Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. July 22 2024

    Should be a 4-way stop instead of current 2-way with the school nearby (if it's not, hard to remember which cross streets)

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  2. July 22 2024

    I know parking is tight around campus, but removing the parking on this side street would help decrease reckless driving because people turning left and going straight cannot both fit as it is right now with the cars parked on the north side of this road (closest to campus)

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  3. July 22 2024

    Roads here are not built for capacity needed to safely turn left onto Foothill and enter campus.

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  4. July 22 2024

    There is some tar glued into the bike lane, requiring cyclists with skinny road tires to get into the road with high-speed vehicles.

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  5. July 22 2024

    Buckley starts off with a nice bike lane and signage, but quickly deteriorates into a shoulder-less racecar hellscape. This is a major route to cross town

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  6. July 22 2024

    There is no shoulder on a significant part of Orcutt and it is a very popular road-cycling route. The crest here at Righetti is very sketchy because cars are driving fast and cannot see over the crest, and the road is narrow. If there were a cyclist and an oncoming car converging at the top of the crest, a cyclist will be hit.

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  7. July 22 2024

    Travelling North, continuing on Johnson at the intersection of San Luis Dr requires crossing a lane of traffic without a bike lane, or riding in the left lane. Cars are often driving very fast here, and I am worried they don't have time to react to a cyclist.

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  8. July 22 2024

    Traveling to/from Madonna bike path via the pedestrian sign crossing is confusing and dangerous. Needs a flashing light system because cars are accelerating on on-ramp and not paying attention to the pedestrians. The side walk is also very narrow and not big enough for bikes and pedestrians together.

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  9. July 22 2024

    Cars cut across the bike lane without looking to make right hand turn onto 101

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  10. July 22 2024

    I mean, come on. Tank Farm is ridiculous. Slow the cars down and make the shoulder bigger, PLEASE! Tank Farm is a major connector road to get across town and the alternate routes are circuitous

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  11. July 22 2024

    This is the worst spot in all of SLO! As others have said, continuing S. on Higuera at the intersection of Madonna is sketchy. From the bike lane, you have to cut across two lanes of traffic and ride in one of the two left lanes for a stretch, all without a green bike lane. Furthermore, cars are switching lanes all over the place trying to make their turn.

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  12. July 22 2024

    Turning left from Bridge St. onto Higuera S. is very difficult due to car traffic. It should have a pedestrian signal. Also, no right-turn on red for cars turning right from Madonna to Higuera.

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  13. July 22 2024

    There are 'bump ahead' signs on the shoulder of 46 on both sides where there is repaved road due to subsidence. These shoulders are VERY dangerous to bicycle on. We have had two riders seriously injured from our bike club here going south. One had to be airlifted out with broken bones and another just broke his leg seriously today. The paving is crumbled asphalt which caused them to lose control of their bikes, descending fast with the downhill slope. It needs to be swept clean and made as smooth as possible or blocked off with signs that say "Walk your bike" to clue in the riders how bad it is when they hit this area. My partner and I hit it with our tandem bike and had to go into the moving traffic lane over the rumble strip to escape wiping out on the loose asphalt and then we had cars honking at us that wouldn't move over to give us room. This was also very dangerous. It is an extremely dangerous situation.

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  14. July 21 2024

    Cars travelling at high speeds in wide section of roadway cut on to should around corner and make it unsafe to for anyone not in a vehicle.

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  15. July 21 2024

    Cars travelling at high speed in wide section of roadway cut on to should at corner and make it unsafe to enter or exit side roads

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  16. July 21 2024

    No place to walk and cars travelling at high speeds

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  17. July 21 2024

    High vehicle speeds with no separation while riding on a bike on the shoulder. The rumble strip was put in the area where bikers ride past the white line so there isn't even a warning until cars are already in the bike lane.

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  18. July 21 2024

    High vehicle speeds with no separation from vehicle while riding on a bike on the shoulder

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  19. July 21 2024

    Narrow miss as a driver at high speed came extremely close and almost hit me with the passenger side mirror

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  20. July 21 2024

    Although there is a painted bike lane for this portion of Niblick you truly take your life in your hands cycling here. The bike lane is too narrow and is often full of trash cans being picked up and the two lanes of traffic are also too narrow and speeds too high. There is no good east west connection for bikes in Paso. Creston Road is even worse, although there are improvements going on there.

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  21. July 21 2024

    Vine Street has a poorly maintained bike lane. The paving looks like it hasn't been street swept in a very long time so there is gravel, and deteriorated paving. There are also grooves wide enough and parallel to driving direction for bike tires to get caught in and a rider to crash.

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  22. July 21 2024

    Lights are not triggered by bike on El Camino Real.

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  23. July 21 2024

    Lights are not triggered by bike on James Way.

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  24. July 21 2024

    Ground in rumble feature on southbound side encroaches on already narrow shoulder leaving nowhere safe for a cyclist to ride.

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  25. July 21 2024

    No left turn lane for turning onto Turri Road from southbound Bay Blvd.

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