Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Separated bike lake from Foothill to S. Bay

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  2. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Speed limit signs!! and "farm equipment safety signs". More patrolling! Tickets!

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  3. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Yes to roundabout! Also support dedicated turn lane for driveways and intersections

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  4. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    No adding lanes to LOVR to turn into a hwy!

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  5. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Large vehicle truck/trailer w/ livestock back up if waiting for clean break in traffic

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  6. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Like the round about, but would rather see bike/ped/equestrian path, crossing..etc first along other areas of LOVR. SLO City should pay some of this.

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  7. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    1. Yes on roundabout!!
    2. Yes on roundabout!

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  8. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Roundabout is great. Some protection for bikes turning left onto Foothill would be good.

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  9. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Roundabouts do not work in California. Drivers do not know how to maneuver through them. This is a major artery. Please do not block it!

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  10. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Roundabout is better than a light but we need sidewalks and bike lanes. This is very focused on cars

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  11. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    We need public transit to Los Osos from SLO. I would love to take the bus but going to Morro Bay first is not usable

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  12. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Love the round about - Great solution!

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  13. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)

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  14. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)

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  15. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)

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  16. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Narrow roads to reduce speeds

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  17. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    These curbed medians are a poor solution to traffic circulation egress from grocery outlet, riteaid, miners, starbucks shopping center

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  18. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    In my opinion
    Rich Burke

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  19. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Post office will have no left hand turn if egress to west! Bad idea!

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  20. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Make LOVR lane all the way to SBB. use existing extra lanes for bicycle and PED protected lanes for mobile home park active trans.

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  21. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    I have seen many pedestrians crossing at the crossover sight w/ flashing yellow. Most people ignore the flashing yellow & speed down the road. Too much traffic flying through turn out to MDO. A simple additional safety measure is to put orange flags on sticks in a PVC tube by the pedestrian walkthrough. I have seen this on busy highways in Hawaii. Simple! Cheap! Saves lives!

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  22. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Class I bike lane So. Bay BLVD to Foothill Rd.

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  23. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Online maps
    Include major business maps

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  24. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Make left turn lane from E-bound LOVR to 10th st. shorter. Make left turn lane from W-bound LOVR to 9th st. longer

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  25. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Crosswalks give less than 10 seconds to cross many lanes. We need more time to walk!

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