Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. October 04 2024

    Orcutt Road is one of my favorite roads to bicycle, but it has become a commute route for south county residents who work in San Luis Obispo. Many motorists speed, pass dangerously and ignore the 3-feet-for-safety law. I do not ride this road during commute hours anymore, but am increasingly distressed that traffic during non-commute hours continues to increase. I appreciate the motorists who drive safely around bicyclists, but wish there was more enforcement to stop the aggressive behavior of too many motorists.

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  2. October 04 2024

    Old Creek Road used to be one of my favorite roads to bicycle, but it has become a shortcut between Highway 46 and Highway 1/ Cayucos. Many motorists speed, tailgate, pass dangerously and ignore the 3-feet-for-safety law. Some motorists exhibit road rage symptoms when they see a bicyclist. I rarely ride this road anymore because I don't want to be hit by motorist.

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  3. October 04 2024

    Highway 58 between Santa Margarita and the intersection of Highway 29 used to be a wonderful bike ride, but increased traffic and more aggressive motorists, especially those driving monster SUVs and pickups, have made bicycle rides very stressful. The worst segment is northbound near the Santa Margarita cemetery. My understanding is that Caltrans is scheduled to add shoulders between Santa Margarita and Pozo Road-these improvements need to happen ASAP.

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  4. October 04 2024

    Bike lane or wider road desperately needed for safe travel on Tank farm

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  5. October 04 2024

    No safe way to cross broad street as a bicycle or pedestrian without major detour

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  6. October 04 2024

    Low visibility at this intersection for pedestrians and bikes

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  7. October 04 2024

    Bike signal works great, especially in conjuction with signal on Broad at Woodbridge...allows me to avoid Broad @ South altogether

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  8. October 04 2024

    Having a separate the Pepper Street Bridge and multiuse trail has made this so much safer and well used.

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  9. October 04 2024

    No ped sidewalk to get to the bus stop at Damon Garcia Fields. Heavy traffic, no barrier not ADA accesable

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  10. October 04 2024

    Pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle safety concerns crossing Johnson at Sydney. Vehicle traffic has increased significantly on Johnson creating multiple traffic hazards. I've had multiple near miss experiences with vehicles speeding possibly over 50-60mp

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  11. October 04 2024

    Bike Lane merges with autos on HWY 227 unsafe for cyclists as traffic, speed of vehicles and multiple auto filled lane changes on Southbound Broad Street towards Tank Farm Road IS unsafe

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  12. October 04 2024

    This intersection has been far safer during construction. Light should be turned into an all way stop-sign

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  13. October 04 2024

    This is the perfect place for a PHB

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  14. October 04 2024

    This stretch of Industrial is so poorly maintained as to be almost un-rideable. Additionally, the UPS drivers drive extremely fast and make sudden turns into their lot - low awareness.

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  15. October 04 2024

    Excellent new traffic light

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  16. October 04 2024

    Unsafe to cross Bridge and head South on Higuera, should create a wide bike/pedestrian sidewalk on the Eastern side running all the way to Prado

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  17. October 04 2024

    Heading south to get to the Madonna Bike Path, or just stay on Higuera, is very unsafe

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  18. October 04 2024

    There is a gate here that forces a very long detour onto Industrial, Broad, and Tank Farm in order to get to French Park. I assume its an HOA thing, but the city should do what it can to open up this more direct and safe path through this neighborhoo

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  19. October 04 2024

    Continuing problem. Drivers don't stop for rectangular flashing lights. I think it's because they aren't used to seeing them. With Hawthorne Elementary school and the amount of new kids at the housing going in on Bridge a signal should be considere

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  20. October 04 2024

    There should be a connection from the Bob Jones to Tank Farm, Suburban, and that whole shopping area. Going all the ways to the LOVR is a waste of time, and unsafe trying to connect back to Higuera.

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  21. October 04 2024

    Cut throughs like this should be increased 10-fold throughout the city.

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  22. October 04 2024

    Will concur with many of the other comments, the speed on Broad is too fast, could be improved by creating a filled median (with trees!)

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  23. October 04 2024

    Poor connection between Bob Jones and Higuera/Prado

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  24. October 04 2024

    Frequent jaywalking between crossing at King or Higuera, no safe crossings particularly at Beebee (which is nicer to walk than Higuera)

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  25. October 04 2024

    Love the bridge here, enables me to bike downtown 90% of my trips

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