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  1. August 11 2023

    This may not be popular, but we should consider banning right turn on red, especially in our downtown areas. It would drastically improve pedestrian safety of our most walkable areas.

  2. August 11 2023

    This should be a 4 way stop. It's next to a park, and a lot of kids cross by here.

  3. August 11 2023

    Frequent Illegal dumping on this block. Cars will drive up in the middle of the night and unload trashes.

  4. August 10 2023

    Parents at drop off/pick up at Park School do not adhere to the traffic signs (white curb/drop off only/red curb/no parking) despite repeated attempts by the Principal to message this to parents. It would be great to see regular police enforcement at this location during the school year.

  5. August 10 2023

    Parents at drop off/pick up at Park School do not adhere to the traffic signs (white curb/drop off only/red curb/no parking) despite repeated attempts by the Principal to message this to parents. It would be great to see regular police enforcement at this location during the school year.

  6. August 10 2023

    This crosswalk is extremely dangerous, despite the flashing crosswalk lights. I once was driving and stopped for a pedestrian to cross. The driver behind me sped around to my left into the turning lane (that feeds into the CVS parking lot) to pass me, not aware that there was a pedestrian crossing. The pedestrian was nearly struck by the impatient driver making an illegal pass. This crossing should have those lane dividing cones to prevent cars passing each other thru the crosswalk similar to the ones by the fire station on E 3rd avenue near the approach to 101.

  7. August 10 2023

    The sidewalk is blocked by utility poles which makes it difficult to navigate in a wheelchair or with a stroller

  8. August 10 2023

    I have experienced drivers not notice me in the crosswalk on several occasions at this intersection. This was during daylight hours. Can there be more visibility added for pedestrians?

  9. August 10 2023

    The concrete base of the railing along this bridge is spalling badly, exposing rebar and shedding concrete chunks onto the sidewalk.

  10. August 10 2023

    Highly dangerous crossing. I was walking with my stroller and no cars stop fully to allow crossing. The flashing lights are all ignored. Why is this busy crossroad not a FULL STOP? Are we waiting for someone to have an incident to allow this?

  11. August 10 2023

    You should remove the hate symbol that some vandal carved into the sidewalk at this location.

  12. August 10 2023

    Drivers don't always stop when there is a pedestrian waiting at this crosswalk or even when the lights flash. Please add a light at this corner to force cars to stop, this is between a high school and elementary school! I was waiting at this crosswalk with a stroller, I hit the button to start the flashing lights, there was a car that drove through and when I waved at the car to let them know they should have stopped for a pedestrian with the flashing lights, they waved back at me because they thought I was saying hello. This driver was completely oblivious and didn't even think they should have stopped for a stroller with the crosswalk light flashing.

  13. August 10 2023

    Drivers use this street to speed through when there is traffic on Delaware St. They don't obey the stop signs at both ends of the street and drive way too fast in this residential area that is sandwiched between an elementary school and a park. Please add speed bumps on this street.

  14. August 10 2023

    There is a 4 way stop here but often cars roll through and don't come to a full stop which is especially dangerous as this is across the street from an elementary school. Another issue is that there are many trucks parked at this corner so its hard to see children trying to cross and cars don't obey the stop sign, come to a full stop, and look both ways before proceeding.

  15. August 09 2023

    Add a multi-use path connecting the bike lanes on Palm with bike lanes on San Mateo Drive. And extend the San Mateo Drive bike lanes all the way to Central Park!

  16. August 09 2023

    The 'share' markings are terrible. I've been honked at and buzzed by drivers. Change the parking to parallel and put in bike lanes.

  17. August 09 2023

    Run San Mateo Drive bike lanes through downtown and create great bike facilities on Baldwin to connect the entire route to Caltrain.

  18. August 09 2023

    The bend in S. Grant limits sight distance and leads to very scary situations with cars passing bikes. I've nearly been hit here several times. Traffic calm S. Grant with frequent speed humps or remove parking from one side to allow for bike lanes.

  19. August 09 2023

    We need to allow bikes on S. B. Traffic calm it or figure out other ways to address concerns but we need to encourage people to access downtown businesses and Caltrain by bike. The barricades make biking in downtown even worse than before and it was really bad before.

  20. August 09 2023

    Please consider making 3rd and 4th Avenues into, two lane, one-way couplets between ECR and 101. A 'green wave' could be installed to time signals for slow progression through downtown. Something like 15MPH would be ideal. This has been done in San Francisco on Valencia, Folsom and other streets and has made traffic way less intimidating. The extra space could be allocated for protected bike lanes. Everybody wins - traffic flows slowly but smoothly, speeding gets reduced so safety increases, people biking finally get some high quality facilities.

  21. August 09 2023

    This intersection seems oddly timed and sequenced, such that it's usually an unnecessarily long wait for a pedestrian to cross a short distance, even when there is no traffic in sight. Often pedestrians and vehicles are both waiting on red for many seconds, with no moving vehicles present to use the opposing green.

  22. August 09 2023

    Cars parking on sidewalk. Can barely walk this area of town. And it’s across from a school. I’m an adult, would hate for my kids to have to deal with.

  23. August 09 2023

    Cars parking on sidewalk, cars blocking road to stop at food truck evenings.

  24. August 09 2023

    Crossing Hillsdale when going down Saratoga on foot or on bike is taking your life into your hands since the city closed the east side crosswalk. Bikes ride on the narrow sidelwalk on the west side, I have been forced into traffic by kids on bikes on many occasions. Even with a green light, cars turning right from southbound Saratoga onto Hillsdale try to hit me almost every single time! We have effectively eliminated this crossing. It goes to schools, parks, and shopping. People now drive in both directions. How stupid is that when Bay Meadows is supposed to be walk/bike oriented?

  25. August 09 2023

    The 28th Ave/Caltrain street engineering is the worst ever. Sidewalk on south too narrow to avoid walking in street (its one stroller wide). People run across street all the time. Vehicle turn left to south parking lot despite barrier (BIG ones, not just cars). Bikes have no path to ride on safely. No one takes the ramp to the station on south side, just as well as you could get beaned by a bike exiting the tunnel. Always dangerous commuter bus exiting north lot, they don't expect bikes from the west. Somebody is going to die here