Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. May 02 2024

    going in one lane for beach, one lane for travel

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  2. May 02 2024

    southside is a complete sidewalk

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  3. May 02 2024

    no pedestrian access for 900' on hwy 1

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  4. May 02 2024

    air up station/area signage

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  5. May 02 2024

    crosswalk from lakeside to liquor store

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  6. May 02 2024

    proper signage for tire check

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  7. May 02 2024

    left turn for residents

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  8. May 02 2024

    parking in state park

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  9. May 02 2024

    broken center yellow line so neighborhood ingress is possible during slow beach line

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  10. May 02 2024

    straighten side road entrance. bulb out sidewalk

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  11. May 02 2024

    cross walk at 3 way lakeside and pier

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  12. May 02 2024


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  13. May 02 2024


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  14. May 02 2024

    keep 4 lanes for traffic

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  15. May 02 2024

    enforce no over night parking

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  16. May 02 2024

    crosswalk and lower speed limit

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  17. May 02 2024

    speedbumps please!

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  18. May 02 2024

    ped crossing improvements

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  19. May 02 2024

    lower speed limit to 25

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  20. May 02 2024

    need sidewalk completed

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  21. May 02 2024

    no overnight parking enforced

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  22. May 02 2024

    shuttle bus from hwy 1 to beach

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  23. May 02 2024

    water gathers here

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  24. May 02 2024

    add speed bumps

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  25. May 02 2024

    golf cart to go down bike lane to transport elderly/handicapped to beach entrance

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