Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while riding in a vehicle. Someone ran the red light, luckily other drivers were paying attention. However, crashes and near misses happen all the time at this intersection.

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  2. June 26 2024


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  3. June 25 2024

    crossing via concha road in both directions is hazardous. cars travelling westbound on om Willow Rd may not be prepared to slow down for cars crossing/turning on via concha rd. suggest large visible signage or traffic light.

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  4. June 25 2024

    There is no room for bicyclists. I have witnessed near misses of vehicles almost hitting bicyclists. This is an every day occurrence.

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  5. June 25 2024

    There is a 3 way stop here, people do not stop and blow right through it daily in the direction of Teft. One day someone is going to get hit.

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  6. June 25 2024

    There are no sidewalks and very few if any streetlights. The cars go fast and are dangerous. It is not safe to walk.

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  7. June 25 2024

    Add a water shower here or at the surf shack. Coordinate with OCSD or the surf shack to do this. Also consider a ?pier lookout platform here?

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  8. June 25 2024

    Since the name is ?Pier Ave? but there is no pier, then add a historic plaque. Also consider a lookout platform at the base of street in lieu of a formal pier?. For public viewing of ocean and access to coast

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  9. June 24 2024

    This intersection can be problematic and dangerous for bikes and peds. I ride it daily and witness drivers going through the red light approx once a month at high speeds. The combination of the down gradient (ie picking up speed), sun angle and probable lack of attention in the morning are likely factors.

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  10. June 17 2024

    Osage road between Camino Caballo and Charro Way is narrow with no shoulder or sidewalks forcing pedestrians onto the road, Particularly dangerous for those with strollers and those walking dogs

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  11. June 11 2024

    Multiple times I have almost been hit by drivers making a right turn from Laurel to Orcutt! It makes me feel uneasy every time I bike through here on my commute back home from work. But, the bike signal on this intersection is very helpful!!

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  12. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Support 10ft DG walk/bike path from Palisades to Doris (N side)

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  13. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Turning left out of Broderson west is near impossible to see incoming traffic around parked cars

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  14. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    We need multi-use pedestrian-equestrian crossing at Pecho and Rodman. Access to button from horseback curve and excess speed is dangerous.

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  15. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    We need a pedestrian-equestrian crossing at Pecho and Rodman with button control from horseback. Multi-use safety. The blind corner is very dangerous.

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  16. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    We need a safe crossing for pedestrians and equestrians at Pecho and Rodman with access from horseback.

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  17. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    A clearer, more formal presentation would go towards getting community input. Lots of people came, most or all expecting to receive more readily understandable information. This is not that.

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  18. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Multi use trail equestrian/pedestrian safety access from bush to pecho

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  19. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Include equestrian in discussion verbiage and technical meetings for safety

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  20. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Full and complete ALL trail access bike/walk/horse from Bush to coast for safety.

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  21. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    We need a visible crossing light at Rodman and Pecho Valley Rd, for pedestrians and horses and speed bump by the curb. stop sign may be a good addition

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  22. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Flashing equestrian/pedestrian crosswalk at Rodman and Pecho valley road. Very dangerous crossing

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  23. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Full respect for safe equestrian access on all travel roads and historically guaranteed

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  24. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Equestrian + Pedestrian crossing at Pecho and Rodman with access to controls from horseback. Blind Curve here causes huge safety issue

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  25. June 06 2024

    (Received at Open House 4-22)
    Safety issues from Bush to MDO. Equestrian/pedestrian multi use trail along north side of LOVR

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