Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. June 26 2024

    Hazard while walking. This past week there were a number of "muscle cars" driving around the downtown area and highway at high speeds. Extremely noisy cars. They are rude and don't wait for people to cross the street.

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  2. June 26 2024

    Hazard. 2:45 last night, street racing happening again on Main Street in Cambria. Super loud cars, woke us up.

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  3. June 26 2024

    Hazard. We have a few muscle cars that daily create excessive noise and drive at high speeds. We need more police in this area. Red Mustang and Orange Challenger. Nightly at 9:45 to 10:15 they are in the downtown area just going around and around.

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  4. June 26 2024

    Hazard for walking and biking. Recreation Trail Crossing from East Ranch to West Ranch over Highway 1. Bicyclists, Pedestrians, children, people of all ages, Have to scramble across and unmarked highway of 55 MPH. Solution is to add traffic stop light for marked crossing or go under span of Santa Rosa Creek bridge with permanent trail. This is a CalTrans issue.

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  5. June 26 2024

    Hazard for walking. There are numerous cars, usually motorcycles, Mustangs or Camaros that drive too fast and have excessively noisy cars. The noise travels in this canyon type terrain, and it disruptive inside our house with all the door and windows closed. Most times, these drivers live here in town and just drive around and around just to hear themselves make noise. The vibrations from the vehicles set off car alarms which is also annoying. The red mustang with the black top (he works at the hardware store), has a noise option that can be turned off and on and he always has it on. We don't have much sheriff presence up in our area, so they don't have any consequences.

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  6. June 26 2024

    Hazard for walking and other modes of transportation

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  7. June 26 2024

    Hazard for walking. Crosswalk across 24th street feels unsafe. It's a long, poorly lit, way to cross the street and during events many pedestrians use this.

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  8. June 26 2024

    Hazard for walking, biking, and riding e-scooters

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  9. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while riding in a vehicle.

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  10. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while riding in a vehicle. Child was riding bike in street and dad ran out into street to get my attention- the sun was in my eyes and I couldn't see her

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  11. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while riding in a vehicle. I almost pulled out into oncoming traffic due to the double-blind corner. It is hard to see when cars are coming from either side except at night, where you can see their headlights. It would also be nice if there was a crosswalk/4-way stop since people in the Laurel Lane neighborhoods cross Johnson from multiple streets such as Southwood, and cars are not able to see other cars with the blind corners

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  12. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while biking. Driver passed bike and was only inches away from hitting them. Driver continued to drive in bike lane for several hundred yards. Driver was likely distracted by cell phone.

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  13. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while walking. Driver going NW on Johnson cut the corner and nearly hit me in the crosswalk when turning left onto Higuera. The A pillar appeared to be in the way of the driver's vision and they did not take time to check. They were taking the turn too fast as well

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  14. June 26 2024

    Crash while riding in a vehicle.

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  15. June 26 2024

    Crash while riding in a vehicle.

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  16. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while biking. College Towing truck passed me closely driving fast and then shortly afterward almost rear ended a car but managed to slam on brakes and skid about 20 feet to avoid the collision.

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  17. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while biking. Driver aggressively passed within 3 ft while there was an oncoming car in the opposite lane creating a dangerous situation for myself (on bicycle) and the oncoming car.

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  18. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while riding in a vehicle.

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  19. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while walking. Vehicle did not yield because the stroad (Foothill) has too much and too fast of car traffic so the driver was focused on that instead of people on the sidewalk

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  20. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while riding in a vehicle. I was driving through the parking lot leaving work when I noticed reverse lights come on in the truck to my side. As I was passing his truck, the driver rapidly reversed towards me and I had to swerve and accelerate to avoid him backing into me.

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  21. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while walking. Driver did not yield when I was in the cross walk about 15 ft away from sidewalk corner. They drove through the crosswalk a few feet away from where I was standing and yelled at me. Gave driver a thumbs down hand gesture to express disappointment.

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  22. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while riding in a vehicle. Cars are constantly speeding on Santa Rosa St., making it very dangerous to turn from Highland onto Santa Rosa. Cars tend to come out of nowhere and just the other day there was a huge crash right in that intersection. So if you are turning right, keep an eye out!

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  23. June 26 2024

    Crash while riding in a vehicle. I was rear-ended on campus by another student. A lot of people were trying to get out of campus through Via Carta, and traffic was backed up. The person behind me thought we would be moving but instead rear-ended me. Nothing happened to either person or either vehicle.

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  24. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while walking. No controlled crosswalk.

    Liked 4 times
  25. June 26 2024

    Near-miss while riding in a vehicle. 2 cars driving too fast, appeared to be racing.

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