Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. September 04 2024

    drivers on Righetti Ranch Road do not stop at STOP sign

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  2. September 04 2024

    I was hit by a car who failed to check for bikes when entering this parking lot. Significant lack of daylighting.

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  3. September 04 2024

    Cars frequently fail to yield to passing bicycles despite abundant signage giving bicycles and pedestrians right of way. Frequent near misses with vehicles moving at excessive speeds.

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  4. September 04 2024

    Frequent aggressive/illegal passing of bicycles by cars when traveling eastbound. This is despite significant danger posed by oncoming traffic, driveway interactions and a 25mph speed limit.

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  5. September 04 2024

    Pismo St. between Broad and Nipomo could benefit from a speed table. Cars frequently speed through or out of Pismo/Broad intersection when traveling westbound down Pismo St.

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  6. September 04 2024

    There is no safe connection to the bike path from this side

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  7. September 04 2024

    Good place for a roundabout? Would improve efficiency exiting the freeway and turning left, reduce speeds along California near CHP and decrease potential collisions due to shorter sight distances up the hill which also has a curve.

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  8. September 04 2024

    Need for a mid-block connection on Monterey St. between Chorro and Morro

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  9. September 04 2024

    Too many on/off ramps. This ramp should be removed. Causes increase chance of collision due to congestion and shortness.

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  10. September 04 2024

    Too many on/off ramps. This ramp should be removed. Causes increase chance of collision due to congestion and shortness.

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  11. September 04 2024

    Too many on/off ramps. This ramp should be removed. Causes increase chance of collision due to congestion and shortness.

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  12. September 04 2024

    Too many on/off ramps. This ramp should be removed.

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  13. September 04 2024

    New segmented curbs need reflective visibility at concrete base. Difficult to see where curbs are when focus is drawn to the top of the flexible delineators.

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  14. September 04 2024

    New segmented curbs need reflective visibility at concrete base. Difficult to see where curbs are when focus is drawn to the top of the flexible delineators.

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  15. September 04 2024

    Great use of Roundabout

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  16. September 04 2024

    Great use of Roundabout

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  17. September 04 2024

    Bike path dangerous due to homeless encampments.

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  18. September 04 2024

    There needs to be earlier access to the shopping center on Dalidio. Consider a roundabout at the first entrance. Otherwise people will continue to illegally turn left. Especially since there is a double standard allowing this for some vehicles.

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  19. September 04 2024

    Minimal Stopping Sight distance and an obstructed stop sign. This should return to only a stop for Atascadero or add further out signage north on Oceanaire. Cops watch this to give out easy tickets knowing how often the stop sign is run.

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  20. September 04 2024

    Intersection too many conflict points. Side street creates an inefficient/confusing intersection. Close off frontage road access from Madonna.

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  21. September 04 2024

    Intersection too many conflict points. Side street creates an inefficient/confusing intersection. Close off frontage road access from Madonna.

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  22. September 04 2024

    Bike lane traffic obscured by parked cars making turning cars and traveling cyclists inherently blind to each other. This is present through Marsh in downtown. Blind turns increase potential for significant/fatal injuries.

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  23. September 04 2024

    Bike lane traffic obscured by parked cars making turning cars and traveling cyclists inherently blind to each other. This is present through Marsh in downtown. Blind turns increase potential for significant/fatal injuries.

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  24. September 04 2024

    Bike lane traffic obscured by parked cars making turning cars and traveling cyclists inherently blind to each other. This is present through Marsh in downtown. Blind turns increase potential for significant/fatal injuries.

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  25. September 04 2024

    Bike lane traffic obscured by parked cars making turning cars and traveling cyclists inherently blind to each other. This is present through Marsh in downtown. Blind turns increase potential for significant/fatal injuries.

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