Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. July 08 2024

    No crosswalk near assisted living facility

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  2. July 08 2024

    Chorro St between downtown and foothill blvd has a speed limit of 25mph but traffic typically moves at a much higher speed. There are very few posted speed limit signs and some are obscured by vegetation. This poses a potential hazard for pedestrians

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  3. July 08 2024

    Propose pedestarian/bike bridge over the railroad tracks to Industarial Way never built

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  4. July 08 2024

    2 lanes of cars speeding downhill on Grand, + 3 offset cross streets, + left/right turns onto the freeway onramp, hilly, PLUS bikes, pedestrians, & preschool driveway--scary conflicts among all modes here daily, esp. ped/bike (I'm a preschool parent)

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  5. July 08 2024

    pedestrians and cyclist difficult to see at round-a-bouts on Tank Farm Road. trafic does not slow enough to allow safe entry of either into or across round-a-bout. Car drivers more concerned with car traffic at entering circle

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  6. July 08 2024

    limited vision ofpedestrians and autos not slowing at traffic circles on Tank Farm Road. Traffic never stops so pedestrians reluctant to cross into park. Pesestrian activated warning signal to traffic needed?

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  7. July 08 2024

    Have observed several instance of people crossing at this location. Walking to Broad to cross the street is too far out of the way--can this be a marked crossing?

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  8. July 08 2024

    Pedestrians crossing the road without crosswalk where cars drive fast

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  9. July 08 2024

    Needs better lighting. Unsafe to cross at all times, especially at night when it is hard to see pedestrians. Crosswalk needed between the SLO Apartment Complex and Rite Aid Parking Lot.

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  10. July 08 2024

    Unsafe crossing for cyclists and pedestrians. Very busy.

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  11. July 08 2024

    There is a stretch of Orcutt Rd that does not have a sidewalk and it's dangerous for pedestrians who are walking from Orcutt to Johnson or coming in the other direction. That three-way stop also needs some kind of crosswalk for pedestrians.

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  12. July 08 2024

    I often cross this intersection using an unmarked crosswalk b/c the sidewalk is not complete along Chorro close to Meinecke. A marked crosswalk would be nice here.

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  13. July 08 2024

    Drivers are often blocking the crosswalk trying the make a right hand turn from Murray to south bound Santa Rosa. Feels dangerous as a pedestrian using this crosswalk. Please put a no turn on red sign here.

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  14. July 08 2024

    The intersection of osos, Santa Barbara, and leff st. has been a pedestrian nightmare for years. I've witnessed multiple vehicle collisions and close calls first hand. All this in a very commonly traveled pedestrian corridor. Hot crossing needed!

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  15. July 08 2024

    Cars SPEED down Sacramento. North half is residential. Two young people and their dog killed 11/22 by a speeder

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  16. July 08 2024

    Actually for both driving and pedestrian. Cars speed along Madonna while there are many pedestrians and cars crossing Oceanaire to take children to Smith Elementary School or to turn onto Madonna.

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  17. July 08 2024

    People run red lights often on Orcutt in both directions. People love to speed on this road and its so dangerous. More businesses, more pedestrians. I'm fearful.

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  18. July 08 2024

    Fast turning vehicles

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  19. July 08 2024

    Drivers in cars do not stop for pedestrians at Hawk signal

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  20. July 08 2024

    Difficulty for seniors and restricted-mobility pedestrians finding convenient parking and easy access, especially in downtown SLO

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  21. July 08 2024

    Need pedestrian crosswalk across Monterey on Toro

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  22. July 08 2024

    Marsh x Carmel - south side. Travelling N on Carmel, crossing Marsh, on foot or car, the parked cars next to bike lane obstruct the view of oncoming Marsh traffic. Eliminate those two parking spots. Or add a stop light.

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  23. July 08 2024

    Pedestrian crossing at all of these stop lights is difficult as drivers always run the red light.

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  24. July 08 2024

    Intersection of Tank Farm and Poinsettia is very scary for pedestrians. There is a crosswalk with overhead flashing lights but many drivers are distracted or intentionally inconsiderate to pedestrians trying to cross street

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  25. July 08 2024

    This intersection and Augusta and Laurel could use a pedestrian warning light and sign to provide a more visible alert for crossing pedestrians in the crosswalks

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