Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. December 27 2022

    would like a dedicated DG path for bikes, horses, runners, walkers from 101 to 46 physically separated from roadway [much like a bridle trail]

    Liked 4 times
  2. December 27 2022

    This is a tricky area for bikes traveling west since the bike lane runs between Vineyard going toward shopping and the freeway onramp.

    Liked 0 times
  3. December 26 2022

    agreed; when cars in the dirt lot are parked close to the intersection, they often make it hard to see oncoming eastbound traffic

    Liked 4 times
  4. December 26 2022

    Add bike lane along the entire corridor

    Liked 10 times
  5. December 26 2022

    agree; can accommodate much more traffic and assures driver slowdown without the light; works nicely at highway 46 and also in Santa Ynez/Buelton off 154.

    Liked 3 times
  6. December 25 2022

    This intersection is odd, it feels like random cars are parked on a dirt lot (adjacent) and people are walking to Trader Joes and/or hiking. It's sometimes stressful how to navigate safely.

    Liked 2 times
  7. December 23 2022

    If we brought back busses rather than just the shuttle to TES, how much less traffic might there be?

    Liked 7 times
  8. December 23 2022

    A lot of traffic through the neighborhood both before and after school. Vehicles often speeding through the neighborhood in effort to get ahead of traffic on Vineyard, disregarding that the speed limit is 25 in residential areas and there are children walking to or from school.

    Liked 5 times
  9. December 23 2022

    Shoulder and pavement conditions along Vineyard Drive are not maintained for safe bike riding. Always littered with debris, weeds, and wide road cracks.

    Liked 3 times
  10. December 23 2022

    More road signs to remind drivers and bike riders to share the road and provide 3-foot space.

    Liked 3 times
  11. December 23 2022

    This would be much better than a light. A traffic light would not look pleasing for home there, and would not solve the slow down/accelarating problem. We need a way to really remind people that this is not a highway. A light would not solve that. A circle with crosswalks is family friendly too.

    Liked 3 times
  12. December 23 2022

    Great point!! What is traffic calming? I would not like lights outside of our house but speed and safety is priority. Is traffic calming like stop signs and bumps? Thank you

    Liked 0 times
  13. December 23 2022

    The amount of cars not stopping and accelerating at high speed is so high. No crosswalk here is also very dangerous as families cross to the trail without one.

    Liked 10 times
  14. December 23 2022

    We live in this area and the noise of those motorcycles on the weekends accelerating is not pleasing. I don’t know how I feel about lights, any other solution to reduce noise, help with school traffic and allow crossing over to the other side of bethel in a safe way? Any ideas? The circle?

    Liked 1 time
  15. December 23 2022

    Dangerous cross because no formal crosswalk and many families, including us use it daily.

    Liked 5 times
  16. December 22 2022

    Street light needed at Hopkins and at 1730 Vineyard, There should be a third center lane for left hand turns between the freeway and Bethel Rd.

    Liked 2 times
  17. December 22 2022

    A roundabout for the 101 on and off ramps + trader Joe's street would make sense

    Liked 0 times
  18. December 22 2022

    MAJOR need to slow Vineyard Dr traffic down here, as a resident on the South side of Santa Rita Rd, I have almost been rear ended multiple times while turning left onto Santa Rita due to cars behind me not wanting to slow down. They have even passed in the bike lane at a high rate of speed. I suggest a four way stop be added at Vineyard Dr and Santa Rita

    Liked 1 time
  19. December 22 2022

    An enhanced crosswalk is very much needed here. There are a lot of students trying to access the north side of Vineyard Drive from the south side especially from Meadowbrook Mobile Home Park and other residential developments. It is almost impossible during the peak school hours a.m. and p.m. to get across Vineyard, vehicle volume and speeds are prohibitive. I also second one of the other comments that said a signal is needed at this location trying to make a left hand turn is almost impossible.

    Liked 7 times
  20. December 22 2022

    What exactly is being planned for the entire corridor? So far the information is quite vague.

    Liked 6 times
  21. December 22 2022

    To ensure traffic slowdown and continue traffic movement, this is an ideal location for a traffic circle

    Liked 25 times
  22. December 22 2022

    The intersection of Vineyard and Bethel should have traffic lights, so a stop would not be required for most traffic on Vineyard (which causes extra noise and fuel consumption). This should ease the 'school commute', and reduce the number of cars detouring through the housing development. In general, a relatively small amount of traffic approaches on Bethel, so the 'green' on Vineyard could stay on for extended periods.

    Liked 2 times
  23. December 22 2022

    I agree with the previous posts. A left turn from Rossi onto Vineyard is dangerous, especially when school traffic is heavy.

    Liked 3 times
  24. December 22 2022

    Pedestrians need a sidewalk on south side of vineyard where TJ shopping center and residential properties are. Making it safer for pedestrians would reduce some of the vehicle traffic.
    Traffic controls for both rossi and bennett way are beyond necessary. I don't understand why new neighborhood builds don't trigger these discussions at time of development.

    Liked 2 times
  25. December 21 2022

    Stop letting those crazies disrupt traffic on the overpass

    Liked 5 times