Comments for “11th Street Bikeway”

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  1. November 15 2018

    I ride a bike here every day. It's rare that vehicle traffic stops for bikes waiting to cross Fort Street in either direction. Pedestrians get more respect but traffic often doesn't stop for them either. A blinking light for crossing like on River Street near the Library might be enough. Another full stop light seems maybe too much but something should be done to stop traffic for bikes. It can also be very hard to see around parked cars/trucks to see oncoming traffic.

  2. November 15 2018

    The Pioneer Pathway is such a pleasure to ride! Beautiful surfaces, landscaping, gentle angles, accessibility to community resources. However, it is awkward to transition from 11th Street onto the pathway, and vice versa. For example, how should northbound cyclists navigate the crosswalks and traffic and Myrtle and 11th? Should we dismount to cross to the east side of the street, then mount and use the bike lane? Or simply ride out into the intersection and take our place in the northbound lane? What if cars are waiting at the intersection, waiting to travel north across Myrtle? Do we ride in front of them or behind them while they're stopped? I'd like to see signage that guides northbound cyclists to leave the Pioneer Pathway at Miller, then make a left onto 11th. For southbound travel along a 11th, I would like to see lots of signage and wide curb cuts to gently guide cyclists from the street onto the pathway without having to make tight turns onto the sidewalk at the entrance to the pathway (the tight turns seem to confuse motorists; it looks like the cyclists are making a move to ride west along Myrtle, against traffic).

  3. November 15 2018

    The turn from 11th St to Pioneer Pathway and back to 11th from the pathway is strange and not very bike friendly. I'm not sure how to redesign it but it needs some better markings or sidewalk cuts.

  4. November 15 2018

    I bike this route every day. The biggest problem is getting through the sports/high school/playground. It may be unpopular with the few kids/day care people/parents who use the playground but there needs to be a bike pathway right between the school and the sports field. Then we'd have a great, safe way around the school. Most of the trees could remain.

  5. November 15 2018

    Having the YMCA along the bikeway would be fantastic! I would propose working with the Y to locate the bicycle racks in a place where bicycles can access them while making predictable movements in the parking lot. At the moment, I find myself needing to ride against traffic or riding up on sidewalks to access the bike racks north of the Y entrance. The traffic pattern in and around the parking lot causes a lot of slow-downs and general confusion among all users. I see a lot of potential for collisions.

  6. November 15 2018

    I would propose stop signs along Washington Street to allow bicyclists safe passage and transition from the Boise High campus back onto the streets. There is a fair amount of confusion among different street users here with traffic from the high school and the YMCA. Traveling south by bike, near Washington Street on the Boise High campus, there is an awkward curb cut that encourages cyclists to winds around a fence and onto the street with little visibility and zero street signage that alerts motorists to the presence of cyclists merging onto the roadway.

  7. November 15 2018

    Several factors make travel through the Boise High campus unnecessarily cumbersome, including moving vehicles in the parking lot, uneven surfaces in the parking lot, fencing that restricts movement and visibility, uneven and tall curb cuts, storage sheds, and unseparated pedestrian traffic. I would propose a wide, smooth, unimpeded pathway between Franklin and Washington.

  8. November 15 2018

    Crossing Fort Street is sometimes risky. Parked cars along Fort make it difficult for bicyclists and motorists to see each other. Some drivers stop to allow bikes to cross, which causes confusion, especially if cars only stop in one direction/lane. I would propose a traffic control light that's clearly marked for use by pedestrians and bicyclists. Ideally, with unlimited funds, I would love a bike tunnel to run under Fort!

  9. November 15 2018

    the path ends and you are faced with roaring traffic coming off the connector. seems like a confusing situation for less experienced cyclists. had many close calls here with cars.

  10. November 15 2018

    Parking is critical particularly in this block because of high use by residences. As I stated before there are 21 apartment units on Franklin st. Between 10th &11th that use this plus all the church activity throughout the day and the businesses in the Bush Mansion at the corner of 11th and Franklin St.

  11. November 15 2018

    Busy at Front and Myrtle and the connection is not biker friendly/safe. It seems disjointed and almost like you have to cross the street (like Frogger)

  12. November 15 2018

    Obstruction by fences and rough concrete in and around Boise High, including curbs.

  13. November 15 2018

    11th and Fort and 11th and Hays are both busy intersections. How will this be better controlled or monitored for speed?

  14. November 15 2018

    To make this route more useful, take it across River at this point, buy some ROW or get an easement to cross direct to the Greenbelt. The Pioneer Pathway is a poor second choice.
    How are you crossing Boise High? Around to the old 10th St would work, but most people will cut thru straight.
    New light on Fort? Otherwise, mixing fast traffic, limited visibility and bikes.

  15. November 15 2018

    Throughout the grid, the feeling of safety due to low traffic flow makes biking pleasant, but the alternating stop signs create disruption. The low traffic also makes it likely that I roll through these stop signs, which I acknowledge is dangerous. Could some of these be switched to stop perpendicular traffic along the bikeway?

  16. November 15 2018

    Not smooth to cross Fort St.

  17. November 15 2018

    I worry that 11th St is not very wide and with cars parked on both sides, where will the bike lane go? I will not ride on the 15th St bike lane as I am worried about a car door opening into me. When I ride in the North End I usually ride down the middle of a quiet street.

  18. November 15 2018

    Difficult for cars to see bikers and walkers at this intersection

  19. November 15 2018

    Cars coming off Connector turning onto 11th driving too quickly to react to bikers and peds.

  20. November 15 2018

    Cars turning out of the Panera and parking garage or opposite side, Simplot parking, aren’t looking down traffic from their turn. Very unsafe for pedestrians and bikers.

  21. November 15 2018

    Cars turning on the Myrtle or Front are only looking towards the direction of the traffic creating very difficult crossing if you’re on a bike down traffic from the turning car.

  22. November 14 2018

    This area is always a concern when I am walking or riding to/from the Greenbelt into downtown on 11th. Traffic congestion is terrible in this area in the mornings and late afternoons (especially weekdays), and drivers are always anxious to turn or get around other cars when possible.

  23. November 14 2018

    There needs to be improved crossings at Front and Myrtle. Wait times are quite long

  24. November 14 2018

    This seems like a dangerous intersection

  25. November 14 2018

    Lots of YMCA traffic as this parking lot gets super full