Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. August 09 2023

    Crosswalk at this location is poorly marked. It should have lights similar to those highlighting crosswalks in the downtown area on LOVR.

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  2. August 09 2023

    LOVR needs to be 4 lanes from SLO City limits to Pecho Rd. Also left turn preference for cars traveling into SLO and turning left on Foothill needs to be eliminated. This only backs up traffic bad during afternoon rush hour in the area east of Foothill Blvd.

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  3. August 09 2023

    As people come around the curve of the freeway, they often slow and hit their brakes. Traffic often heavy between the North bound on ramp by Home Depot and Vineyard Rd.

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  4. August 09 2023

    North Bound off ramp 101 at 46 is often blocked with traffic backed up onto the freeway. This causes a slow down on the freeway which could lead to an accident.

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  5. August 09 2023

    This corridor needs its own protected bike lane, completly separated and protected from drivers.

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  6. August 09 2023

    The unprotected Left turn is extremely difficult as a result of the high speeds from both directions and especially because of the blind spot the grade changes. And you can forget about a left turn from here when its coastal foggy in the area.

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  7. August 09 2023

    A bike route separate from 101 between Highway 58 interchange and the Cuesta Bike trail would be a great connector between the Cuesta Ridge trails and Hwy 58 & El Camino Real.

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  8. August 09 2023

    I live at 1672 lovr. Cars are going over 45 mph at this part of the road. Without sidewalks and additional crosswalks, we feel unsafe walking our dogs or letting our 9 year old ride his bike to school or to friends homes

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  9. August 09 2023

    At this time southbound traffic in the right hand on foothill can "merge" onto westbound LOVR without stopping at the light. This is very dangerous! I see near misses frequently. The merge lane needs to go!

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  10. August 09 2023

    The crossing of 101 at Tassajara Creek Road is a concern for drivers who are not accustomed to it. Simply closing the crossing would be an extremely inconvenient solution, as the next better access to the south is Monterey St, 8 miles away. Either an overpass at Tassajara Creek Road or access to the exit for 58 would be reasonable solutions.

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  11. August 09 2023

    The north section of ECR often becomes a bypass route for US 101 when there's traffic on the freeway. Consider monitoring.

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  12. August 09 2023

    Very excited that a roundabout is being considered for this location! It will make things safer for all modes of travel, and is the least expensive option proposed. Plus, it won't be the first roundabout in North County anymore! :)

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  13. August 09 2023

    Neither this intersection nor the Theatre Dr intersection at Green Valley Rd have good bicycle detection for NB cyclists trying to turn left onto Green Valley Road. I've done it many times, and the loops just don't cut it.

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  14. August 09 2023

    Transitioning from WB SR 46 to US 101 has a lot of useful signage that makes me aware of what's up ahead.

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  15. August 09 2023

    This on ramp should be removed to reduce conflict points. The next closest on ramp is on Niblick, which is already built out so much that it can handle extra traffic. Generally, I think the whole on/off-ramp should be closed, but unsure if removing off ramp is feasible.

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  16. August 09 2023

    Needs a crosswalk and flashing light at Rodman and Pecho. Cars travelling too fast to cross safely as a walker.

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  17. August 09 2023

    Suggest reducing the speed limit from Monarch Elementary to at least the corner of Rodman. Travelers are in a hurry to get to MDO. There are kids, walkers, bicyclists, and horses trying to use the area too.

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  18. August 09 2023

    Interchange has a lot of closely spaced unsignalized intersections, and visibility is poor especially on US 101 SB off ramp. Suggest either signalization (similar to US 101/Las Tablas interchange) or even a peanut roundabout to reduce conflict points, slow speeds, and increase safety.

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  19. August 09 2023

    Currently, there is no safe, direct path of travel for bicyclists between Templeton and Atascadero. When living in Templeton, I would have made the bike down to A-town so much if there were a way to get there that didn't involve windy roads through the hills or biking on US 101. This is already identified as a high-priority link in the County's bike plan, and should remain a high priority.

    Liked 3 times
  20. August 09 2023

    Northbound traffic is usually backed up for several miles at the hwy 46 East ramp, sometimes as far back as the Paso Robles offramp, bringing the highway from two lanes down to one. There's also reduced visibility at the 13th Street overpass, which could lead to accidents when the traffic is backed up. A third lane is suggested after the overpass, to ease congestion of the already two lanes and allow traffic to get over for the offramp without putting them in danger of the reduced visibility

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  21. August 09 2023

    This intersection is a concern due to there not being a merging lane for traffic to get up to speed to join traffic, as well as having to cross the highway to go north. The crossing should be closed and there should either be an overpass built, or a merging lane with the opportunity to merge all the way left to a turn around, with it's own merging lane to get up to speed.

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  22. August 09 2023

    This intersection is a concern due to there not being a merging lane for traffic to get up to speed to join traffic, as well as having to cross the highway to go north. The crossing should be closed and there should either be an overpass built, or a merging lane with the opportunity to merge all the way left to a turn around, with it's own merging lane to get up to speed.

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  23. August 09 2023

    Traffic comes to an abrupt slow down here, possibly sure to traffic slowing down for the "blind" corner as it goes under the overpass and drivers can not see the road ahead, as well as traffic merging from the onramp. The abrupt slow down is a concern for rear end accidents

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  24. August 09 2023

    Traffic seems to come to an abrupt slow down when the highway comes around to Las Tablas exit. I believe the exit appears to come abruptly to most drivers and in an effort to make the offramp, drivers slow down immediately and make sudden lane changes. I've noticed many accidents at this point, due to this possibly being a "blind" corner.

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  25. August 09 2023

    On the narrow, winding road into Montana de Oro, cars and bicycles share the road with no shoulder. Cars end up following the bicyclist uphill on the curvy sections (going very slow) or passing without a clear line of sight - taking chances that there is no oncoming car. All too often, it's the latter.

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