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  1. July 28 2023

    In Fall/Winter, drivers are blinded on this stretch by the sun setting in the west in the evening. Recommend placing bike cones to separate lane.

  2. July 28 2023

    As a pedestrian or cyclist, cross your fingers and hope you won't get run over in this intersection.

  3. July 28 2023

    Even with manually activated flashing lights, vehicles speed through here with alarming frequency. This is supposed to be a pedestrian first neighborhood.

  4. July 28 2023

    El Camino. Basically a freeway located in-town. Extreme vigilance is required as a pedestrian/cyclist when crossing this intersection.

  5. July 28 2023

    A kid almost died here. Drivers need to be slowed down. Speed limits are rarely followed.

  6. July 28 2023

    There is no sidewalk along this stretch, meaning I need to cross into parking lots / the street to access businesses along this corridor.

  7. July 28 2023

    There are some massive bumps in the road from tree roots in the median on this stretch of Alameda de las Pulgas. When going the speed limit, I fear for my car's suspension.

  8. July 28 2023

    Merging north onto 101 from E Hillsdale Blvd during the morning rush hours feels very dangerous. People trying to exit onto 92 will move into the merge lane. When the 92 exit gets backed up, the merge lanes turn into a dead standstill while the left lanes are moving at highway speeds. The merge here is also very short, giving little margin.

  9. July 28 2023

    I am a resident of state street and cars are constantly speeding down our street at 50mph+. They use it as a drag strip because it is so wide, flat, long and straight: I have children and pets and I am extremely concerned for their safety. I would love to see some roadway improvements including a stop sign at state and Claremont, and narrowing the roadway by adding paint lines for parking.

  10. July 28 2023

    Crossing El Camino Real on the way to the Hillsdale Caltrain is terrifying as a pedestrian; there are so many lanes of traffic and often a very long wait at the crosswalk.

  11. July 28 2023

    I am a resident of state street and there is a huge problem at the intersection of Claremont and state street. Cars use this massive intersection to do donuts at all times of the day. In addition, state street has no stop signs here so it is a huge hazard coming from Claremont and many people run the stop sign coming from Claremont making it dangerous for cars coming down State. I believe either a 4 way stop or a traffic circle would make a huge difference in the safety of this intersection.

  12. July 28 2023

    It feels dangerous to be a pedestrian at this multi-lane, four-way stop. Cars have started rolling towards me in many cases. As a major intersection on the path to multiple bus stops and the Hillsdale Caltrain station, this intersection should be safe for pedestrians.

  13. July 28 2023

    As a pedestrian, I was nearly struck by an SUV turning left from Hacienda onto W Hillsdale Blvd. While crossing, cars often begin moving towards me from the opposite side of the intersection while I am in their direct path in the crosswalk. This intersection feels incredibly unsafe as a pedestrian, and would benefit from protections and traffic calming.

  14. July 28 2023

    I am a resident of State Street and frequently cross the intersection of State Street and Delaware to go to the grocery store or to the high school track with my toddler. This intersection is absolutely the most dangerous intersection in the area. It is heavily used by pedestrians including families with young children and high school students walking to and from school. Delaware is two lanes on each side and there is no stop sign in either direction. Visibility is limited due to parked cars. Cars often speed through this intersection and I have personally seen accidents happen at this intersection as well as many near misses. I believe that a stop sign in all directions is necessary in addition to flashing lights for pedestrians to cross such as the flashing lights used further down Delaware near the high school.

  15. July 28 2023

    Very unsafe intersection on El Camino Real, Baldwin, Baywood and De Sabla. Lots of car accidents there. My main concern is for pedestrian safety, particularly at night, on the crosswalk parallel to El Camino (western side) connecting De Sabla and Baywood. A number of times I had to run quickly on this crosswalk. Cars, turning left or right to either Baywood or De Sabla have no separate light just for turns. This causes them to turn quickly with no regards to pedestrians on the crosswalk. This is particularly dangerous at night since the awkward intersection for 5 roads is poorly lit. Is there any way to make this intersection safer, particularly for pedestrians?

