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  1. April 15 2024

    If you have a dedicated bike lane it will be necessary to have 4 lanes for cars and farm equipment so there will be a lane for passing the slow moving farm equipment because they partially use the current bike lane which rarely gets swept of the mud clods the farm equipment and trucks deposit.

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  2. April 15 2024

    I have concerns that any county road project along Pecho within MdO state park boundaries that involves a transfer of land from parks to the county for road widening may trigger a renewed effort by State Parks to put up an entrance kiosk. Please design improvements to keep access to MdO free!

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  3. April 15 2024

    Roundabouts work, but they need to be scaled appropriately to work. For instance the heavy commuter traffic on LOVR would require at minimum a two-lane roundabout with turnout lanes, so basically a three-lane roundabout. Research the roundabout at Hwys 154 & 246 in the Santa Ynez valley

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  4. April 15 2024

    A separated bike path would be an incredible amenity. Look at how popular the Bob Jones Bike Trail is.
    Vehicle speeds are high on LOVR and drivers drift into the bike lane all the time when messing with their phone or stereo. Cyclists need a safe separated lane.

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  5. April 15 2024

    While four full lanes the length of LOVR would certainly be ideal for moving commuter traffic, it could create real problems for those living along the route. If four lanes were being considered, a fifth center turn lane would be a necessary addition for safe access in and out of the rural parcels

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  6. April 15 2024

    please add a protected bike lane from the SLO city limit to Foothill with a dedicated crossing at the Foothill light to continue westbound

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  7. April 15 2024

    LOVR needs to be widened to two lanes westbound from Diablo Dr. to Foothill. Likely also for eastbound. I don't know why this section is not included in the proposed scope of work. It is the most grossly congested portion of LOVR outside of the 101-to-Madonna Rd. portion during rush hour

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  8. April 15 2024

    Passing lanes work best when they are on the uphill side of the road: re-stripe for 2 lanes westbound from Foothill all the way to the crest of LOVR, then down to one lane westbound on the downhill side. Going eastbound, extend the passing lane from Turri Rd. all the way to the crest of LOVR, it is too short to enable safe passing.

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  9. April 15 2024

    A traffic circle here will allow high traffic to smoothly and safely navigate this intersection, while automatically decreasing the speed vehicles move through the intersection when there is little or no traffic. And of course there are no lights that need to be maintained.

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  10. April 15 2024

    Ideal location for a roundabout

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  11. April 15 2024

    Work with state parks to consider charging vehicles per entry or with an annual pass to enter MDO.

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  12. April 14 2024

    It would be nice to give motorists new to the area more warning that the right lane on LOVR going west is going to turn into a right turn only lane toward the north on 10th. Drivers who don't know that is about to happen are always trying to merge last minute into the other lane so they can continue going west on LOVR. I've seen some near accidents there numerous times.

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  13. April 14 2024

    Need a wider shoulder for a bike lane. Cars go fast around blind turns. It's dangerous for bikes and pedestrians. There should be a bike/pedestrian friendly pathway from los osos to MDO.

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  14. April 14 2024

    roundabout. traffic is terrible during rush hour

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  15. April 14 2024

    There should be a barrier separated bike lane. Could be just on one side of the road to reduce space requirements.

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  16. April 14 2024

    There should be a barrier separating the lanes going in different directions. People drive way too fast on LOVR and it is dangerous without a barrier separating oncoming traffic.

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  17. April 14 2024

    We should lower speed limit thru town from South Bay to MDO to 25mph. More crosswalks . The town needs a walking/bike path dedicated off of the road from Monarch Elementary to the Library.

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  18. April 14 2024

    Wildlife are in the area. Do not install median barriers anywhere along LOVR that would limit their movement. Instead, consider adding well placed under crossings.

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  19. April 14 2024

    Do not install median barriers that would limit wildlife access. I regularly see roadkill in this area. Consider an adding some wildlife undercrossings.

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  20. April 14 2024

    Speed of vehicles leaving Montana de Pro park on Pecho Valley Rd is excessive given the downhill grade and blind curves. I have seen many "near misses" with pedestrians, bicyclists and people pulling out of their driveways onto Pecho Valley Rd.

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  21. April 14 2024

    Bicycles and cars should be separated, not using the same roads. Bikes should not be allowed on LOVR, it creates too many hazards. Perhaps a bike path parallel to LOVR could be created.

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  22. April 14 2024

    LOVR should not be widened. If widened, it will drastically alter the feel of the local area, and will open the area to more commercial development. The existing lanes are more than capable of handling traffic levels to and from Los Osos.

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  23. April 14 2024

    Bikes need to be separated from cars. Bikes should not be allowed on the main road. Give them their own path.

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  24. April 14 2024

    Bicycles should not be permitted on this road. There is not enough room for bicycles and cars, and the bicycles are a hazard.

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  25. April 14 2024

    LOVR is not a road that should see much pedestrian or bike traffic. It is too dangerous, and there are plenty of other areas/roads to walk/bike. LOVR should be focused on serving motorized vehicles.

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