Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. September 01 2024

    Car parked blocking exit of bike lane

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  2. August 29 2024

    Whether as a pedestrian or bicyclist, I find this location to be dangerous. Cars are driving 35 MPH or higher coming down a blind hill. While there's a crosswalk, cars ignore this. I would like to see a pedestrian crossing light that would flash for cars when a bike or pedestrian is utilizing this area.

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  3. August 27 2024

    Long backups, unsafe merging onto frontage rd, 101, Thompson

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  4. August 27 2024

    Long backups, unsafe merging onto frontage rd, 101, Thompson

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  5. August 27 2024

    Long backups, unsafe merging onto frontage rd, 101, Thompson

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  6. August 27 2024

    Long delays and unsafe traffic conditions at Hwy 1/Halcyon.

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  7. August 27 2024

    Traveling east on dodson to the intersection with halcyon. The intersection is dangerous and very difficult to see traffic on halcyon without pulling into the southbound halcyon lane. Parked cars block line of sight. Also cross walk is poorly marked. It is dangerous to cross 4 lanes with people speeding by and not stopping. Crosswalk needs lights or alerts of some type. Thanks

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  8. August 27 2024

    Traveling east on dodson to the intersection with halcyon. The intersection is dangerous and very difficult to see traffic on halcyon without pulling into the southbound halcyon lane. Parked cars block line of sight. Also cross walk is poorly marked. It is dangerous to cross 4 lanes with people speeding by and not stopping. Crosswalk needs lights or alerts of some type. Thanks

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  9. August 26 2024

    bike lane is always impacted by rock fall debris. cars headed toward park pass cyclists riding around debris on blind corner

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  10. August 09 2024

    West Grand has so much potential to be a better main street for people walking and biking. As it is right now, pedestrians and bicyclists aren't given the protection they need next to the fast vehicles on this road. Please consider more visible crosswalks, buffered bike lanes (tons of space for it), or even a separate class I bikeway.

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  11. August 09 2024

    Please make a separated bike path. This place is so dangerous for people not in cars.

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  12. August 09 2024

    Students walk to Nipomo Elementary School here in the streets and it can be filled with traffic in the mornings. Please provide sidewalks here for the kids.

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  13. August 09 2024

    We really need sidewalks here. Students will walk in the street. There just children and shouldn't have to be in the street.

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  14. August 09 2024

    This intersection is very dangerous for students and young people. It's missing crosswalks which could also be more visible with lighting and striping or something. Also, It connects to the skatepark and that means tons of young people and families are on bikes, skateboards, scooters, ect. Please make it safe to walk and bike through this intersection.

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  15. August 09 2024

    Please put in sidewalks here. Hundreds of students use this street every day and are left on the road with the cars. It is very unpleasant to walk here. Especially for our students.

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  16. August 09 2024

    This crosswalk needs a fancy lighting crosswalk thing. Drivers really like going about 60 mph on this road. Please include bulb outs, pedestrian lighting, and even make it a raised crosswalk. It's very dangerous here as a pedestrian.

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  17. August 09 2024

    The incomplete sidewalks on Tefft leave me walking in the street and I've personally almost been hit several times. Please do something about these sidewalks or separate them farther from cars.

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  18. August 09 2024

    Please make this an area where people can bike. It's too dangerous to ride on Tefft Street at all. I'd rather be able to ride a bike or walk next to but not on Tefft Street.

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  19. August 09 2024

    Please provide a formal walking/ biking path here. The space is often used by the homeless, but it'd be nice if we could reclaim it because the Vons Shopping Center creates a large barrier to walking around to get to the swap meet.

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  20. August 09 2024

    Please make this road safer for bicyclists, skateboarders, and other people rolling around. Students use this road to get to school, and it doesn't accommodate walking or bicyclists very well, but there is room for improvement.

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  21. August 09 2024

    Drivers do not respect this Crosswalk enough!!! Please include bulb outs, better lighting, and one of those fancy crossing pedestrian beacon things please. The ones that light up really bright. Also, shouldn't this crosswalk like be yellow because it's going to a school.

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  22. August 09 2024

    People in cars seem to really like to speed up here, and it's really intimidating for bicyclists to be next to cars. I'd like a separated bike lane.

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  23. August 09 2024

    Please make these crosswalks for visible and yellow so people know there is a school nearby. The children walking to school here can be very intimidating for the children.

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  24. August 09 2024

    Please make all these crosswalks for visible for drivers. It's very hard to cross these as a person because of the high speed of cars.

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  25. August 09 2024

    Please get rid of slip lane and just make a more organized and safer crosswalk for pedestrians and cyclist. This is really dangerous because people just don't stop for pedestrians at all here.

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