Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. September 18 2024

    High Speeding occurs on this segment

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  2. September 18 2024

    Dangerous to make left coming from NB 101 to San Marcos. Merge lane is to short turning onto SB 101 from San Marcos

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  3. September 17 2024

    Car going southbound on Santa Rita, attempting to turn left (eastbound) onto Vineyard Drive, often has an obstructed view of oncoming cars on Vineyard that are going westbound. Obstruction is due to property owner’s overgrown tall/voluminous oleander hedges along the property line near/adjacent to Vineyard Drive. hedges are trimmed occasionally,but grow back fast and impair visibility.

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  4. September 05 2024

    This Y-intersection needs a "Yield" sign where drivers traveling on both Hidalgo and Sycamore can see it and be reminded to slow down to avoid a potential accident.

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  5. September 05 2024

    Chico Road needs signs that remind drivers "cross-traffic does not Stop"
    Had at least two near-accidents in 2024 alone at this spot due to drivers heading north-east down Chico Road either assuming that Traffic Way drivers have a stop-sign at this intersection. Another driver paused to kinda stop, but then was about to roll through their stop-sign on Chico road but didn't quite see my car fast-enough--because they didn't stop fully.
    Traffic Way in the area is frequented by people driving kids to and from San Benito Road Elementary.

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  6. September 05 2024

    Tank Farm is VERY dangerous for both pedestrians & bicyclists. Wider shoulder & dedicated bike/walking lane needed ASAP!

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  7. September 05 2024

    Cars not stopping for pedestrians

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  8. September 05 2024

    This tends to be a heavy pedestrian crossing which can be scary as a driver and as a pedestrian. There is also heavy traffic turning into studio drive, enough I think it should warrant a traffic light.

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  9. September 05 2024

    Saw a bicyclist get hit by a car while crossing the street

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  10. September 05 2024

    The crosswalk Las Tablas on the corner of is very dangerous, there is no sidewalk, the actual crosswalk paint has faded and no one pays attention there. There should be a light that the kids can press to let the traffic know they’re there.

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  11. September 05 2024

    I fail to see how putting a monumental sculpture in a traffic roundabout can be defined as an "improvement". It would be best to locate it in a park, playground, or public area accessible to pedestrians, where it can be enjoyed. I'm glad our former city manager left for greener pastures, and hope that our new manager will not repeat this mistake.

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  12. September 05 2024

    Where the road curves left over the bridge. This should be a safe route to school; people speed down there and can’t make the turn and I’ve see someone in that tree on more than one occasion both times we before school. It’s further problematic as the sidewalk narrows considerably as the banking is falling down. Cars come incredibly close to the sidewalk, should one of the kiddos trip at the wrong time they’d be toast.

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  13. September 05 2024

    Thank you to the city for moving the fence that reduced the sight distance for cars waiting to turn onto Orcutt from Tiburon at the Righetti Ranch. It only took two years and several accidents to take the suggestions from residents seriously, but it is still very appreciated. Please try to avoid future conflicts in other developments by using only CALTRANS minimum standards. Please go the extra "mile" to create safe intersections. Orcutt is and will continue to be a very fast road.

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  14. September 05 2024

    Survey stakes for a walk path/steps from the Hansen Ln cul-de-sac to the paved multiuse path at Mine Hill have been removed, and landscaping completed. Please insist that the developer of the Righetti Ranch project finish this short section of path to provide public access to the multi-use path. Portions of public paths in the development have seemingly been systematically eliminated as the development proceeds. City needs to enforce the approved plans and stand firm against these "revisions"

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  15. September 05 2024

    Additional traffic signage and/or a flashing light is needed on northbound Orcutt between the roundabout & Hansen Lane. Current signage is inadequate to warn drivers of the Hansen intersection, which is not easily detected by drivers racing uphill on Orcutt from the roundabout, and which can be totally invisible if someone parks on the shoulder/bike lane to shop at the nearby farm stand on Orcutt. While the increased road width and turning lane on Orcutt are significant improvements, the traffic on Orcutt travels as fast or faster than before the road improvements, as there is no improvement in the sight distance southward from the intersection. Please consider adding more signage, a flashing light, or something to try to slow down the northbound traffic. Comment applies to pedestrian use of the intersection as well, if not more so.

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  16. September 05 2024

    Righetti Ranch residents fought to eliminate the pedestrian/cyclist overpass that was part of the original development and that was used by the developers as mitigation for environmental impacts. SLO residents in general wonder why it is so easy for developers to obtain concessions by having a small army of early homebuyers mob the planning department & council to assuage their fears of invading waves of homeless & transients. I'd like to know what mitigation replaced this lost overpass, which would have measurable benefits to the Righetti and adjacent neighborhoods as well as reducing car trips. Stupid and selfish are terms that come to mind.

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  17. September 05 2024

    additional signage on northbound Orcutt between the traffic circle and Hansen Lane is needed to help slow down traffic. Turning out of Hansen Ln, while improved due to the Righetti development improvements, is still challenging as the improvements did not correct the limited sight distance from Hansen southward towards traffic coming from Tank Farm. Drivers commonly race uphill from the circle and do not consider the Hansen intersection. Please consider a flashing light or some other mitigation. This comment applies for pedestrians accessing the Righetti open space, as well as residents of the development who enjoy a walk on a quiet road, which has become quite popular for Righetti Ranch residents.

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  18. September 04 2024

    No Left turn off of Higuera into 75 Higuera St #150 (at Madonna Rd) - Cars often turn here when they can enter center off of Bridge St.

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  19. September 04 2024

    Unsafe pedestrian and bicyclist route on Higuera between South St. and Tank Farm Rd. - Create Safe Bike Lane and Sidewalk

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  20. September 04 2024

    No protected bike infrastructure between Westmont Ave. and Highland Dr. along Hwy 1. Also, no safe hwy crossing for nb cyclists at Westmont Ave. Many people bike between CP and Westmont Ave and others told me they don't ride because it feels unsafe.

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  21. September 04 2024

    There is no sidewalk between Westmont Ave.and Highland Dr. along Hwy 1. Walking along the highway from apartments along Westmont Ave. to Cal Poly feel particularly dangerous. The segment adjacent to 555 Westmont Ave is the worst and in the City.

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  22. September 04 2024

    Exiting SB 101 at Marsh St and trying to turn right on Higuera can be difficult at times due to short merge space and high traffic.

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  23. September 04 2024

    This area needs a safe crosswalk. Perhaps there should be speed bumps in this section of Marsh Street to slow traffic.

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  24. September 04 2024

    Drivers do not stop for pedestrians in crosswalk with lights flashing. Targeted enforcement is needed. Drivers also speed excessively on South St due to lack of enforcement.

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  25. September 04 2024

    Tank Farm Road westbound drivers often do not yield right of way to Righetti Ranch Rd. drivers

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