Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”
Cross walk is difficult to use to cross with children on bike to the pre-school across the street. One has to cut across Alexander to get to cross walk, which puts kids in vulnerable position from cars quickly turning off of LOVR.
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To avoid LOVR traffic lights cars often detour through Bay Oaks DR to 9th (and vice versa). At times these cars drive at excessive speeds. Once when biking to school with my children a car passed very fast and flashed over 40mph on the radar sign on Bay Oaks.
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Punish passed
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Two applications of widening Los Osos Valley Rd:
1--where possible, continue to make 3 lanes (2 one way/ 1 the other way) for those areas of higher volume traffic. (if widening...then again 2 lanes in each direction?!)2--if k-rails are not applicable, make a center medium seperated by 2 sets of double yellow lines. Not a passing lane, but giving more space between on-coming cars. (k-rails would be ideal, but additional cost, vs widening and re-configuring traffic flow)
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Pine Ave is a thorough fare. It is difficult to get out of the Pine LOVR intersection because there are other streets coming out onto LOVR above Pine, and also school traffic from Monarch and tourist traffic from MDO. A three-way stop sign would be a great idea to slow down traffic and to allow safer access to LOVR. More stops signs on LOVR would help to slow down traffic that unusually going way too fast. thanks
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Walking along Pecho Valley Road to find a safe place to cross (to and from Rodman Dr.) is very dangerous and scary, not just because cars are going too fast, but also because the road is very narrow.
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Six residents and one business are situated along Jacaranda Ln. Whenever residents or patrons make left turns, it halts NW traffic, resulting in an unsafe condition. Therefore, the consideration of a turning lane is warranted.
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A pedestrian path from the corner of Palisades to the Los Osos Library
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A protected pedestrian path from Monarch Grove Elementary to Palisades
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Los Osos Valley Road is dangerous for cycling being an unlit road having soft shoulders through the south half of town. Separating vehicular traffic from cycling would make getting around town much safer.
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From the point marked by the icon to the end of the uproad (southern) neighbor's property, is a *very* dangerous section of Pecho Valley Road. There are two driveways that have very poor visibility; mine is one of them. Vehicles coming down PV Road from MdO Park going North, are always going way too fast. Multiple times I've had very near misses coming out of my driveway. Please fix this problem!
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Constantly seeing vehicles use turn pocket as the beginning of the passing lane.
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This intersection also serves as an equestrian crossing to Montana de Oro State Park. It is an extremely dangerous crossing for pedestrians and equestrians. Cars are traveling well above the posted speed limit in both directions.
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Pedestrian Crossing at Rodman Drive is a) unmarked, b) the intersecting street invisible from the curve, c) there is no shoulder at all on the west side of Pecho Valley Road (see photo). Note that Rodman serves nearly 200 homes, while nearby Montana Way has a very nicely marked crosswalk serving half as many residents.
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Consider a bike trail that goes from Paso, San Miguel, to Bradley Rd in Monterey County. There is currently no safe way to travel long distances by bike along the 101 corridor in North County. Current bike routes either take you through shoulders of county roads or segments of the 101 highway at Camp Roberts. A separated bike trail would also benefit the increasing amount of bicyclists who use e-bikes that can travel further.
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The project to construct the overcrossing at Union Rd and SR 46E will help the City of Paso Robles remove local traffic from the highway, and connect to parallel local streets to reduce congestion on SR 46.
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Considering the unreliability of the off-ramp at Spring Street going northbound 101 from 46 East to this exit, a project to add an auxiliary lane should be evaluated. I am also concerned about the number of rear-end accidents occurring on northbound 101 at this location.
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Make a trail (walking, bike, scooter), similar to Bob jones, that connects south end of paso, to tin city in Templeton.
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If Vina Robles must be allowed to continue left-hand turns from Mill onto 46 west, please at a minimum make them pay for a flashing beacon here that shall be activated during night-time concerts warning oncoming traffic to slow down and be warned on cross traffic.
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Please prohibit left-hand turns onto 46 west after concerts at the venue. There have been far too many terrible accidents caused by people existing the venue here and oncoming cars are either going too fast or cannot slow down in time.
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Once other nearby improvements (the Golden Hill round about) are operational, please prohibit left-hand turns onto 46 west from Union.
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Please disregard earlier comment. I meant to make this comment at a different intersection.
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Once other nearby improvements (the Golden Hill round about) are operational, please prohibit left-hand turns onto 46 west from Union.
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Any lighting added to the Vineyard corridor should be that which is compliant with modern current practices for quality and proper outdoor lighting. No gimmicky, vintage "western lantern" or Edison style globe-on-a- post streetlights, please. Lighting should be Full Cutoff, Fully Shielded, 3000K or less, modern lighting with smart/on demand controls to dim light and energy use during off-peak hours or only on demand. Light distribution to roadway only and not onto adjacent properties.
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Vehicles parked along south side of Vineyard at the large dirt pull out block view for drivers trying to exit Rossi Road. Signs posted at this widely used area indicate "Parallel Parking Only", yet every single vehicle is parked perpendicular to the fence (and to Vineyard roadway) thus creating extreme obstructed view of Vineyard eastbound traffic.
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