  16. July 27 2023

    This intersection is very problematic. As you are aware the turn signal on the south east corner has been knocked down numerous times. In addition school drop off and pick up at Saint Matthews creates congestion and safety risks on El Camino baywood and Baldwin. I have contacted the school numerous times, and they have made no change. Moreover, left hand turns at this light or like a game of chicken or similar to the old video game Frogger. I have personally witnessed two accidents at this intersection in three years of living here and have almost been hit several times by people running the red light when I was turning left. I’m not sure what to suggest, but I hope this intersection will receive some attention.

  17. July 27 2023

    We live along this 2 block stretch. Cars speed past on their way to the left turn/freeway approach at exorbitant rates! Just today we saw a vehicle nearly get rear-ended by someone doing 50+ along N Delaware Street. At night it sounds like a drag race along this stretch. Dangerous for those of us backing out of driveways, crossing street on foot, and anyone who is unlucky enough to be in front of these speeders.

  18. July 27 2023

    We need a 4-way stop at this intersection. East/West moving traffic is fast-moving with no stop signs, and there is a lot of foot traffic due to community growth, the Church located at the intersection, and Tilton's role as a thoroughfare for pedestrian traffic to-and-from B St.

  19. July 26 2023

    I have lived on Dwight Road since 1984 and the intersection at Peninsula and Dwight and Delaware has really become dangerous. I walk over to the Starbucks in the Woodlake Shopping Center every day and very often I see cars running the Red Light both coming up and going down Peninsula. I have almost been hit a few times. Since this is the border between San Mateo and Burlingame neither police department seems to be concerned with it. A person was killed a few years ago just one block east at Peninsula and Stanley. That prompted someone to install a flashing light crosswalk. Either the city of San Mateo or the City of Burlingame really needs to take a look at this intersection often and actually witness the people who gun their motors and flagrantly run the light way after it has turned red. I know that going east on Peninsula is The City of San Mateo and going west is The City of Burlingame but someone needs to step up and protect people at this intersection. I would say if a police vehicle was parked near there and was able to view the intersection that within an hour they would see at least 2 high speed red light violations.Since our block has already brought this up at the Lyon Hoag Traffic Calming meetings a couple of years ago and nothing has been done I am not getting my hopes up. There have been many vehicle accidents here and on your map you have it listed as a " Priority Intersection. If at all possibel please see what can be done to help protect us all at this dangerous intersection.
    Thank you very much for your time.

  20. July 23 2023

    A light or stop sign at any part between poplar and peninsula on North Delaware St.
    the speed of cars and lack of useable sidewalks for young children in strollers or kids coming and going from school is a huge issue 24 hours a day.

  21. July 20 2023

    Cars are speeding down the hill on Alameda here, creating a dangerous condition for the many kids walking and running among the high schools. Please consider a speed hump at the bottom of the hill on Alameda just before Alta. There is also not a crosswalk between 23rd ave and 26th ave so kids are crossing where they can. you can see the worn out path in the median. finally, all of Alameda needs tighter curbs to reduce speeds turning right at all locations. cars racing down the street not only is unsafe but discourages more walking and biking.

  22. July 14 2023

    When I called in 15 years ago I was told that our street is in the worst condition. I have not seen any work done other then fixing pothole. Is there any plan that Hemlock Avenue will get fized?

  23. July 13 2023

    It is now impossible to legally enter my driveway from Folkstone when heading towards Sunnybrae due to changes to the intersection.

  24. July 13 2023

    I have almost been struck by cars going from Sunnybrae to Folkstone at speed now that there is no stop sign on Sunnybrae at Folkstone.

  25. July 08 2023

    Now that the lighter traffic due to the pandemic is returning to pre-pandemic congestion, the roads leading to and at the intersection of South Grant and 19th Avenue by the YMCA is a bottleneck problem. With the current developments in the area, more traffic is a problem all day, and especially at commute times at the start and after 3pm/end of the work day, with many cars on these particular roads and intersection. Motorists block the intersection at high traffic times and cars back up on the connecting roads. Nearby Fiesta Gardens school children/families drop-off and pick-up should also be considered. Seniors, those with mobility problems, and pedestrians need consideration for enough time to walk at those crosswalks. Impatient and aggressive drivers are a concern. Safety is a concern. That intersection is not setup to handle that amount of traffic at high peak times of the day.

    Thank you to the rep at San Mateo's July 4th event for informing me of this feedback opportunity; I was not aware of it.