with the light.

    I propose that 3rd and 4th Avenues be made one way between El Camino and the the 101, westbound and eastbound respectively.

    Not only would this reduce the pedestrian issue at both 3rd and 4th Ave, it would make for tremendously better traffic flow on 3rd & 4th, reduce illegal u-turns into parking places, eliminate waiting to turn left against on-coming traffic, and improve pedestrian safety at every crosswalk

  22. July 31 2023

    For a pedestrian crossing 4th & El Camino, the experience can be frightening. Cars turning south onto El Camino frequently ignore or discover at a very late time pedestrians crossing El Camino with the light.

    I propose that 3rd and 4th Avenues be made one way between El Camino and the the 101, westbound and eastbound respectively.

    Not only would this reduce the pedestrian issue at both 3rd and 4th Ave, it would make for tremendously better traffic flow on 3rd & 4th, reduce illegal u-turns into parking places, eliminate waiting to turn left against on-coming traffic, and improve pedestrian safety at every crosswalk

  23. July 31 2023

    There needs to be a safe bike/ped crossing here. It's the obvious place to cross between the paths marked on this map and access to the Village via Curtiss St., especially now that Village residents have to walk farther to the relocated Caltrain stop. Reducing Franklin eastbound to one lane has helped but how about adding a real crosswalk and flashing lights like at Baze Rd.

  24. July 31 2023

    People blowing through stop signs during school hours.

  25. July 31 2023

    This double stop line is AWFUL. People coming out of the 76 gas station should be forced to turn right and go around the round about instead of trying to turn left. I’ve seen so many accidents here. Also people coming out of the village and just rolling entirely through the 4 way light to try and get up to Hillsdale and out. Or people cutting through the chevron gas station on the east side to get to the light. It’s such a mess and it seems so risky and tenuous to just leave my neighborhood.