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  1. September 01 2023

    This overpass would be improved greatly for bicyclists if they were grade-separated from 35mph+ car traffic. Instead they are at the same grade, while pedestrians on the sidewalk are above grade. If both were, I expect there would be much higher bike access to Coyote Point & the bay trail

  2. September 01 2023

    It is unclear how bicyclists exiting this trail should turn right or left here across 2 lanes of traffic--not a safe intersection for those on bicycle & no options to cross on foot.

  3. September 01 2023

    This comment is for the downtown as a whole. I regularly walk around downtown from my apartment and now that includes w my infant son in his stroller. The number 1 thing we could do to improve pedestrian and biking safety downtown is get rid of right in red. I cannot tell you how many times I have almost been hit by a driver turning right in red in Dan Mateo (and actually was hit once). It doesn’t matter if you have the crosswalk, it’s it’s broad daylight, if you’re walking w your 6”5” spouse who is in dayglow yellow, and a stroller that you’ve attached reflective tape a lights to, they will still act like they never saw you. When I was 6 mo pregnant I was almost hit 5 times between Mounds Rd and Central Park - broad daylight, I always had the crosswalk light / 2x drivers never saw me (too busy looking for cars instead of pedestrians), 1 didn’t see me but their passenger did and screamed for them to stop and 2
    Saw me in the crosswalk, made eye contact and still almost hit me bc it was more important for them to get were they were going faster than my safety.

    Right on red is a failed experiment that study after study has shown leads to vastly increased pedestrian and cyclist injury and death.

  4. September 01 2023

    Crystal Springs & Polhemus should be a 4-way stop sign intersection.

  5. September 01 2023

    This weird fake round about is such a pain. People are so confused about it and never signal properly and constantly almost collide. The city should either remove the center landscaping and make it a normal intersection or a true round about

  6. September 01 2023

    I have been almost hit in this intersection easily more than 20 times by ppl turning left on to EC ior right from EC onto popular who either don’t see me, but more frequently do not care a pedestrian is in the cross walk. This includes with a stroller. Some sort of additional enforcement needs to happen here.

  7. September 01 2023

    Parking encroaching on the corners at this intersection goes totally unenforced, causing blind turns. Only a matter of time before there is a disastrous accident at this intersection--the recently added blinker helps for pedestrian crossing.

  8. September 01 2023

    Add easier bike access to creek path

  9. September 01 2023

    This doesn't need to be 5 lanes. Please consider a road diet and use the space for protected bike lanes and designated loading zones so people don't block the bike lanes like they do today.

  10. September 01 2023

    A road diet with separated bike facilities is needed here. This is incredibly uncomfortable to ride through.

  11. September 01 2023

    Provide a way through here for people to ride bikes to and from Caltrain.

  12. September 01 2023

    Writing 'share' is not an acceptable bike facility. Remove parking or at least change it to parallel to allow for separate bike facilities. I've been buzzed by drivers and honked at in this area, even with a kid on the back.

  13. September 01 2023

    The crosswalk here is a long distance and an accommodatingly wide turning radius for cars encourages speeders who cannot respond quickly to the realization of pedestrians in the crosswalk

  14. September 01 2023

    Install a great bike facility all the way to Hayward Park Station.

  15. September 01 2023

    A bike boulevard needs to have speed control measures. Painting 'bike boulevard' is a joke. Traffic calming (speed humps, diversion, etc.) is needed on streets labeled bike boulevards.

  16. September 01 2023

    I have been yelled at by motorists while crossing the crosswalk here, across ECR. The crossing distance is too long to be comfortable or feel safe, especially for parents going to San Mateo Park Elementary on foot.

  17. September 01 2023

    Continue the bike lanes farther west on 9th Avenue so people can ride bikes to Central Park!

  18. September 01 2023

    Pedestrian residents here walk down hill in the bike lane, to Safeway. Probably deserves a real sidewalk, as they are feet from oncoming vehicle traffic

  19. September 01 2023

    This road needs a diet. Despite there being a crosswalk with lights, cars still speed dangerously around this curve

  20. September 01 2023

    This street is too fast - 50 MPH!. It is wide and straight and becomes a race track. This is wrong given it is right next to a major park with little kids. It is also used by people on bikes who want to get to the adjacent Bay Trail.

  21. September 01 2023

    There needs to be a crosswalk here for all of the Aragon HS students walking to school. It is unreasonable to ask them to walk that far to the next crosswalks in order to cross the street. There should be crosswalks where people want to walk. Also some signage to slow traffic. A pedestrian was hit here last year.

  22. September 01 2023

    The Town of Hillsborough will be adding several dozen new units in Tobin Clark, next to CSM, as part of its housing element. I believe that new residents will drive via CSM. The City and CSM need to take measures to make sure that these drivers do not endanger existing residents who walk and bike in this quiet neighborhood and on campus.

  23. September 01 2023

    For Poplar, driving NE (from ECR to 101), approaching the San Mateo Drive intersection, traffic backs up at the morning in the straight lane, but not in the left turn lane. Drivers who want to turn left will often travel into the oncoming traffic lane to get in front of the backup and make the left turn lane/light. This is extremely dangerous given the bike lane and volume of traffic here. There should be bollards on the center line to prevent drivers from doing this.

  24. September 01 2023

    This is a bad five intersection. End De Sabla Road so that it does not have access to El Camino Real. Turn this into a standard four intersection.

  25. September 01 2023

    Work with Hillsborough, there should be a sidewalk along Woodland Drive, especially on the uphill bend, when high school lets out, there are kids everywhere. sidewalk is needed in San Mateo and Hillsborough parts of Woodland Drive. Woodland Drive gets a fair amount of traffic from people coming down Tournament and heading to Alameda de las Pulgas.