Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. July 21 2024

    Speed limit is too high on Corbett Canyon. Road is narrow with many bends and hill summits giving poor line of sight. Also many driveways and side roads with vehicles entering.

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  2. July 20 2024

    Parking for anyone visiting the Monarch Butterfly Grove is spread along this area of Highway 1 and many people, including families with small children, cross the road. There is an urgent need for a crosswalk with flashing lights to protect these people from traffice (as on Ontario Rd near the Bob Jones Trail), or for more parking on the west side of Highway 1.

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  3. July 20 2024

    This road is disintegrating pretty badly (especially north of Santa Clara Rd & before the new houses). Potholes, gravel, getting dangerous.

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  4. July 20 2024

    Recent events at the Speedway have led to cars parking on the narrow edge of the roadway, and attendees walking to the event location impeding traffic. This is a dangerous situation and someone is going to get hurt. Also traffic along Hutton Road is getting busier each year. Turing in and out of Vista Del Rio is getting more difficult due to this. Along with events at the Speedway impacting traffic on Hutton, a traffic light might be needed.

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  5. July 20 2024

    Near head-on collision with an elderly male driver in a grey Chevy Tahoe on April 10, 2024. He was driving the wrong way through the right turn lane. Missed me by about 2 feet.

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  6. July 20 2024

    The intersection of Orcutt and Righetti has always been unsafe as drivers heading north drive quickly over the hill, ignoring the recommended 35 mph signage. A car turning left from Righetti onto Orcutt faces a big risk as does a car turning right. As traffic on Orcutt gets heavier this has become even more hazardous.

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  7. July 19 2024

    Corbett Canyon Road is narrow and there is no shoulder. Bicycle riders on this road should try to stay off it during the commute hours in the evening. Sometimes they ride in groups and it's dangerous for them and drivers!

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  8. July 19 2024

    Bicyclist riding side by side around blind corners in the middle road causing motorists to choose between hitting a vehicle head on or hitting a cyclist. Bike lanes way too narrow to be safe.

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  9. July 17 2024

    This portion of the trail is typically covered with gravel from the parking lot. In addition, the radius of this curve seems too tight for bikes. Striping has mostly been wiped out.

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  10. July 17 2024

    There is not a crosswalk here, but a lot of folks try to cross here to get to the park. With so many cars parked on the street, it is hard to be safe as a driver and a pedestrian. The speed limit is high for how much foot traffic and parked cars for events.

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  11. July 16 2024

    Fair Oaks and Halcyon intersection has new drivers going to the high school and many cars speeding through or turning right on a red and not checking the intersection first. A crossing guard and community outreach to drive carefully would be very much appreciated on that corner.

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  12. July 16 2024

    The Ash St. and Walnut St. intersection in Arroyo Grande is missing a sidewalk and has drivers frequently run the stop sign or not bother to check for pedestrians. This is a crossing for many students and is one my family uses multiple times a day. As an adult I have nearly been hit by a car here many times, especially in the mornings before school when families that drive are in a rush. A painted crosswalk and or pedestrian crossing signs would possibly help drivers to stop and consider the safety of students. A sidewalk down the north side of Ash would also allow students to cross later at the Ash and Alder intersection which has more visibility and typically more students crossing together.

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  13. July 16 2024

    19th Street and Wilmer. While this intersection does have ladder crosswalks, it lacks sidewalks, so parents park wherever this is space, blocking crosswalks, and students are forced to walk in the street around parked cars.

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  14. July 16 2024

    safety enhancements at Farroll at Alder, Farroll at Halcyon and most importantly Halcyon at Fairoaks

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  15. July 16 2024

    Warner and 17th street cross walk. Would love to see a stop sign or cross guard or if possible signal light that kids can push button and will make cars stop so they can cross the street. Too many cars do not stop and there’s no cross guard on that side of the school

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  16. July 16 2024

    17th street and Wilmer does not have a crossing guard, there is actually no crossing guard on any side of 17th street when this is the main school entrance. Only on the other side of the school do we have one. Half of the time I stop at the marked crossing areas on 17th street, the cars don’t even stop for us, this is during school hours with many kids clearly entering into school. We need a crossing guard or at least a stop sign or speed bump on Wilmer and 17th as cars wiz through 24/7. Thank you!

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  17. July 16 2024

    Halcyon and Fair Oaks is an accident waiting to happen. EVERY single day drivers try to speed through the light when turning from Fair Oaks onto Halcyon and are going through the intersection well after the walk signal is illuminated. I have contacted the school and law enforcement multiple times in the past 2 years and STILL no crossing guard or increased police presence.

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  18. July 16 2024

    Halcyon by Harloe too many people get hit walking and biking there

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  19. July 16 2024

    Halcyon near Harloe is never 25 mph during school walking hours, and we’ve been impacted by right hand turns on red lights while trying to cross with the walking sign

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  20. July 16 2024

    Crossing improvements around Hwy 1 crossing over to the crosswalk side from Belridge

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  21. July 16 2024

    Wilmar Ave el traffic pasa muy rápido como si fuera auto pista

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  22. July 16 2024

    Crossing improvements Railroad st to the 1 to beach st

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  23. July 16 2024

    Crown Hill St and Branch, There is no safe way to cross the street from our driveway, parents have almost hit us multiple of times. Branch and Mason Street, drivers do not look if there is anyone in the crosswalk and make a right hand turn without stopping on a red or even looking most days. multiple intersections on grand are dangerous along with business driveways, drivers pull all the way up blocking any safe way of walking

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  24. July 16 2024

    17th st. The front of the school is the most busiest but there is no cross guard or bright lights near the cross walk going down Warner street

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  25. July 16 2024

    North Oak Park/Noyes, between Robin Circle and Equestrian. Needs a sidewalk.

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