Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. May 16 2023

    The project to construct the overcrossing at Union Rd and SR 46E will help the City of Paso Robles remove local traffic from the highway, and connect to parallel local streets to reduce congestion on SR 46.

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  2. May 16 2023

    Considering the unreliability of the off-ramp at Spring Street going northbound 101 from 46 East to this exit, a project to add an auxiliary lane should be evaluated. I am also concerned about the number of rear-end accidents occurring on northbound 101 at this location.

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  3. May 05 2023

    Make a trail (walking, bike, scooter), similar to Bob jones, that connects south end of paso, to tin city in Templeton.

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  4. May 01 2023

    If Vina Robles must be allowed to continue left-hand turns from Mill onto 46 west, please at a minimum make them pay for a flashing beacon here that shall be activated during night-time concerts warning oncoming traffic to slow down and be warned on cross traffic.

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  5. May 01 2023

    Please prohibit left-hand turns onto 46 west after concerts at the venue. There have been far too many terrible accidents caused by people existing the venue here and oncoming cars are either going too fast or cannot slow down in time.

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  6. May 01 2023

    Once other nearby improvements (the Golden Hill round about) are operational, please prohibit left-hand turns onto 46 west from Union.

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  7. May 01 2023

    Please disregard earlier comment. I meant to make this comment at a different intersection.

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  8. May 01 2023

    Once other nearby improvements (the Golden Hill round about) are operational, please prohibit left-hand turns onto 46 west from Union.

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  9. February 03 2023

    Any lighting added to the Vineyard corridor should be that which is compliant with modern current practices for quality and proper outdoor lighting. No gimmicky, vintage "western lantern" or Edison style globe-on-a- post streetlights, please. Lighting should be Full Cutoff, Fully Shielded, 3000K or less, modern lighting with smart/on demand controls to dim light and energy use during off-peak hours or only on demand. Light distribution to roadway only and not onto adjacent properties.

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  10. February 03 2023

    Vehicles parked along south side of Vineyard at the large dirt pull out block view for drivers trying to exit Rossi Road. Signs posted at this widely used area indicate "Parallel Parking Only", yet every single vehicle is parked perpendicular to the fence (and to Vineyard roadway) thus creating extreme obstructed view of Vineyard eastbound traffic.

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  11. February 03 2023

    Just a few years ago the speed limit on Vineyard Drive was 50 mph. Then, we got a minor concession from the county traffic engineers and they lowered it to 45 mph. Vineyard Drive is a RESIDENTIAL AREA! There are homes, schools, churches, bike and walking paths, and many intersecting side streets and driveways all along the Vineyard corridor. Lower the speed limit to 35 mph! Dropping the speed limit from 45 to 35 on Vineyard only adds 23 secs of driving time from Bethel Road to Highway 101.

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  12. February 01 2023

    What if a traffic light was set to only work as a light during peak hours, school times, and it was set as a stop sign the remainder of the time?

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  13. February 01 2023

    This area has very limited pedestrian access. Sidewalks along Main Street connecting to vineyard would allow students a safe way to walk to school.

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  14. January 30 2023

    The oleanders on Vineyard westbound side east of Santa Rita Road need to be cut back to the property owner's fence. Even though some trimming had been done in 2022, there is still an impaired sight line when turning left onto Vineyard from southbound Santa Rita.
    As well the intersection could stand to be widened. It is a tight right turn onto Santa Rita from westbound Vineyard. Many drivers hit the raised curb a few feet in from the corner. Perhaps develop more of a turn lane.

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  15. January 30 2023

    Lengthen right turn lane on Vineyard east for vehicles turning onto Main toward THS

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  16. January 30 2023

    Auxiliary lane on Hwy101S connecting Las Tablas and Vineyard. The current plan suggests a frontage road, but it is not economically feasible because of the cost to cross Toad Creek.

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  17. January 27 2023

    Probably outside the scope of this project but is it possible to extend Bennett Way or Rossi or Main Street so they would connect from Las Tablas to Atascadero. I would be happy to avoid the Vineyard 101 interchange.

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  18. January 24 2023

    Need more people hanging flags

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  19. January 23 2023

    agree 100%. Bus schedules would ease traffic tremendously!

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  20. January 20 2023

    Why the hell did anyone allow Trader Joe’s into this peaceful little community??? Because of money. That’s why. This ridiculous “shopping mall” off vineyard is a disaster and sad degradation to our community. The commercial aspect that was allowed into templeton has ruined my peace. It is a nightmare to go into that part of vineyard because nobody coming onto vineyard from TJs stops at the stop. The number of near misses just trying to go into templeton downtown is too numerous to count. WTF

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  21. January 20 2023

    My lively neighbor has become a danger zone when it comes to driving onto vineyard road. The intersection at santa Rita is a disaster waiting to happen. Coming from santa Rita on the south of vineyard and attempting a right turn is taking. Your life and your families life into your own hands daily. Forget ever even trying going. Straight or , heaven forbid, making a left to go to the coast. This “corridor” is actually the 45 mile an hour access to the freeway. We who live here are screwed!!!

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  22. January 20 2023

    Living off of Bennett Way and trying to access the south 101 entrance is a nightmare and a severe safety hazard. Nobody stops at the actual stop line on Rossi, as drivers have to inch out to Vineyard to see the oncoming traffic. A driver attempting to access south 101 has to be aware of both left and right-hand turning vehicles who are now blocking the access to the 101 south on-ramp. Additional development in this area will only exacerbate the safety of drivers.

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  23. January 17 2023

    Lower the speed limit to 30.

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  24. January 17 2023

    Bring back the bus service from Vineyard elementary. That would knock out the traffic jams every morning and evening when families have to drop off or pick up thier children. This would also address the issue of people cutting through the vineyard development to avoid the traffic on Vineyard drive.

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  25. January 17 2023

    Lower the speed limit. Many cars stop at bethel and vineyard and then floor it to 50 mph daily.

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