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  1. August 15 2023

    This intersection is always a major hazard to drivers and pedestrians. There are so many cars trying to enter and exit the shopping center that it often causes gridlock with the Hillsdale intersection. There's also no crosswalk here and I often see people trying to dodge cars while carrying groceries.

  2. August 15 2023

    Put a stop sign here on 28th Ave. Right now it's really confusing because there are already stop signs on 31st Ave. It's quite strange to have a T intersection with a nonstop intersecting route. A lot of drivers stop here anyways because they are already expecting a normal T intersection with a 3-way stop. Just make it easier for drivers and pedestrians to understand the traffic pattern here by making it normal.

  3. August 15 2023

    This section of Alameda de las Pulgas doesn't see very much traffic for a 4-lane road, so the two outer lanes should be converted into bike lanes. This would make existing traffic drive a little bit slower (people drive too fast) and make it safer for cyclists.

  4. August 15 2023

    This intersection could use a roundabout or other traffic calming device. Too many times have I seen drivers fly down the Alameda hill and zip through this intersection without stopping.

  5. August 15 2023

    It would be nice if there were a pedestrian crossing here (preferably grade-separated) to access the entrance to Hillsdale train station. It would also improve access from the station to bus stops on El Camino and save people from needing to walk along El Camino, where cars are speeding by at 40 mph or more.

    It would also provide access to the train station for cyclists, so they can cut through the less-busy mall streets instead of riding on El Camino (VERY dangerous) or 31st Ave.

  6. August 15 2023

    People are driving way too fast here. It feels unsafe to walk or bike here with people screaming down the road at up to 40 mph. Speed bumps should be installed to keep speeds down.

  7. August 15 2023

    An opening to and from the Caltrain would be useful here

  8. August 15 2023

    This stop light is not timed well. It turns green for cars to drive through to merge on 101 south. But often a car coming across hillsdale will drive through. Surprised there has not been more accidents here.

  9. August 15 2023

    East-bound 31st Ave lane narrows thru Hillsdale Mall then widens to 3 lanes at El Camino making it ver dangerous for cyclist crossing El Camino.

    1)There should be a bike lane on the narrow section thru the mall in both directions of 31st Ave

    2) To continue E bound on 31st, a cyclist would either have be in the right turn lane, the straight thru lane or try to get to curb and on to sidewalk to await the traffic light. None of the options is safe, especially the right turn lane & sidewalk where driver don’t look for pedestrians or cyclists.

    West bound 31st is also a nightmare for cyclist, where there is suddenly 4 lanes after crossing El Camino, one if which is a right turn lane, again endangering cyclist. Then right after Sailer Dr it squeezes to 1 lane and of course no bike lanes. It dangerous for cyclists at the mall underpass as it is poorly lighted and there are no bike lanes. Don’t understand why bike lanes were put in a slightly wider road.

  10. August 15 2023

    The road here is not wide enough for the amount of traffic that passes through. Cars often have to wait for each other to pass through. If parking was removed on one side of the street, I think that would leave enough room for cars to pass without needing to pull over.

  11. August 15 2023

    The right-turn only light here from westbound 31st Ave. to northbound Sailer Dr. is dangerous for pedestrians. Cars turn without watching for pedestrians. I almost got run over here last week.

  12. August 14 2023

    This intersection desperately needs crosswalks, as I've seen folks fail to stop entirely at the stop signs and come very close to hitting pedestrians.

  13. August 14 2023

    Speeding regularly occurs here, as well as families and children walking across the street without crosswalks at this nor the nearby intersection at 2nd/Lawrence Rd and Fremont. Wrecks have occurred here as drivers are speeding and I have seen countless people get inches away from being hit while trying to cross the road. At this intersection, we desperately need a speedbump (on S. Fremont) and crosswalk on S. Fremont at the stop sign.

  14. August 14 2023

    What is the point of the bike lanes on ECR under 92? Northbound, the bike lane dead ends in to parked cars. Cyclists should be directed to use the dedicated bike routes on Palm and Alameda de las Pulgas.

  15. August 14 2023

    On southbound Pacific, cars use the bike lane to drive around stopped traffic turning left on to Otay. This should be a protected bike lane with bollards to prevent cars from driving in the bike lane.

  16. August 14 2023

    This new bike lane is a terrible design. It forces cars to make a right-hand turn in front of cyclist. In a perfect world, everyone should come to a complete stop, look both ways, etc. In reality, most people, cyclists and cars, run this stop sign all day long. As a cyclist, it is much safer to navigate traffic and merge lanes while I'm moving. When I'm stopped at this stop sign, 6 ft passed the sign, I'm a sitting duck if I proceed through the intersection, and the car to my left turns right, not paying attention.

  17. August 13 2023

    Move a 250 bus stop closer to Hillsdale High. The new stop makes it way longer to get to the school than the old stop did on Alameda.

  18. August 13 2023

    Make the exit lane to Fashion Island Blvd extend from the 92 west onramp rather than the 92 east onramp. People take the 92 west lane and then illegally cut over into the exit lane at the last second because traffic in the 92 east lane is backed up.

  19. August 13 2023

    Add a protected left-turn signal here from 3rd onto S Claremeont. People turning left are "allowed" to take the right-of-way here and it is very confusing.

  20. August 13 2023

    Add physical dividers in the center after the intersection. People make an immediate left turn after turning onto S Norfolk to turn into the gas-station. This is dangerous for the people following because they get stuck in the intersection.

  21. August 13 2023

    Every day there are people who don't know that there are three lanes at the traffic signal. They hold up traffic or make dangerous maneuvers to go straight from the left-turn lane. It would be great if the center island leading up to the intersection were shorter with earlier, more and clear signage of the left, straight and right turn lanes.

  22. August 13 2023

    Customers of La Raza regularly park illegally along E Poplar, causing cars to cross the road centerline in order to pass. This added distraction reduces safety of drivers and pedestrians along the intersection.

  23. August 13 2023

    The Woodlake shopping center has no pedestrian access from N Delaware St. To access the center on foot you are required to use the same car entry, or walk around the block to Peninsula Ave for an official pedestrian entry.

  24. August 13 2023

    Southbound on N Claremont St entering E Poplar Ave has poor visibility for approaching cars in both directions on Poplar. The hedges at Stanbridge block visibility from the left, and parked cars block visibility on the right. Coupled with the pedestrian crosswalk on E Poplar it makes crossing or turning left onto more dangerous than necessary.

  25. August 11 2023

    Parking is difficult at night (not during the day). Many neighbors have 5+ cars, don't use their driveways and garages, reserve spots with parking cones, and illegally park commercial vehicles overnight. The problem isn't that there isn't enough spots. It's that selfish residents don't know how to share.