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  1. July 30 2023

    Got hit by a car exiting this parking lot a couple months back, thankfully it was a sedan so I managed to go over the hood and not sustain any injury. There's poor visibility for exiting cars and cars generally go way too fast on the ECR which adds to stress.

  2. July 30 2023

    This is pretty minor, but drivers turning left from Park Pl onto Saratoga south get confused by the large insertion. Sometimes they stop when they see the red light for Saratoga south, even though it is expected to see a red light from the street you are turning left onto. Maybe add some of those baffles to the stop lights so that drivers turning left are less likely to see the red light? The geometry of this intersection makes that hard to add I'd imagine...

  3. July 30 2023

    Cars traveling north on Saratoga often drift from the left lane to the right lane in this intersection. I've seen many close calls. Perhaps painting a lane line would help guide drivers to keep in their lane.

  4. July 30 2023

    Currently if you are using the cross walk from the Franklin Templton campus on the south side of this intersection you often seen cars coming through several seconds after the crosswalk light turns on. There should be a longer dwell time after the left turn from Park Place light turns red before the the crosswalk across Saratoga turns on.

  5. July 30 2023

    Could the city build a pedestrian bridge over ECR, possibly using the vacant site at this corner?

  6. July 30 2023

    Pedestrians crossing always have to be extremely vigilant to cars turning left who often ignore the crosswalk. This crosswalk should be upgraded with the flashing in crosswalk lights that make it very obvious to motorists this is an active crosswalk. Also, due to the volume of traffic passing through this intersection there are frequent occurrences of cars running red lights here.

  7. July 29 2023

    construction workers and employees in new buildings use S Delaware as parking now since it has no time limits. Also on 7th

  8. July 29 2023

    Cars on El Camino run the red light frequently (at 17th) which makes it dangerous to drive or walk through

  9. July 29 2023

    Cars exiting this shopping center parking lot have very poor visibility to pedestrians walking north (toward San Francisco) on the sidewalk due to the tall hedges and the Borel Square sign. Removing those hedges and perhaps adjusting the rounded curb should allow more opportunity for motorist to see the pedestrians.

  10. July 29 2023

    Crosswalk timing and access at this intersection doesn't flow well with offramp traffic. At best slow and often dangerous as a pedestrian.

  11. July 29 2023

    Street parking here and in the surrounding areas is often utter chaos. At the very least, some lines to denote parking spaces would help and discourage blocking driveways. There is also still debris left behind from months-old sewer work.

  12. July 29 2023

    Driving anywhere along Tilton is stressful due to it being a narrow road with cars always parked on it. If there's a vehicle coming in the opposite direction, there's often mere inches of clearance - and drivers often are going too fast for the space and visibility.

  13. July 29 2023

    Turning in any direction at this intersection is challenging due to how far the sidewalk/curbs are into the road. If there is another vehicle at the stop sign in the direction you're turning, it's a very narrow space.

  14. July 29 2023

    Turning from Monte Diablo on to N Amphlett (especially left) is often dangerous due to limited visibility. Cars are often parked illegally further obstructing the view, but even when not, visibility is limited. Maybe some of the convex mirrors mounted along the sound barrier wall could help? Note that all similar turns from nearby streets on to N Amphlett are similarly obstructed.

  15. July 29 2023

    I feel like this should permanently be closed for pedestrians as cars would pose a huge safety hazard to pedestrians in this pedestrian-congested area.

  16. July 29 2023

    We have experienced countless cases where cars turning left or right on this 4 way intersection who don’t see the pedestrians walking through the cross walk. We live close by and use these 2-3 times a day, and have had too many close incidents. We heard this from all our neighbors as well. The city should please consider creating safer conditions before someone else dies.

  17. July 28 2023

    At intersections along ECR downtown, prevent conflict between pedestrians and vehicles that are turning (both left and right) since they both get the "go" at the same time, by giving each their own time to go.

  18. July 28 2023

    Foot-sized holes in the crosswalk at Poplar and El Camino just begging for somebody to twist their ankle in the middle of the road if they're checking for cars.

  19. July 28 2023

    Running the gauntlet on this overpass is not fun as a cyclist—or pedestrian.

  20. July 28 2023

    I call this 'psycho alley' because all the drivers are psycho (driving 50MPH) and you'd have to be a psycho as a cyclist to even attempt this stretch. There is a "bike lane" only in the loosest sense of the word.

  21. July 28 2023

    The road here is awful (potholes, etc.). Of course it smooths out when it transitions to Belmont. San Mateo needs to match Belmont.

  22. July 28 2023

    This back road is often the safest option for cyclists. Would be ideal to have better markings so drivers can be aware.

  23. July 28 2023

    There's a 2-3 block stretch here that has no bike lane. Why?

  24. July 28 2023

    Taking a left on to 5th is tough based on time of day. Drivers can move very fast through here.

  25. July 28 2023

    The cycling transition from Palm to Delaware needs improvement. As a cyclist taking a left here I need to be extremely cautious of drivers flooring it between Delaware and El Camino.