Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. October 04 2024

    There should be an additional Pedestrian/Bike bridge over the railroad tracks here to connect the South and Broad neighborhoods and Medow Park with Sinsheimer.

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  2. October 04 2024

    There is no way to go from Garibaldi (the easiest way to Victoria in order to parallel Broad and connect with the PHB) to the Rail Safety Broad to Laurell. other than riding on the sidewalk. Recommend widening and making it to ways fromTrail

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  3. October 04 2024

    The Hybrid Beacon enables me to bike to work, would be too risky without. Excellent piece of multimodal infrastructure.

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  4. October 04 2024

    Is there any way to expand shoulder along Tank Farm?

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  5. October 04 2024

    I love the cut through here SO much for 1295 to work!

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  6. October 04 2024

    Driver failed to stop at intersection

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  7. October 04 2024

    The bike lane here traveling north is very narrow and very rough. Bikers must encroach on the vehicle lanes to avoid catching an edge, enhancing the possibility of a bike/vehicle accident.

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  8. October 04 2024

    Major crossing point for children going to and from CL Smith. While there is a crossing point, drivers still regularly ignore the crosswalk.

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  9. October 04 2024

    There is no safe and intuitive junction between the Madonna Bike Path and Downtown. Must cross the 101N on-ramp.

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  10. October 04 2024

    When turning right from Dalidio to Madonna, the USPS sign obstructs driver's view of oncoming traffic.

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  11. October 04 2024

    I have a friend who is worried about safety in the dark while 1295 onto the bridge that goes behind the CHP office and wishes there was a camera monitoring activity there.

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  12. October 04 2024

    Please! Better protection for cyclists from drivers along S. Higuera at Tank Farm, Suburban, and Los Osos Valley Rd. Me and my co-workers with e-bikes wanna bike commute safely from South County.

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  13. October 04 2024

    Need better bike direction for bikes entering the bike/pedestrian bridge.

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  14. October 04 2024

    Dangerous place where Cal Poly students cross / jaywalk, wearing dark clothes at dusk

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  15. October 04 2024

    South/BeeBee dangerous crossing for all types and with additional housing being built on Bridge this issue will only compound

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  16. October 04 2024

    King/South pedestrian crossing insufficient. Driver's frequently drive through without slowing with pedestrians (families with children going or coming from Hawthorne)

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  17. October 04 2024

    There's a bike trail that starts/ends here, but no safe way to travel by bike to get to it from Higuera, or to get to Marsh from it.

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  18. October 04 2024

    Drivers going North on California and turning right on Monterey routinely ignore bicyclists in the bike lane trying to continue North on Monterey.

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  19. October 04 2024

    The traffic lights at Mill & California do not detect waiting bicyclists trying to cross California on Mill. They don't turn green until a car turns up. Impatient bicyclists are likely to cross against the red light.

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  20. October 04 2024

    Grand needs to be safer for bikes.

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  21. October 04 2024

    Unsafe unprotected left turn from South Higuera headed north, turning left (west) onto LOVR

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  22. October 04 2024

    People blow through this stop sign, they do not even stop. There is never any police around to monitor or issue citations. This is the only access point for all the new housing off South Higuera and an extremely busy street and has become dangerous.

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  23. October 04 2024

    Stop lights are probably needed here. Vehicles pass through around 70 and ignore the “light up” crosswalk. There is zero enforcement in the area so people speed like crazy. Someone is going to get killed.

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  24. October 03 2024

    Cars not yielding to school children crossing in the crosswalk. Trailers parked on the north West corner of Encina and El Camino where there is no sidewalk so pedestrians must walk in the street on Encina and cars turning right off El Camino can’t see them because they’re view is blocked by the parked vehicle.

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  25. October 03 2024

    Cars park diagonally on highway 58 in front of J’s forcing bicycles into traffic lanes.

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