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  1. September 01 2023

    Consider closing 1st Ave between Caltrain tracks and S. B street. Turn this area into a park / green space. This area, the box of Ellsworth, Transit Center Way, Caltrain track, and 2nd ave could be improved by decreasing number of roads

  2. September 01 2023

    Once a week I see someone driving 65+ mph along S. Fremont from 4th to 10th, normally headed south. I think they are trying to "beat" the evening commute traffic

  3. September 01 2023

    To avoid the red light, Drivers heading west on 12th Ave drive through the small bank parking lot and then turn North on El Camino Real. This is so annoying.

  4. September 01 2023

    To avoid the red light, Drivers heading east on Tilton Ave regularly cut through parking lot and then turn south onto San Mateo Drive. And often not stopping while driving out of parking lot. I think this should be expensive traffic ticket (~$2000), the drivers are knowingly not following traffic laws

  5. September 01 2023

    Change N. Eldorado, San Antonio, N. Fremont, and N. Grant to one way. Changing streets to one-way will help traffic flow through these narrow streets. Drivers get very aggressive on these streets trying to rush to next pinch point (where cars are parked on both sides) and try to get through pinch point instead of waiting for car coming in opposite direction. These streets are nearly impassable if garbage truck, school bus, or other large vechicle is driving towards you.

  6. August 31 2023

    Weds street sweeping occurs in this neighborhood twice a month from 11-1 pm which coincides with the 12:25 and 12:35 pick up time for College Park Elementary. This creates a lot of additional congestion as neighborhood families and those doing pick up struggle to find parking.

    If street sweeping can be adjusted to be done by 12, or after 12:35, it would alleviate congestion.

  7. August 31 2023

    Additional crosswalks would be helpful for school crossing

  8. August 31 2023

    Traffic coming off 101 to San Mateo West Side and traffic that is trying to get onto the 101 is often chaotic.

  9. August 31 2023

    Extremely congested street not suitable for parking on both sides and two way traffic.

  10. August 31 2023

    This intersection is extremely busy and causes blockages for cars exiting 101. Traffic on Poplar trying to get on Humbolt are stuck in a long line of cars trying to get onto 101. Each green light may yield two cars that pass through the intersection at peak time.

  11. August 31 2023

    This is a very dangerous intersection for cars on Poplar trying to get onto 101 S. 101 traffic exiting alters the sequence of cars trying to get on from Poplar and Amphlet. Drivers on Amphlett do not always stop and follow right of way trying to get onto 101.

  12. August 31 2023

    This is an extremely poorly controlled intersection that causes long backups on Poplar. This is a very busy intersection with challenges for turning or getting by stopped traffic.

  13. August 31 2023

    It would be nice to have speed bumps on W Hillsdale Blvd and a marked crosswalk here to make accessing Monterey St and the Creek Overlook Trail safer. Cars flying down the hill on W Hillsdale Blvd make this feel unsafe trying to look both ways to cross the street.

  14. August 31 2023

    Crossing the two slip lanes here always feels very dangerous - there's limited visibility of the cars coming over the overpass and no flashing pedestrian signal.

  15. August 31 2023

    An illegal restaurant here results in many cars parking in the bike lanes and in the traffic lanes in both directions. This forces cars to serve intro oncoming traffic, and bikes to have to swerve into car lanes. The illegally parked vehicles also obstruct visibility for drivers and people entering the busy road. Police never enforce this no stopping rule.

  16. August 31 2023

    This intersection needs a stop sign on pacific. Due to cars speeding and bad visibility, it’s unsafe to turn onto pacific from Antioch (in either direction)

  17. August 31 2023

    How the hell are you going to deal with traffic with all of the new units that are being built on Norfolk and Delaware?

  18. August 31 2023

    I bike along this route to and from the Hillsdale caltrain daily. There is no bike lane, and cars do not yield to cyclists at all coming on and off the highway.

    This issue is Bidirectional.

    I have had multiple instances where distracted drivers and speeding drivers have switched right in front of me.

    The especially bad part is going north on delaware riding past the gas stations. The two right turn lanes make it very difficult for me to continue straight, as drivers will actively cut cyclists off or be sitting in between two lanes.

    Personally, I am a very confident cyclist, even in high traffic conditions. However, this junction has been a huge danger for my daily commute and has made it very unsafe to get to and from the train station.

  19. August 31 2023

    This crossing needs a dedicated button for cyclists to trigger the lights on both sides of the road. It's very difficult to access the sidewalk on a bike, and the lights don't change without pushing the button.

  20. August 31 2023

    This street should be one-way between Humboldt and Delaware (or some substantial portion) to control traffic and improve pedestrian safety. It is extremely crowded in the mornings during school drop-off and not wide enough for two way traffic. Crosswalks are dangerous with so many drivers (many of whom are late / distracted).

  21. August 31 2023

    There should be prominent crosswalks here as it is a primary entrance to College Park Elementary. The school added a crossing guard here last year, but no infrastructure/paint exists to indicate it is a crosswalk.

  22. August 31 2023

    This is *the most* dangerous part of my daily cross town bike commute (while carrying my daughter on my bike). Drivers through here are out of their minds with frustration because of slow traffic on el camino that they're avoiding, trying to beat lights, etc. And there is no bike at all! I would encourage local traffic only to parking garages, speed bumps, or other large changes to the traffic patterns here. A mounted SMPD officer told me this area is one of the worst, but is also the highest traffic route for cross-town bike commuters. He's even had people threaten him while on duty, riding an SMPD bike on the road.

  23. August 30 2023

    This curb is missing an accessible curb cut, yet the curb across the street has one. This path is highly trafficked by parents with strollers and other folks who really need curb cuts.

  24. August 30 2023

    This crosswalk allows less than 10 seconds for pedestrians to cross 6 lanes of traffic across el camino. Literally (used correctly), every time I see someone crossing here they are either in the way of oncoming traffic or they're in imminent physical danger from cars turning from 25th onto NB el camino. I see a pedestrian have a cross call more than once a month. I was told 2+ years ago that this is a state route so the city can't change the crosswalk timing; that is irrelevant from a pedestrians point of view. I urgently needs adjustment.

  25. August 30 2023

    The 101 over-crossing is great, but headed westbound on a bike you're all of a sudden stuck at 3rd and Humboldt. There is no safe obvious way to continue along 3rd without crossing all lanes of traffic (to the outside "slow" lane of 3rd). As others have mentioned, the crosswalk timing is also difficult, making this quite an unsafe intersection for pedestrians and cyclists using the over-crossing.