Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. August 09 2024

    Missing sidewalks here

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  2. August 09 2024

    no sidewalks from on Tefft Street from Division to Simon Lane. Please include sidewalks

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  3. August 09 2024

    bike conflict striping here please

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  4. August 09 2024

    Please make more room for bicyclist here or give us our own separated path. This road also goes to the Santa Maria Pedestrian Bridge, which is widely used by bicyclists and pedestrians.

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  5. August 09 2024

    Please include bike boxes for bicyclists on all four sides of this intersection.

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  6. August 09 2024

    Please include green conflict striping at this intersection.

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  7. August 09 2024

    Many people ride there bikes along this road. Please include buffered bike lanes here. PLEASE

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  8. August 09 2024

    Improve sidewalk to be ADA compliant

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  9. August 09 2024

    Please provide buffered class II bike lanes here. Makes no sense there are bike lanes going down this but not back up. Like how are bicyclist suppose to go back home up this hill?

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  10. August 09 2024

    Please continue sidewalks at this location. Many, and i mean many people walk along the dirt path here and nearly fall into the street.

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  11. August 09 2024

    Please provide bulb outs here. PLEASE!!! Its such a small and meaningful improvement that would be perfect for this crosswalk.

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  12. August 09 2024

    Please include stop bars for vehicles on and adjacent to the bridges. Many times vehicles will encroach into the crosswalks.

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  13. August 09 2024

    Please provide buffered bike lanes here. There is excess and unused roadway space that could go to bicyclists here especially because the national bus driver shortage has resulted in significantly more students walking/biking to school in Nipomo.

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  14. August 09 2024

    Please consider raising bike lanes to be at same level as sidewalk in these locations. I would like for the bikes to actually be safe here at this bridge.

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  15. August 09 2024

    The portion of Tefft Street from Pomeroy Road Mary Avenue has excess roadway width and driving lanes. Please reduce lane widths and create a cycle track or separate biking facility as vehicles excessively speed along this stretch.

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  16. August 08 2024

    The NB onramp is too short and creates a lot of turbulence because merging vehicles are going too slow. Add to that, poor roadway geometrics and superelevation. This area consistently backs up.

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  17. August 08 2024

    The guardrail on the south side obstructs the sight triangle. Going EB on Vineyard I've had to slam on my brakes because a car turns right from the offramp right in front of me.

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  18. August 08 2024

    I feel very unsafe turning left from Santa Fe Rd onto Tank Farm. EB vehicles are going very fast and it's hard to find a gap to complete the turn. Can the striping be updated so turning vehicles can at least complete the movement in 2 stages (provide a median refuge)?

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  19. August 07 2024

    The shoulder is very narrow.

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  20. August 07 2024

    I use this route to commute between San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande regularly. It has become more congested with faster drivers. Sometimes the white line has an eroded, leaving cyclist to ride on the right side of the lane.

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  21. August 07 2024

    The shoulder is extremely uneven along Ontario Ridge Rd and makes it difficult to ride on. I often have to swerve out into the car lane to avoid poor pavement.

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  22. August 07 2024

    Turning left into the bike lane is an absolute nightmare. Cars merge into poorly the marked bike lane and almost hit cyclists like myself all the time.

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  23. August 07 2024

    Pavement is extremely uneven when crossing the freeway exit with speeding cars going by.

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  24. August 07 2024

    Extremely narrow shoulder with fast cars turning onto a bridge

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  25. August 07 2024

    Narrow shoulder and speeding cars.

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