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  1. August 19 2023

    As a bicyclist, you get here on Fashion Island and the path just ends. One of the main reasons to be here is to get to Bridgepointe for shopping, etc. There needs to be the last section of bike infrastructure that gets all the way to Bridgepointe. Nobody is riding that last block now. Too much car traffic to be safe.

  2. August 19 2023

    The bike lane here is dicey. Most people ride on the sidewalk because drivers routinely speed on Saratoga. This street is designed as highway with four lanes. Why?

  3. August 19 2023

    Despite the sign that says no left turns during school hours, drivers still frequently attempt or even do make left turns despite crossing guard protests. Earlier signs, rerouting traffic and traffic calming would be great.

  4. August 19 2023

    Bicyclists traveling east on Franklin basically lose the bike path when they reach the Police HQ. They then have to move into the traffic lane to get across Saratoga and back onto a shared path at Kaiser. This is a pretty scary proposition. I see only the most intrepid cyclists doing it. There needs to be a continuation of the shared path all the way across Saratoga. This would also work for westbound cyclists too, because the path is supposed to two-way.

  5. August 19 2023

    Performing a turn from Madison to Maple can be very difficult due to low visibility from cars parked on the corners.

  6. August 18 2023

    There are traffic accidents constantly at this intersection. Some weeks there are 3 or 4 accidents. There is no protected turn so most of the accidents are the result of left turns. Sometimes they also occur when one car stops to make a turn and another car runs into the back of the stopped car. It is a very dangerous intersection!

  7. August 18 2023

    Bike lane here is VERY faded and hard to see.

  8. August 18 2023

    I’ve witnessed several close call accidents and near predestians due to illegal U turns on people trying to get parking spots. It is just a matter of time before an accident occurs due to these dangerous driving tactics. I would recommend doubling the fine and excessive enforcement to stop this maneuver which seems to occur everytime I am
    Downtown, which is almost daily. This occurs on 3rd and 4th Avenue between B Street and the El Camino.

  9. August 18 2023

    A lot of of drivers speed, disregard red lights, stop signs and common sense altogether in this section of Delaware Street.

    We have had approximately 10-20 close calls over a period of 3 years, where distracted drivers have almost ran us over while we’re out walking our dog in the morning (7-8am) and evening (4-5pm) hours.

    Some traffic cameras, policing, installation of speed bumps could help.

  10. August 17 2023

    There is not a good way to get to Laurelwood park by bus. The 250 bus is the closest. Apple Maps says it’s a 12 minute walk, but it is uphill both ways, with hardly any shade. Not a good way to get to the park.

  11. August 17 2023

    Although it appears there is a transit route here, it is a completely unreliable route. The schedule is so confusing there’s no way to plan to take the route to be able to get to Beresford Park using this route, and the ECR bus is reliable and predictable but drops off too far away to be useful for this location.

  12. August 17 2023

    This exit ramp should be closed. Vehicles are going highway speeds in a neighborhood that leads right to a school.

  13. August 17 2023

    This crosses right to a school. Pedestrians can only cross on one side of the street. Peds should be able to cross on both sides. And other improvements can be made to enhance ped safety.

  14. August 17 2023

    This is a route to school. The curbs are designed for cars to turn fast, not designed for ped safety.

  15. August 17 2023

    This is a route to school. The intersection is wide and designed for cars to turn fast, not designed for ped safety.

  16. August 17 2023

    This is designed to accommodate cars turning fast, but this is a walking route to schools and should be designed for pedestrian safety.

  17. August 17 2023

    Cars turn left and right here very fast and the intersection is so wide it is difficult for pedestrians and vehicles to see each other. This is on a walking route to schools.

  18. August 17 2023

    This is a wide intersection and a walking route to schools. Could be made to accommodate pedestrians more rather than vehicles.

  19. August 17 2023

    This intersection is very wide. It’s a common walking and biking route in the community and in route to the back way to the creek.

  20. August 17 2023

    Pedestrians should be able to cross on both sides of the street here. Also, this intersection is very wide and the road can sometimes be like a speedway. This intersection is right by the library and the creek.

  21. August 17 2023

    Cars turn left and right here very quickly. The corners are cut to help them do so at fast speeds.

  22. August 17 2023

    Getting to and from this side of San Mateo from the other side of the tracks, highway, ECR is extremely painful. Any route to cross the tracks and highway to here doesn't seem to be straightforward and you would need to compete with cars.

  23. August 17 2023

    Crossing is a little inconvenient for bikes especially crossing from the east side as only one side has a cross walk. It requires bikes go the opposite direction and either keep going on the side walk or wait to cross again at the light to go to the other lane. Seems always someone running the red on El Camino as well when the light turns green on Barneson.

  24. August 17 2023

    Food vendors frequently sell here and cause issues with double parking as customers stop to buy food.

  25. August 17 2023

    High traffic area during drop-off/pick-up times. Turn this intersection into a 4-way STOP.