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  1. August 11 2023

    The bike lane is a great addition to kids getting to SMHS at the new back entrance to campus. As a result, more kids are biking to school instead of driving and parking in the adjacent neighborhood.

    There are also kids who bike home after being dropped off by one of the many elementary school buses that drop off on Humboldt.

  2. August 11 2023

    The bike lane is a great addition to kids getting to SMHS at the new back entrance to campus. As a result, more kids are biking to school instead of driving and parking in the adjacent neighborhood.

  3. August 11 2023

    Walking is very dangerous on Bellevue after high school lets out due to parents double parked waiting for their kids.

  4. August 11 2023

    This is a major pedestrian and bicyclist corridor for students attending San Mateo high school

  5. August 11 2023

    Stratford is a narrow street and difficult to drive when there is a lot of activity on the street. Cars going in opposite directions often have to try to pull over and stop for each other, dodge each other, or slowly and carefully creep by each other. The problem is at its worst during school drop-off and pick-up.The sidewalks on the Serra HS side of the street are wide. It would be helpful to either narrrow the sidewalks to widen the street or restrict parking to one side of the street.

  6. August 11 2023

    Cars speed up to approx 35 mph along the street from Alameda to the stop sign at Isabelle. There are 2 schools along this street, an elementary and a high school. There are also people with physical disabilities who use the sidewalks and cross intersections and at least one person in a motorized wheel chair who uses the street. A stop sign at Stratford or other traffic calming systems would be helpful.

  7. August 11 2023

    The traffic light crossing Concar going south on Grant is too short for bikes to cross (and doesn't trigger for bikes anyway). As a person on a bike, I have to get onto the sidewalk and push the pedestrian signal.

  8. August 11 2023

    Condition of this path is very rough - too many roots pushing the path up. Tripping hazard.

  9. August 11 2023

    Crossing 2 lanes of traffic going north on a bike to make a lefthand turn onto 25th is very uncomfortable. Lefthand turn from bike lane needs to be better at 25th

  10. August 11 2023

    Every time I've been riding through here in the past month, there has been some sort of delivery vehicle parked in the redzone on the CURVE. Cars pass into oncoming traffic - including into me on my bike.

  11. August 11 2023

    This crosswalk needs more visibility (middle yield to ped sign?). Also, the parking is too close to the sidewalk (SW corner especially). I've almost hit a pedestrian twice on my bike because they come out into the bike lane to see around the parked car to cross the street.

  12. August 11 2023

    Bike lane is too narrow - especially headed to a high school. Cars always parked in it too. Seems like this sole-residential street should be modal filtered and bikes given free range of the street.

  13. August 11 2023

    Getting onto the cycle track is awful here. Sidewalk is really the only solution, but it's too narrow and bumpy with curb cuts. Needs dedicated bike entrance.

  14. August 11 2023

    The center cycle lane over 101 is awesome here - thought could be smoothed out a bit. Getting off is very challenging. Getting onto it from 3rd is almost impossible. I try to use the crosswalks here (creating a bike box), but the sidewalk on the NW corner doesn't fit a bike (especially to orient to the crosswalk into the cycle track). Also, righthand turning cars do not see you waiting there to cross.

  15. August 11 2023

    Crossing 2 right turn lanes going south on Delaware is unnecessaryily unsafe. We don't need 2 turn lanes here anymore with the grade separation

  16. August 11 2023

    Why are there so many traffic lanes here! Crossing Delaware on bikes or walking is very unsafe - impatient drivers. Can't believe this intersection is still like this so close to an elementary school.

  17. August 11 2023

    Crossing the train tracks at 9th both directions - bikes have to merge into speeding traffic - unsafe. Heading toward 101, sidewalk not a great option as there's a telephone pole and an and steep curb blocking a safe crossing at S. Railroad. Kids cannot safely ride through here.

  18. August 11 2023

    This corner of Baldwin and Ellsworth is far too wide to encourage safe driving. Drivers treat the extra wide lane as a right turn lane, and turn right without checking to see if there are pedestrians on their right, regardless of if the pedestrian walk sign is on. Drivers are often unaware that the downtown area has leading pedestrian indicators, as they are more focused on looking at oncoming traffic to their left on Ellsworth. We should narrow the lanes on Baldwin down to force drivers to consider pedestrians as they make their right hand turn on red.

  19. August 11 2023

    I don't feel welcome biking on 28th. Drivers are impatient and ride too closely even with the stop signs and speed humps.

  20. August 11 2023

    This traffic signal does not trigger for bikes

  21. August 11 2023

    This light does not trigger for bikes.

  22. August 11 2023

    Drivers consistently creep into the intersection to make a left turn while pedestrians are crossing. Left turn onto ECR needs its own signal, so people can get to 92 onramps more safely.

  23. August 11 2023

    We will need a 4 way stop sign here. Cars are racing down Santa Inez Ave and humble Ave. it was too hard to cross, too difficult to see car fast enough when they racing by. Specifically bikers, hard to see them.

  24. August 11 2023

    I suggest adding a modal filter on Palm somewhere between 20th and 17th. Make Palm into a true bike blvd, reduce cut-through traffic, and then probably don't need bikes lanes and parking removal. Cars constantly aggressively pass bikes on Palm Ave.

  25. August 11 2023

    Something needs to be added to the blind curves on Palm Ave between 25th and 20th to prevent passing - aggressive drivers regularly pass bicyclists in on-coming traffic. Also, Palm in general needs treatment to make it clear bicyclists are welcome and encouraged.