Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. April 22 2024

    I don't understand the concerns with traffic at this location. LOV is only one lane in each direction and not challenging to navigate. Compare with Santa Rosa Rd in SLO; two lanes in each direction with multiple side streets and much more traffic, yet all adequately managed. If anything, just slow the traffic down but I hope no more lights or stop signs are added.

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  2. April 22 2024

    A protected left turn at the light would be helpful for people driving into the neighborhood during school pickup/drop off hours. Middle lane gets backed up as only one or two cars can turn left during the green light.

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  3. April 22 2024

    Left turns when driving west are NOT illegal when turning left onto this ranch road. But a left turn lane or pocket is needed for safety of all.

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  4. April 22 2024

    Left turn lane needed for drivers turning left when driving west.

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  5. April 22 2024

    Left turn lane needed to turn left when driving west.

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  6. April 21 2024

    How about a center divider like they have on Hwy 1? With the high speeds on this road, I always worry about people crossing the center divider (which I hear about in the news frequently).

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  7. April 21 2024

    In a dream world, this intersection needs to connect to a road leading thru Madonna Ranch connecting to the intersection of Marsh and Higuera. Going on Foothill and Chorro is not a aweful link, so is going to Madonna Road to downtown. This would save time and gas and give the Chorro neighborhood back to the residents.

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  8. April 20 2024

    This should be an entrance only, not an exit. Exiting vehicles try to cross multiple lanes.

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  9. April 20 2024

    Our skate park is widely used and much appreciated. But the foot traffic to and from it are not safe for children on the shoulder and dirt paths. We need to offer something better.

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  10. April 20 2024

    While the traffic lights on 9th and 10th streets seem synchronized, when the light is not working on 10th street, it causes a problem with traffic backup on the short block between. That light became a flashing 4-way signal several times last years after rains. They are NOT repaired quickly, taking several days. It caused me a car accident last year. Palisades light was out a few times also with slow repair times. Suggest newer or improved signals.

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  11. April 20 2024

    The vacant land on west side of the 600 block has huge eucalyptus trees. Every windy storm, I fear for the trees coming down on my house. Besides damage and possible injury, the power lines would disconnect. And LOVR would be blocked across the whole road. These trees need to be removed.

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  12. April 20 2024

    I live in the 600 block of LOVR. The traffic speeds on this road constantly and there is no enforcement of the speed limits. Need speed bumps like on Pine to slow traffic going into town.

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  13. April 19 2024

    Add a dedicated bike path with barrier, especially from South Bay Blvd to Montana de Oro. Safe, accessible and scenic for cyclists.

    Additionally, a dedicated bike path with barrier will improve the safety for vehicles.

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  14. April 19 2024

    Although the speed limit decreases as you drive west, folks don't tend to slow down as they enter town. The reverse is true from the other direction where people drive quickly as they drive east from South Bay. Adding traffic circles at the intersections and removing the turn lane might be effective traffic calming measures.

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  15. April 18 2024

    I commented earlier about putting a roundabout here. I just got back from a trip where roundabouts are common and learned a little. First, they don?t work well with high traffic volume. Cars line up waiting for the chance to merge into the traffic going through the roundabout. Also, if one is used it must be large enough to handle the traffic. See the note from a few days ago.

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  16. April 18 2024

    All of your models and plans are missing the NEW roundabout that is built connecting Wisteria Lane to the New Airport Road! You show your planned roundabout which will be built adjacent to the NEW one just completed. Cars will leave one roundabout and pull into the next one? This should be considered in your traffic flow as large freight truck & trailers could backlog traffic with back to back roundabouts. The photo does not show the fully built roundabout.

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  17. April 17 2024

    The Pier Ave corridor development is too limited by commercial airport densities allowed by the Oceano Airport Land Use Plan

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  18. April 17 2024

    I am against protected bike lanes in this area. They are dangerous for vehicles with the barriers usually constructed for these lanes. There have been accidents in the City of SLO where vehicles have hit the barriers and overturned. Safe bike lanes can be constructed without using concrete barriers.

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  19. April 16 2024

    Public transportation between Los Osos and San Luis Obispo along Los Osos Valley Road would benefit many people in the community.

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  20. April 16 2024

    Safe space for cyclist and pedestrians would be a great benefit to the community.

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  21. April 16 2024

    Instead of multiple ATV companies using space along Pier to advertise and store their vehicles, how about having one storefront with space for all companies (like rental cars at a small airport terminal) to arrange for rentals. Rental equipment can be stored off of Pier (in warehouse along railway) and open up space along Pier for dining, shopping, lodging, and other entertainment - and perhaps more parking. On busy summer days, the beach is being used as a parking lot out of necessity.

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  22. April 16 2024

    Pedestrian concern on the dunes, folks who park in the parking lot and walk over to the water have cars constantly going around them, difficult to enjoy the beach when there are cars racing around your children trying to enjoy the beach. Close of Pier to cars entering the beach to allow pedestrians to enjoy the beach.

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  23. April 16 2024

    Major pedestrian concern for families crossing from one side of Pier to the other on the sand, cars do not stop for people, they go around them and it is very dangerous.

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  24. April 16 2024

    This entire area needs to be more biker and pedestrian (especially families) friendly. Now it seems to only cater to the off-road/truck/RV crowd and the lack of sidewalks and connected trails do not encourage safe walking and biking. Also NO OVERNIGHT PARKING/CAMPING on any street!

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  25. April 15 2024

    There should be a crosswalk here across LOVR for the trailhead (Midtown Restoration). Having to dodge traffic to it.

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