Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. July 16 2024

    North Thompson walking or riding a bike to New Tech is dangerous.

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  2. July 16 2024

    No crossing guard at Brisco and Linda. Minimum wage for one hour a day is not enough for the dangerous intersection. Trust me, it was my job for over a year.

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  3. July 16 2024

    There are not full sidewalks from the east of Fairgrove to the existing crosswalk on Wilmar or the Pike- making it extremely unsafe for kids to walk to school. Additionally, there are no crossing guards on the east side of Fairgrove, allowing kids to safely cross from the South to the North side of The Pike, where there are sidewalks. Lastly- the traffic goes SO FAST along the pike, there should be some speed bumps or crossing guards at the LARGE intersection of Elm and The Pike to ensure safe passage. We’ve been almost hit on a few occasions by people rushing to work and trying to “beat” me and the kids through the crosswalk.

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  4. July 16 2024

    There is no sidewalk on Mallagh street at the field gate that a large majority of walkers use to get to and from the school. The students have to walk in the street with the cars! PUT IN A SIDEWALK!

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  5. July 15 2024

    The new improvements at this location definitely make the pedestrian feel safer

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  6. July 11 2024

    Cars frequently blast through the crosswalk while I am still crossing the street. Close family and I have nearly been ran over on multiple occasions. Signal is not timed correctly and this further contributes to poor driver compliance as the red indication ends less than 7 seconds into the 20+ second pedestrian countdown.

    I no longer use this crosswalk due to safety concerns.

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  7. July 11 2024

    Pedestrian trails do not connect to shopping center.
    A crosswalk is needed along Dalidio Drive to allow for safe walking and biking to the shopping center. Very frustrating to have to play frogger every time I walk to the grocery store.

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  8. July 11 2024

    A crosswalk (maybe a beacon) would be beneficial here to get from Mill St to the 4B bus stop going towards Cal Poly.

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  9. July 11 2024

    Very unsafe to cross here for pedestrians, forced to walk through bike lane. No crossings on California between Mill Street and Foothill is dangerous if walking towards 7/11 or Ziggy's.

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  10. July 11 2024

    El Moro Ave is a common pedestrian route for elementary school children going to Baywood to attend locally or bus to other school sites. There are no sidewalks for kids.

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  11. July 11 2024

    Too dangerous for pedestrians or bikes

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  12. July 11 2024

    Need sidewalk gap closure and wider bike lane.

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  13. July 11 2024

    Need sidewalk gap closure and wider bike lane.

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  14. July 11 2024

    The statement requesting a walking path from the French Park neighborhood to Los Ranchos is absolutely asinine. This person either doesn't have school-age kids, or does care about their safety.
    Such a walking path, for elementary school kids, would expose them to almost 2.5 MILES of chances - chances at being run into, taken advantage of, kidnapped and any number of other things, including excessive exposure to the elements whenever they are either too warm, cold or wet. I though I walked a long way as a kid, but I may have walked a mile at the most; the disadvantaged kids in Oceano may walk home 3 miles from AG high school, but those are also high school who often choose to walk that distance, even with other options available.
    This seems like a rather extreme justification to support construction of a walking path along this corridor. There is already a plan to build one - however long that may take - but don't drag school kids into this.

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  15. July 11 2024

    Consider other options to control speeds if this is a real issue. The Uniform Traffic Control manual absolutely FORBIDS the use of stop signs as speed control devices. Cannot do it, DO NOT do it.

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  16. July 11 2024

    This location is not a hazard. I have driven through this intersection any number of times and have never had a n excessive delay in turning onto SR 46.
    If drivers would drive as they are supposed to - this includes turning drivers doing so at a reasonable rate of speed, there would be no issues and no "near misses". If you cannot accelerate reasonably, you should not be driving.

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  17. July 11 2024

    This location is not a hazard. I have driven through this intersection any number of times and have never had a n excessive delay in turning onto SR 46.
    If drivers would drive as they are supposed to - this includes turning drivers doing so at a reasonable rate of speed, there would be no issues and no "near misses". If you cannot accelerate reasonably, you should not be driving.

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  18. July 11 2024

    This location may cross a State highway, but this is not a Caltrans issue. Local pedestrians are a local agency - County - issue. I'm sure Caltrans would cooperate where possible, with their Complete Streets policy and all, but the solution has to come from the local community and their governmental representatives - the County.

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  19. July 11 2024

    I see comment indicating a need - if drivers in both directions would drive as intended, there would be no issues here.

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  20. July 11 2024

    Configuration of this intersection leads to impatience in some, confusion in others. This intersection needs to be improved with a new configuration or traffic controls for safety of ALL road users.

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  21. July 10 2024

    Left hand turn from Santa Fe onto westbound lane of Tank Farm Road is treacherous.

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  22. July 10 2024

    Pedestrians and bicyclists from the high density residential area south of 4th street and west of Vine are vulnerable due to lack of sidewalks, poor road conditions, and lack of protected crossing to east side of Vine where sidewalks do exist. Vehicles on Vine travel at high speed with limited sight distance at 2nd and 3rd due to hill crest between these streets which poses risks to pedestrian crossings. Sidewalks on west side of Vine north of 3rd Street and crosswalk would promote safety for this residential area.

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  23. July 08 2024

    Private vehicle parked in bike lane

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  24. July 08 2024

    No access currently available from development/Target area to SLO City Farm path

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  25. July 08 2024

    Pedestrian crossing here would be nice

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