Comments for “11th Street Bikeway”

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  1. November 13 2018

    Used to be a path directly to bridge over river..

  2. November 13 2018

    Ofarrell street is a total disaster, and the city needs to install several speed bumps before someone get killed. Speed bumps would (1) keep commuters on Fort Street instead of cutting through Ofarrell, and (2) reduce the speed of travel. The stop signs installed back in/around 2004 did NOT accomplish this task. ACHD needs to act NOW before tragedy strikes.

  3. November 13 2018

    i worry about this traffic with my teens.

  4. November 13 2018

    where is this? even not seen it from the greenbelt.

  5. November 13 2018

    What will you do about the high school limiting visibility and width of the through way?

  6. November 13 2018

    This seems unsafe for students, allowing the public access right into the school grounds.

  7. November 13 2018

    No clear path to the Greenbelt. I go East to Boise State.

  8. November 13 2018

    No clear path through Boise HIgh

  9. November 13 2018

    Difficult to market an 11th St bikeway here for Alturas to Brumback when Hyde Park is two blocks to the west.

  10. November 13 2018

    Difficult connection from Pioneer Pathway to 11th St.

  11. November 13 2018

    Again, another featured bikeway on The Bench that could be connected to the Cassia bikeway and on to the 11th St bikeway

  12. November 13 2018

    I know there's other involved bikeways up on the bench and It would be great to involve everyone.

  13. November 13 2018

    If this bike-way was created to smoothly move bicycle traffic through the most intense parts of downtown traffic with some form of buffer or slowed traffic to ensure bicycle safety on the 11th street route, I'd be daily commuting down 11th to get to the greenbelt as a norm. My current path requires a zig zag pattern just to stay in a comfortable pathway and about doubles my distance to commute for work. I know I am not alone, most tend to use 8th as a cross traffic thoroughfare to the greenbelt from downtown as a more pedestrian friendly road. However, even that has shown to cause some conflict between commercial product vendors and limited parking as well as pedestrian frustration with bicyclist traffic in walking zones of 8th. It also shuts down for alive after 5, and for many other events throughout the year, so in all ways, this 11th street bicycle development would be such a great step forward for public safety, access, livability, etc. I am excited by the idea!

  14. November 13 2018

    Somehow making this area more easy to bike through would greatly benefit the project. Currently, it feels like anyone entering this area is trespassing on school grounds. The school does not seem to do anything to create this feeling, and I've only experienced positive things when walking through this zone, but the lack of open and inviting lanes or wider sidewalks in this space gives that effect, particularly for biking. A clear easement here that demonstrates public access would rectify this situation, although school safety and whatever protecting factors are required for student safety should also be prioritized as the plan cuts right through a public school campus.

  15. November 13 2018

    Whenever I have biked the Pioneer Pathway, I've enjoyed the safety and feeling of space all the way up until this point. Then, it seems the options for bicycles dissipate at the off-ramp to the connector and heavy traffic picks up right there on Myrtle all the way East and West, making the bicycle options either remote or nonexistent unless you want to risk safety alongside intense motorist activity with many motorists prioritizing their traffic congestion needs and timing to get through the space. Some ability to buffer cyclist lanes here would result in much more use of this thoroughfare. I typically avoid it all together and try and get onto 8th street from the Greenbelt, it's farther by far, but safer by far as well, which I'll always choose over high motorist traffic and the chance of collision.

  16. November 12 2018

    crossing hays can be dangerous with cars traveling too fast along Hays and parked cars blocking views

  17. November 12 2018

    safe crossing- concern with cars traveling too fast on Hays and Fort and cars parked on street block view.

  18. November 12 2018

    I'm really excited for this bit!

  19. November 12 2018

    This is my favorite biking intersection in Boise right now. Efficient, helpful, and safe.

  20. November 12 2018

    General Comment: This tool is amazing and I hope I'm not considered a terrible person for leaving more general feedback here. I think this is a great way for people to turn their daily rides, with their positives and negatives, into a more cohesive biking *network*. You guys rock. I reallyreallyreally hope you read my other comments!

  21. November 12 2018

    Crossing Americana to go up the hill means either waiting forever at the light or just booking it across when you think you can make it. Would it make sense to have an greenbelt off-ramp on the west side of Americana?

  22. November 12 2018

    While I'm at it, this mixer area is super unsafe feeling

  23. November 12 2018

    This light takes forever to turn once you hit the button. People usually end up jaywalking. And when people do stop, you, as a pedestrian, have no idea if they're stopping because of the light(you can't see it from the sidewalk), or if they're just being nice.

  24. November 12 2018

    This intersection is very unsafe for pedestrians. People try to right turn on red and they only look up towards the freeway, not at the crosswalk or the light. Then they end up turning after the crosswalk light turns on and almost creaming folks in the crosswalk.
    Left turns heading south on 11th aren't much better at identifying pedestrians in the crosswalk.

  25. November 12 2018

    Difficult to cross Fort Street here on a bike.