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  1. August 30 2023

    add a bike lane

  2. August 30 2023

    impossible to enter the road safely when using the bike/pedestrian bridge. The bridge itself is often filled with litter and poop.

  3. August 30 2023

    needs a bikelane on the left side guiding cyclists over 101.

  4. August 30 2023

    cars parked in the evening blocking access to the bay trail for cyclists, usually one with shark stickers on the side. Occupants inside smoking drugs. Also a hazard for kids playing in the playground next to it.

  5. August 30 2023

    People run red lights well after the light turns red. If you had 1-2 days with Motorcycle patrol, there would be plenty of tickets

  6. August 30 2023

    Good spot for pedestrian crossing flashing lights. Vehicles turn right on red without stopping.

  7. August 30 2023

    High speed through posted 10MPH zone. Speed hump has minimal affect. Especially bad during school drop off/pick up times.

  8. August 29 2023

    Enforcement of new 15 mph school speed zones needed.

  9. August 29 2023

    Provide Caltrain grade separation here.

  10. August 29 2023

    Like the raised crosswalk at Garfield & 28th. Prefer this to the "temporary" rubber speed humps on 28th and 31st Avenues. Conventional speed humps also better. More roadway narrowing measures: curb bulbouts, planter islands in parking lane?

  11. August 29 2023

    Analyze roundabout potential? For Alameda intersections, like at Barneson, 31st, Hilldale.

  12. August 29 2023

    The ped/bike bridge over 101 was a priority project about a decade ago, but apparently ran into funding problems. Still should be supported.

  13. August 29 2023

    Visibility turning left out of Hillside Garden is not good. It's hard to see oncoming traffic coming from the left side. Maybe increase the red zone to not allow cars to park so close to the driveway here.

  14. August 29 2023

    This road is not in great shape and needs to be repaved.

  15. August 27 2023

    Please consider making all of Ellsworth and b street between 2nd and fourth street closed to vehicle traffic. This would reduce traffic incidents and allow for safer pedestrian walkways throughout the downtown. I’ve observed many near-crashes between cars and pedestrians as people try to turn, make U turns, and reverse to get a parking spot.

    If at all possible, turning part of 3rd or 4th street into pedestrian only as well could be extremely beneficial, (eg by diverting third street car traffic to second street)

  16. August 25 2023

    Seems like an accident is bound to happen since oncoming traffic from 17th turning left on el camino is not yielding to right turn green lights from bovet traffic.

  17. August 23 2023

    Vehicles turning either direction to or from 5th Ave often do not look for pedestrians before turning. Especially dangerous is the right turn from W 5th Ave onto ECR. Many vehicles do not even come to a full stop at a red light before turning in front of pedestrians with right of way.

  18. August 22 2023

    Consider adding a 4-way stop here. There are many pedestrians regularly crossing here to get to/from Mercado El Nayarita, the hair salon, and the food truck often parked on Tilton next door.

  19. August 22 2023

    The bushes at the residential property at the Northwest corner of 2nd and S Humboldt make it difficult to see pedestrians coming from that direction that may be trying to cross S Humboldt.

  20. August 22 2023

    Need more parking enforcement of red curbs. While the amount of red curbs is sufficient to allow for safe turns there are constantly cars parked in red that make it impossible to see the coming cross-traffic. Without enforcement of the red curbs they are useless and would require many more 4-way stops to improve safety.

  21. August 22 2023

    How about regularly trimming the bushes & trees on E-bound Crystal Springs, so that they don't a) take my head off, b) force me into the car lane.

  22. August 22 2023

    How about a sign in the island or on traffic lights indicating that only the inner left lane goes to both N & S Bound 101 entrances.

    I often see all sort of lane change-issues at the intersection or just beyond on Hillsdale overpass as drivers try to move to the right lane for the freeway entrances.

  23. August 22 2023

    Cars speeding along this road

  24. August 20 2023

    Blind intersection coming up the hill on S-bound Edison, can't see W 41st Ave in either direction

  25. August 19 2023

    Drivers crossing sidewallk dont always look